Changes between Version 167 and Version 168 of CMDI 1.2/Specification

04/01/16 08:18:04 (8 years ago)
Twan Goosen

Transferred changes in 'Structure of CMDI files' section from wiki


  • CMDI 1.2/Specification

    v167 v168  
    214214{TODO: finish and embed UML diagram ([ working version], [ PDF snapshot])}
     215{TODO: add caption to diagram, make clear that it serves to illustrate the document structure but that the full constraints are in the table}
    216217A CMDI file contains the actual metadata of one specific resource (hereafter referred to as the ''described resource''),  and might also be referred to as a ''CMD record'' or ''CMD instance''. All CMDI files have the same structure at the top level. At a lower level, parts of its structure  are defined by the CMD profile upon which it is based.
    218219A CMDI file has the root element `<cmd:CMD>` with 4 sub-elements:
    219220||||||=Name=||=Value type=||=Occurrences=||=Description=||
    220 ||||||`<cmd:CMD>`||`xs:complexType`||1||The root element of the CMDI file||
     221||||||`<cmd:CMD>`||`xs:complexType`|| ||The root element of the CMDI file||
    221222|| ||||`@CMDVersion`||`xs:String` ("1.2")||1||Denotes the CMDI version on which this CMDI file is based||
    222223|| ||||`<cmd:Header>`||`xs:complexType`||1||Encapsulates core administrative data about the CMDI file||
    225226|| || ||`<cmd:JournalFileProxyList>`||`xs:complexType`||1||A list of `<cmd:JournalFileProxy>` elements, each referencing a file (“journal file”) containing provenance information about the described resource||
    226227|| || ||`<cmd:ResourceRelationList>`||`xs:complexType`||1||A list of `<cmd:ResourceRelation>` elements, each representing a relationship between 2 resource files (as listed in the `<cmd:ResourceProxyList>`)||
    227 || ||||`<cmd:IsPartOfList>`||`xs:complexType`||1||A list of `<cmd:IsPartOf>` elements, each referencing a larger external resource of which the described resource (as a whole) forms a part||
     228|| ||||`<cmd:IsPartOfList>`||`xs:complexType`||0 or 1||A list of `<cmd:IsPartOf>` elements, each referencing a larger external resource of which the described resource (as a whole) forms a part||
    228229|| ||||`<cmd:Components>`||`xs:complexType`||1||This element corresponds to – and is in turn structured according to - the `<cmdp:{CMDProfile}>` applied. Here the descriptive metadata of the resource are found.||
    271272||||=Name=||=Value type=||=Occurrences=||=Description=||
    272 ||||`<cmd:Header>`||`xs:complexType`||1||Encapsulates core administrative data about the CMDI file||
     273||||`<cmd:Header>`||`xs:complexType`|| ||Encapsulates core administrative data about the CMDI file||
    273274|| ||`<cmd:MdCreator>`||`xs:string`||0 to unbounded||Denotes the creator of this metadata file||
    274275|| ||`<cmd:MdCreationDate>`||`xs:date`||0 or 1||The date this metadata file was created||
    275276|| ||`<cmd:MdSelfLink>`||`xs:anyURI`||0 or 1||A reference to this metadata file in its home repository, in the form of a PID (`RECOMMENDED`) or a URL ||
    276 || ||`<cmd:MdProfile>`||`xs:anyURI`||1||The CMDI profile  upon which this metadata file is based, given by its identifier in the Component Registry, e.g.||
     277|| ||`<cmd:MdProfile>`||`xs:anyURI`||1||The CMDI profile  upon which this metadata file is based, given by its identifier in a Component Registry, e.g. ``||
    277278|| ||`<cmd:MdCollectionDisplayName>`||`xs:string`||0 or 1||The collection to which the described resource belongs, given as a human-readable name. Exploitation tools can use this name to present metadata collections.||
    303304||||||||=Name=||=Value type=||=Occurrences=||=Description=||
    304 ||||||||`<cmd:ResourceProxyList>` ||`xs:complexType`||1||Contains a list of resource proxies (see below)||
     305||||||||`<cmd:ResourceProxyList>` ||`xs:complexType`|| ||Contains a list of resource proxies (see below)||
    305306|| ||||||`<cmd:ResourceProxy>` ||`xs:complexType`||0 to unbounded||Represents a file which is a part of or closely related to the described resource||
    306307|| || ||||`@id`||`xs:ID`||1||Local identifier for the parent `<cmd:ResourceProxy>`, unique within this CMDI file||
    315316||||||=Name=||=Value type=||=Occurrences=||=Description=||
    316 ||||||`<cmd:JournalFileProxyList>` ||`xs:complexType`||1||Contains a list of journal file proxies (see below)||
     317||||||`<cmd:JournalFileProxyList>` ||`xs:complexType`|| ||Contains a list of journal file proxies (see below)||
    317318|| ||||`<cmd:JournalFileProxy>` ||`xs:complexType`||0 to unbounded||Represents a file containing provenance information about the described resource||
    318319|| || ||`<cmd:JournalFileRef>`||`xs:anyURI`||1||A reference to  the file represented by this `<cmd:JournalFileProxy>`, in the form of a PID (`RECOMMENDED`) or a URL||
    323324||||||||||=Name=||=Value type=||=Occurrences=||=Description=||
    324 ||||||||||`<cmd:ResourceRelationList>`||`xs:complexType`||1||Contains a list of resource relations (see below)||
     325||||||||||`<cmd:ResourceRelationList>`||`xs:complexType`|| ||Contains a list of resource relations (see below)||
    325326|| ||||||||`<cmd:ResourceRelation>`||`xs:complexType`||0 to unbounded||A representation of a relation between 2 resource proxies listed in `<cmd:ResourceProxyList>`||
    326327|| || ||||||`<cmd:RelationType>`||`xs:string`||1||The type of the relation represented by its parent `<cmd:ResourceRelation>`||
    369370||||=Name=||=Value type=||=Occurrences=||=Description=||
    370 ||||`<cmd:IsPartOfList>` ||`xs:complexType`||0 or 1||Contains a list of `<cmd:IsPartOf>`(see below)||
     371||||`<cmd:IsPartOfList>` ||`xs:complexType`|| ||Contains a list of `<cmd:IsPartOf>` (see below)||
    371372|| ||`<cmd:IsPartOf>` ||`xs:anyURI`||0 to unbounded||A reference to an external resource of which the described resource is a part, in the form of a PID (`RECOMMENDED`) or a URL||
    382383==      The components ==
    383 This part of the CMDI file forms what may be referred to as descriptive metadata about the described resource.  Both  content and structure are completely defined by the CMD Profile  referenced by the XML element`<cmd:MdProfile>` in `<cmd:Header>`.
     384This part of the CMDI file forms what may be referred to as descriptive metadata about the described resource.  Both  content and structure are completely defined by the CMD Profile  referenced by the XML element `<cmd:MdProfile>` in `<cmd:Header>`.
    385386||||||||=Name=||=Value type=||=Occurrences=||=Description=||
    386 ||||||||`<cmd:Components>` ||`xs:complexType`||1||Container for the CMD instance payload||
     387||||||||`<cmd:Components>` ||`xs:complexType`|| ||Container for the CMD instance payload||
    387388|| ||||||`<cmdp:{CMDProfile}>` ||`xs:complexType`||1||The XML element housing all the metadata about the described resource, complying with the CMD profile schema identified in the `<cmd:MdProfile>` element in the CMD instance header.  ||
    388389|| || ||||`@cmd:ref`||`xs:IDREF`||0 or 1||Reference to a `<cmd:ResourceProxy>` with id=ref, to which this substructure specifically applies||
    389390|| || ||||`@{CMDAttribute}*`||As specified in the CMD profile||As specified in the CMD profile||Custom attribute, defined as an allowed or mandatory child in a component specification||
    390391|| || ||||`<cmdp:{CMDElement}>*`||As specified in the CMD profile||As specified in the CMD profile||Atomic piece of information about the described resource||
    391 || || || ||`@xml:lang`||`xs:string`||0 or 1||Indicates the language of the `<cmdp:{CMDElement}>` content, by a 2 letter language tag from ISO 639||
    392 || || || ||`@cmd:ref`||`xs:IDREF`||0 or 1||Reference to a `<cmd:ResourceProxy>` with id=ref, to which this substructure specifically applies||
     392|| || || ||`@xml:lang`||`xs:string`||0 or 1||Indicates the language of the `<cmdp:{CMDElement}>` content by a language tag||
     393|| || || ||`@cmd:ref`||`xs:IDREF`||0 or 1||Reference to a `<cmd:ResourceProxy>` with `@id` equal to  the value of this attribute, to which this substructure specifically applies||
    393394|| || || ||`@cmd:ValueConceptLink`||`xs:anyURI`||0 or 1||Reference to a concept in an external vocabulary. Used in case the value `<cmdp:{CMDElement}>` is selected from a controlled vocabulary||
    394395|| || || ||`@{CMDAttribute}*`||As specified in the CMD profile||As specified in the CMD profile||Custom attribute, defined as an allowed or mandatory child in a component specification||
    395396|| || ||||`<cmdp:{CMDComponent}>*`||`xs:complexType`||As specified in the CMD profile||A chunk of information about the described resource, composed of CMD Elements and other CMD Components|| 
    396 || || || ||`@cmd:ComponentId`||`xs:anyURI`||0 or 1||Reference to the CMD specification of `<cmdp:{CMDComponent}>` in a Component Registry. ||
    397 || || || ||`@cmd:ref`||`xs:IDREF`||0 or 1||Reference to a `<cmd:ResourceProxy>` with id=ref, to which this substructure specifically applies||
     397|| || || ||`@cmd:ComponentId`||`xs:anyURI`||0 or 1||Identifier of the CMD specification of `<cmdp:{CMDComponent}>` in a CMD Component Registry||
     398|| || || ||`@cmd:ref`||`xs:IDREF`||0 or 1||Reference to a `<cmd:ResourceProxy>` with `@id` equal to the value if this attribute, to which this substructure specifically applies.||
    398399|| || || ||`@{CMDAttribute}*`||As specified in the CMD profile||As specified in the CMD profile||Custom attribute, defined as an allowed or mandatory child in a component specification||
    399400|| || || ||`<cmdp:{CMDElement}>*`||As specified in the CMD profile||As specified in the CMD profile||{TODO}||