Changes between Version 169 and Version 170 of CMDI 1.2/Specification

04/01/16 09:46:39 (8 years ago)
Twan Goosen

Transferred changes in 'Transformation of CCSL...' section and bibliography from wiki


  • CMDI 1.2/Specification

    v169 v170  
    1616Many researchers, from the humanities and other domains, have a strong need to study resources in close detail. Nowadays more and more of these resources are available online. To be able to find these resources, they are described with metadata. These metadata records are collected and made available via central catalogues. Often, resource providers want to include specific properties of a resource in their metadata. The purpose of catalogues tends to be more generic and address a broader target audience. It is hard to strike the balance between these two ends of the spectrum with one metadata schema, and mismatches can negatively impact the quality of metadata provided. The goal of the Component Metadata Infrastructure (CMDI) is to provide a flexible mechanism to build resource specific metadata schemas out of shared components and semantics (Broeder ''et al'', [#REF_Broeder_2010 2010] and [#REF_Broeder_2012 2012]).
    18 In CMDI the metadata lifecycle starts with the need of a metadata modeller to create a dedicated metadata profile for a specific type of resources. The modeller can browse and search a registry for components and profiles that are suitable or come close to meet her requirements. A component groups together metadata elements that belong together and can potentially be reused in a different context. Components can also group other components. A Component Registry, e.g. the [[CLARIN Component Registry]], might already contain any number of  components. These can be reused as they are or be adapted by modifying, adding or removing some metadata elements and/or components. Also completely new components can be created to model the unique aspects of the resources under consideration. All the needed components are combined into one profile specific for the type of resources. Components, elements and values in such a profile are linked to a semantic description - a concept - to make their meaning explicit (Durco ''et al'', [#REF_Durco_2013 2013]). These semantic descriptions can be stored in a semantic registry, e.g. the [#REF_CCR CLARIN Concept Registry]. In the end metadata creators can create records for specific resources that comply with the profile relevant for the resource type, and these records can be provided to local and global catalogues (Van Uytvanck ''et al'', [#REF_Uytvanck_2012 2012]).
     18In CMDI the metadata lifecycle starts with the need of a metadata modeller to create a dedicated metadata profile for a specific type of resources. The modeller can browse and search a registry for components and profiles that are suitable or come close to meet her requirements. A component groups together metadata elements that belong together and can potentially be reused in a different context. Components can also group other components. A Component Registry, e.g. the [#REF_COMP_REG CLARIN Component Registry], might already contain any number of  components. These can be reused as they are or be adapted by modifying, adding or removing some metadata elements and/or components. Also completely new components can be created to model the unique aspects of the resources under consideration. All the needed components are combined into one profile specific for the type of resources. Components, elements and values in such a profile are linked to a semantic description - a concept - to make their meaning explicit (Durco ''et al'', [#REF_Durco_2013 2013]). These semantic descriptions can be stored in a semantic registry, e.g. the [#REF_CCR CLARIN Concept Registry]. In the end metadata creators can create records for specific resources that comply with the profile relevant for the resource type, and these records can be provided to local and global catalogues (Van Uytvanck ''et al'', [#REF_Uytvanck_2012 2012]).
    2020=== History ===
    680680The CMD profile schema `SHOULD` include, as a matter of annotation, a copy of (a subset of) the information contained in the `Header` section of the CMD profile from which it is derived.
    682 The transformation `MAY` make use of embedded component identifiers in the CMD component definition to derive (complex) types that can be reused throughout the schema definition.
    684 The schema `MUST` declare a profile specific payload namespace in addition to the fixed, global namespaces that are used (in particular `cmd` and `cue`). This namespace, with `RECOMMENDED` prefix `cmdp`, `MUST` have the following format: `{profileId}`, where `{profileId}` refers to the identifier of the profile from which the schema is derived in the Component Registry. All XML elements and XML attributes derived from CMD components, CMD elements and CMD attributes `MUST` be declared in this namespace.
     682The transformation `MAY` make use of component references in the CMD component definition to derive (complex) types that can be reused throughout the schema definition.
     684The schema `MUST` declare a profile specific payload namespace in addition to the fixed, global namespaces that are used (in particular `cmd` and `cue`). This namespace, with `RECOMMENDED` prefix `cmdp`, `MUST` have the following format: `{profileId}`, where `{profileId}` refers to the identifier of the profile from which the schema is derived in a Component Registry. All XML elements and XML attributes derived from CMD components, CMD elements `MUST` be qualified and declared in this namespace. XML attributes derived from CMD attributes follow the convention that unprefixed attributes belong to their elements, which do belong to the profile specific payload namespace.
    686686== Interpretation of CMD component definitions in the CCSL ==
    750750== Content model for CMD elements and CMD attributes in the schema definition ==
    751 If a CMD element or CMD attribute in the CCSL has a `@ValueScheme` XML attribute, its value `MUST` be interpreted as the name of the XML Schema Datatype (declared in the `@type` attribute of the XML element or attribute declaration in XML Schema) that defines the allowed value range of the XML element/attribute derived from the CMD element/attribute.
    753 '''Otherwise''', if a CMD element or CMD attribute in the CCSL has a descendant XML element `<ValueScheme>` that contains  an XML element `<pattern>`, then its text value `MUST` be interpreted as the XML Schema Regular Expressions that defines the allowed value range of the XML element/attribute derived from this CMD element/attribute.
    755 '''Otherwise''', if a CMD element or CMD attribute in the CCSL has a descendant XML element `<ValueScheme>` that contains an XML element `<Vocabulary>`:
    756  * The XML attribute `@URI` of the XML element  `<Vocabulary>`, if present, `SHOULD` be transformed into an attribute `cmd:Vocabulary` of the same value on the XML element or attribute declaration in the schema.
     751If a CMD element or CMD attribute in the CCSL has a `@ValueScheme` XML attribute, its value `MUST` be interpreted as the name of the XML Schema datatype (declared in the `@type` attribute of the XML element or attribute declaration in XML Schema) that defines the allowed value range of the XML element/attribute derived from the CMD element/attribute.
     753''Otherwise'', if a CMD element or CMD attribute in the CCSL has a descendant XML element `<ValueScheme>` that contains  an XML element `<pattern>`, then its text value `MUST` be interpreted as the XML Schema Regular Expressions that defines the allowed value range of the XML element/attribute derived from this CMD element/attribute.
     755''Otherwise'', if a CMD element or CMD attribute in the CCSL has a descendant XML element `<ValueScheme>` that contains an XML element `<Vocabulary>`:
     756 * The XML attribute `@URI` of the XML element  `<Vocabulary>`, if present, `SHOULD` be transformed into an attribute `cmd:Vocabulary` of the same value on the XML element or attribute declaration in the schema. The XML element declaration should always allow a `@cmd:ValueConceptLink` to retain a link to a specific vocabulary entry.
    757757 * The XML attributes `@ValueProperty` and `@ValueLanguage` of the XML element `<Vocabulary>` `SHOULD` be transformed into XML attributes in the `cmd` namespace on the XML element declaration in the case of a CMD element or XML attribute declaration in the case of a CMD attribute.
    758758 * The XML elements `<item>` that are descendants of `<enumeration>` contained in `<Vocabulary>` `MUST` be transformed into an enumeration based restriction with values taken from the text content of the `<item>` XML elements. Each enumeration item in the schema `SHOULD` be annotated the value from the XML attribute `@ConceptLink` by means of an XML attribute `@cmd:ConceptLink` and the value of the XML attribute `@AppInfo` by means of an attribute `@cmd:label`.
    760 '''Note:''' the attributes `@cmd:Vocabulary`, `@cmd:ValueProperty`, `@cmd:ValueLanguage` and `@cmd:ConceptLink` should be present in the schema, not be declared as attributes allowed in the CMD instance.
     760=== Notes ===
     761The attributes `@cmd:Vocabulary`, `@cmd:ValueProperty`, `@cmd:ValueLanguage` and `@cmd:ConceptLink` should be present in the schema, not be declared as attributes allowed in the CMD instance.
    762763= Appendices =
    773774 Broeder ''et al'', 2012[=#REF_Broeder_2012]::
    774775     D. Broeder, M. Windhouwer, D. van Uytvanck, T. Goosen, T. Trippel. [ CMDI: a Component Metadata Infrastructure]. In the ''Proceedings of the [ Metadata 2012 Workshop] on Describing Language Resources with Metadata: Towards Flexibility and Interoperability in the Documentation of Language Resources''. At [ LREC 2012], Istanbul, Turkey, May 22, 2012.
     777 CLARIN Component Registry [=#REF_COMP_REG]::
     778    []
    776780 CLARIN Concept Registry [=#REF_CCR]::
    784788    []
     790 CLAVAS[=#REF_CLAVAS]::
     791    []
    786793 CMDI toolkit[=#REF_TOOLKIT]::
    787794    [] ([]?)
    792799 ISO/IEC 19757-2:2003[=#REF_ISO-IEC_19757-2:2003]::
    793      Information technology -- Document Schema Definition Language (DSDL) -- Part 2: Regular-grammar-based validation -- RELAX NG, December 1, 2003\\
     800     Information technology -- Document Schema Definition Language (DSDL) -- Part 2: Regular-grammar-based validation -- RELAX NG, December 1, 2003,\\
    794801     []