
Version 3 (modified by vronk, 13 years ago) (diff)


Towards a FCS Specification

In which we list things we agree should be in our future standard / specification.


  1. Towards a FCS Specification
    1. Contents
    2. SRU-CQL servlets
      1. Explain response
      2. Scan response
    3. FCS webpage
    4. Clarin Metadata Search

SRU-CQL servlets

Explain response

The explain response should, ideally, provide a list of ISOCatted indexes as possible search-points. Example (tentative):

  <set identifier="" name="isocat"/>
  <set identifier="" name="ccs"/>

  <index id="?">
    <title lang="en">Part of Speech</title>
   <map><name set="isocat">partOfSpeech</name></map>

 <index id="?">
    <title lang="en">Words</title>
   <map><name set="ccs">words</name></map>

  <index id="?">
    <title lang="en">Phonetics</title>
   <map><name set="ccs">phonetics</name></map>


Scan response

FCS webpage

Clarin Metadata Search