Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of Other web-annotators: PundIt

05/24/13 08:53:26 (11 years ago)



  • Other web-annotators: PundIt

    v10 v11  
    3838'''Notebooks.''' At the moment you cannot copy an annotation from one notebook to another.
    40 '''Authentication/sharing'''. An authentication can be done via an openID, a google or yahoo account, or credentials are created by an annotation server. A user can create either a fully personal or a fully public notebook. No group notebooks are possible at the moment. The workshop audience was not happy with that. A workaround: to fake a group you make a single account for a group of people. In this case, however, it would not be clear who is annotating what, unless the participants make an agreement how each individual marks his/her annotations.
     40'''Authentication/sharing'''. An authentication can be done via an openID, a google or yahoo account, or credentials are created by an annotation server. A user can create either a fully personal or a fully public notebook. No group notebooks are possible at the moment. The workshop audience was not happy about that. A workaround: to fake a group you make a single account for a group of people. In this case, however, it would not be clear who is annotating what, unless the participants make an agreement how each individual marks his/her annotations.
    4242'''Named-content methodology'''. You may annotate not only a web-document but its content, if its web-publishers agrees to provide a content vocabulary. For instance, let there be 2 images of the same person in a document. If the publisher allows to mark them by the same content (the name of the person) then any annotation on one image is an annotation the other one and vice versa. Entities with the same content does not need to belong to the same document (???). Moreover, in the same way you create linkig between a high- and a low-resolution versions of the same image.
    44 Another situation where content annotating can be used is resolving an annotation with dynamically updated document (in some cases). For instance, if an image or a text fragment are annootated as conent then when they are moved from one place to another their annotations will be still resolvable.
     44Another situation where content annotating can be used is resolving an annotation with dynamically updated document (in some cases). For instance, if an image or a text fragment are annotated as content then when they are moved from one place to another their annotations will be still resolvable.
    4646'''Annotating image'''. You can annotate an image part as well, by surrounding it by the coresponding polygon.