
Version 6 (modified by Martin Matthiesen, 8 years ago) (diff)


Present: Oliver Schonefeld, Sander Maijers, Martin Matthiesen (sec) Absent: Jozef Misutka, Mitchell Seaton, Timm Lehmberg, Dieter Van Uytvanck, Thomas Kisler, Krista Liin, Kai Zimmer Place:

1. Agenda / Notes

1.1. Entity Category for Clarin SPs in eduGAIN (20 min)

Wolfgang Pempe from DFN-AAI suggests an Entity Category Clarin SPs to make Attribute Release easier. Originally this was designed to work within Germany but it could be expanded to eduGAIN. Another option is to use mdrpi publicationPath instead to mark SPs as being registered with SPF and therefore as Clarin SPs.


Marking SPs as relevant for Clarin might psychologically help with Attribute Release but does not really imply that personal data is safer with Clarin SPs than with any other SP. But pushing for earmarking our SPs might again stress the fact that working AAI becomes more and more relevant.

After some discussion we came to the following conclusion: The practical use of marking SPs as "CLARIN" is uncertain. Manual marking of SPs seems impractical and slow to adopt. But if Wolfgang/DFN can relatively easily mark Clarin SPs either by EC ( or via mdrpi (a quick look into eduGAIN-, Haka-, DFN-Metadata after the meeting showed that PublicationPath? is not used anywhere). If automatic marking of Clarin SPs via DFN seems impractical we shelf the idea for now until we have more evidence that this will indeed help with Attribute Release.

1.2. Information sharing (20 min)

  • HZSK Hamburg is working on their own SP and at the same time seems to have managed to get the University to setup an IdP. Timm might have details.
  • CSC has developed a Shibboleth based error page for missing attributes, I am currently beta-testing it. The page will be working with shibboleth-sp for Apache. The idea is to have the attribute checking happening before the application level and therefore make it easier to admins to provide better guidance in case of missing attributes, without having to touch application code. Martin is implementing a first draft using Ansible.
  • REMS Clarino pilot under consideration. (The idea is to implement resource management similar to the system used at The Language Bank of Finland
  • Coverage report eduGAIN vs SPF to Refeds promised by Martin not yet done.
  • The NCF has expressed the wish that Clarin taskforces should work together with relevant Dariah taskforces. With AAI this certainly makes sense. Martin will reach out.
  • Clarin+ (Jozef, skipped)
    • Unity IDM as Backend for Clarin AAI. LDAP connector to Unity in testing.
    • AAI Requirements Draft coming this week
    • Attribute release framework: more systematic approach needed
    • DFN: Clarin Gateway to eduGAIN

1.3. Harvesting Metadata directly from SPs (15 min)

Sander's suggestion. The good: bypassing federations. The bad: Does it increase trust? If federations do not harvest that data themselves, will they willingly accept SPF MD harvested from there?

We had a short discussion on the subject: The idea to make the SP the main responsible for Metadata correctness and not, by proxy, the Federation, has its merits and would certainly be worth implementing if a critical mass could be achieved. With current workloads we came to the conclusion that it is likely not going to happen and there might even be resistance from Federations to accept SPF metadata gathered that way. So for now we decided not to pursue the idea.

2. Action points

  • SPF Documentation (Sander): Sander's aim: June 2016 (will definitely not happen for the next 2 months).
  • CLARIN SPs marking: Martin asks Wolfgang
  • Clarino/REMS: Martin checks with Paul
  • SPF vs eduGAIN Coverage Report for REFEDS (Martin)
  • Shibboleth Error Page (Martin will report on progress via email list)
  • Organise AAI/Trac pages (Martin, already done for Meetings)

Follow-up meeting