1 | <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> |
2 | <html> |
3 | <head> |
4 | <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> |
5 | <title> {{title}} </title> |
6 | </head> |
7 | <body> |
8 | {% if error_message %}<p><strong>{{ error_message }}</strong></p>{% endif %} |
9 | <h2> Details for center: {{center.name}} </h2> |
10 | <h3> Center Basic Information</h3> |
11 | <table > |
12 | <tr><td width="90" height="18" align="left"><b>Name:</b></td> |
13 | <td> <a href="{{center.website }}" > {{center.name}} </a></td> </tr> |
14 | <tr><td width="90" height="18" align="left"><b>Type:</b></td> |
15 | <td> {{center.typeCenter}}</td> </tr> |
16 | <tr><td width="90" align="link"><b>Status: </b></td> <td> {{center.typeStatus}}</td> </tr> |
17 | </table> |
18 | <table> |
19 | <tr><td width="120" align="link"><b>Description : </b></td> <td> {{center.description}}</td> </tr> |
20 | <tr><td width="120" align="link"><b>Member of : </b></td> <td> |
21 | {% for choice in center.clarinfed.all %} |
22 | <a href="{{choice.MemberFed.webseite}}"> {{choice.MemberFed}}</a> , |
23 | {% endfor %} </td> |
24 | </tr> |
25 | <tr><td width="122" align="link"><b>Assessment : </b></td> <td> {{center.assesmentstatus}}</td> </tr> |
26 | </table> |
27 | |
28 | <h3> Center Extended information </h3> |
29 | <table> |
30 | <tr><td width="113" align="link"><b>Website: </b></td> <td> <a href="{{ center.website }}" > {{center.website }} </a></td> </tr> |
31 | <tr><td width="200" height="18" align="left"><b>Repository system:</b></td> <td> {{center.repositorySystem}} </td> </tr> |
32 | <tr><td width="200" height="18" align="left"><b>PiD Status:</b></td> <td> {{center.pidStatus}} </td> </tr> |
33 | <tr><td width="165" height="18" align="left"><b>Strict versioning</b></td> <td> {{center.strictversioning}}</td> </tr> |
34 | <tr><td width="190" height="18" align="left"><b>Web references </b></td> </tr> |
35 | </table> |
36 | <table> |
37 | {% for choice in center.references.all %} |
38 | <tr> <td width="43" align="link"></td> <td width="105" height="18" align="left"><b>Web Site:</b></td> <td> <a href="{{choice.ref_URI}}" > {{choice.ref_URI}} </a></td> </tr> |
39 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"></td> <td width="105" height="18" align="left"><b>Description:</b></td> <td> {{choice.name}}</td> </tr> |
40 | {% endfor %} |
41 | </table> |
42 | <table > |
43 | <tr><td width="100" height="18" align="left"><b>AAI </b></td> </tr> |
44 | </table> |
45 | <table> |
46 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"></td><td width="313" align="link"><b>AAI status: </b></td> <td> {{center.aaiStatus}}</td> </tr> |
47 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"></td> <td width="200" align="link"><b>CLarin Infrastructure services: </b></td> <td> {{center.memberofSpf}}</td> </tr> |
48 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"></td><td width="343" align="link"><b>Member of CLARIN service Provider Federation: </b></td> <td> {{center.memberofSpf}}</td> </tr> |
49 | {% for choice in center.nacfed.all %} |
50 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"></td><td width="243" align="link"><b>Member Of NationalFederation : </b></td> <td> {{choice.name}}</td> </tr> |
51 | {% endfor %} |
52 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"></td><td width="343" align="link"><b>Service Provider Test Site: </b></td> |
53 | <td> {{center.SpTestSite}}</td> </tr> |
54 | </table> |
55 | <table > |
56 | <tr><td width="100" height="18" align="left"><b>Metadata </b></td> </tr> |
57 | </table> |
58 | <table > |
59 | {% for choice in center.metadata.all %} |
60 | <tr> <td width="43" align="link"></td><td width="213" align="link"><b>Metadata Schema: </b></td> <td> {{choice.CMschema}}</td> </tr> |
61 | {% for choice2 in choice.schema.all %} |
62 | <tr> <td width="43" align="link"></td><td width="213" align="link"><b>Metadata Schema: </b></td> <td> {{choice2.name}}</td> </tr> |
63 | {% endfor %} |
64 | |
65 | |
66 | |
67 | <tr> <td width="43" align="link"></td><td width="213" align="link"><b>OaiAccessPoint: </b></td> <td><a href="{{choice.OAI_accespoint}}" > {{choice.OAI_accespoint}} </td> |
68 | {% for choice1 in choice.WebServiceType.all %} |
69 | <tr> <td width="43" align="link"></td><td width="213" align="link"><b>Metadata Web Service Type: </b></td> <td> {{choice1.name}}</td> </tr> |
70 | {% endfor %} |
71 | <tr> <td width="43" align="link"></td><td width="213" align="link"><b>WebServices Set: </b></td> <td> {{choice.WebServicesSet}}</td> |
72 | |
73 | {% endfor %} |
74 | </table > |
75 | <table > |
76 | <tr><td width="300" height="18" align="left"><b>Organisational Information </b></td> </tr> |
77 | </table> |
78 | <table > |
79 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"></td><td width="300" height="18" align="left"> <b> CLARIN Organisation Information </b></td> </tr> |
80 | </table> |
81 | <table > |
82 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"></td><td width="43" align="link"></td> <td width="165" height="18" align="left"><b>Organization name</b></td><td> {{center.organisationname}} </td> </tr> |
83 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"></td> <td width="43" align="link"></td><td width="165" height="18" align="left"><b>Institution</b></td><td> {{center.institution}} </td> </tr> |
84 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"></td><td width="43" align="link"></td> <td width="165" height="18" align="left"><b>Working Unit</b></td><td> {{center.WorkingUnit}} </td> </tr> |
85 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"></td> <td width="43" align="link"></td><td width="165" height="18" align="left"><b>Code</b></td><td> {{center.code}} </td> </tr> |
86 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"><td width="43" align="link"></td><td width="113" align="link"><b>Post Address</b></td> |
87 | <td> {{center.direction}}, {{center.cp}}-{{center.city}}, {{center.country}} <br> |
88 | {{center.lon}} {{center.lat}} </td> </tr> |
89 | |
90 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"></td><td width="43" align="link"></td><td width="113" align="link"><b>Expertise: </b></td> <td> {{center.expertise}}</td> </tr> |
91 | </table> |
92 | <table> |
93 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"></td><td width="300" height="18" align="left"> <b> Administrative Contact: </b></td> </tr> |
94 | </table> |
95 | <table > |
96 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"></td> <td width="165" height="18" align="right"><b>Name</b></td> <td> {{center.admin_contact}} </td> </tr> |
97 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"><td width="165" align="right"><b>Telephone: </b></td> <td> {{center.admin_contact.telephone}}</td> </tr> |
98 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"><td width="165" align="right"><b>Mail: </b></td> <td> {{center.admin_contact.email}}</td> </tr> |
99 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"><td width="165" align="right"><b>Website: </b></td> <td> <a href="{{ center.admin_contact.website }}" > {{center.admin_contact.website}} </a></td> </tr> |
100 | </table> |
101 | <table > |
102 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"></td><td width="300" height="18" align="left"> <b> Technical Contact: </b></td> </tr> |
103 | </table> |
104 | <table > |
105 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"></td> <td width="165" height="18" align="right"><b>Name:</b></td> <td> {{center.tech_contact}}</td> </tr> |
106 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"><td width="165" align="right"><b>Telephone: </b></td> <td> {{center.tech_contact.telephone}}</td> </tr> |
107 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"><td width="160" align="right"><b>Mail: </b></td> <td> {{center.tech_contact.email}}</td> </tr> |
108 | <tr><td width="43" align="link"><td width="160" align="right"><b>Website: </b></td> <td> <a href="{{ center.tech_contact.website }}" > {{center.tech_contact.website}}</a></td> </tr> |
109 | </table> |
110 | |
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