0. What the VLO is about Using the VLO application, you can browse meta data by facet. The instructions below describe the installation of the applications necessary for browsing: the VLO web application, the Solr server, and the meta data importer. 1. The archive The VLO importer and web application are contained in an archive. In the case of version 2.13, the archive is named vlo_parent-2.13-Distribution.tar.gz Deploying the VLO application means: - unpacking the archive in a suitable location - unpacking the war files contained in the archive - adapt the application's context files and - adapt the VloConfig.xml main configuration file. 2. Archive unpacking Unpack the archive, for example vlo_parent-2.13-Distribution.tar.gz in a temporary directory: 'temp'. Next, stop the Tomcat server: /etc/init.d/tomcat6 stop After the server has stopped, copy the contents of the vlo_parent-2.13 directory just created to a permanent directory, 'vlo', for example. In the tree starting in vlo, the configuration of the application is stored. Also, from the vlo/bin directory, you can run the importer application. Since this application relies on the Solr server, we first need to install the Solr web application. 3. Solr server installation The VLO importer and web application use Solr as their database server. To install this server, assuming that the Tomcat server has not started yet, copy the Solr server web application archive to the Tomcat server web application directory. This could for example be /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps Step into this directory, lets call it 'apps', cd apps cp temp/vlo_parent-2.13/war/vlo_solr-3.6.0.war . If it does not exist, create the vlo_solr directory, and unpack the web application archive in it: cd vlo_solr unzip ../vlo_solr-3.6.0.war After unzipping, remove the vlo_solr-3.6.0.war file. Next, if necessary, modify the solr/home parameter in the apps/META-INF/context.xml file to the path where the solr server finds its configuration and stores its data: vlo/config/solr Copy the new context.xml file to the Tomcat configuration: cp apps/META-INF/context.xml \ /var/lib/tomcat6/conf/Catalina/localhost/vlo_solr.xml If you would like logging to be configured different from the type of logging packaged, please modify apps/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties If necessary, change the ownership of the files in the tree starting in vlo/config/solr to that of the Tomcat user. This will enable the Solr server can store data in it. Now the Solr server has been installed, the importer and web application could use it. Next we will install the VLO web application. 4. Web application installation Similar to the Solr archive, unpack temp/vlo_parent-2.13/war/vlo_web_app-2.13.war in the apps/vlo directory. Because the packaged configuration is suitable to very specific (development) circumstances only, in most cases it does fit the production environment. You can specify an alternative, external configuration file, preferably the same file as the one used by the importer (see 5). Please modify apps/META-INF/context.xml by adding a reference to an external configuration file. By modifying this file, you can adapt the VLO configuration to your needs. You might, for example, need to assign another value to the solrUrl parameter also. This parameter is used to let the VLO web application know where it can reach the Solr server. Instead of changing the value of the solrUrl parameter in the external configuration file, you could also supply an alternative value by adding the parameter to apps/META-INF/context.xml directly. The comments in this file will tell you how to add the parameter. Like in the case of the Solr server, copy the apps/META-INF/context.xml context file to: /var/lib/tomcat6/conf/Catalina/localhost/vlo.xml or to another, comparable path. If you like, you can change the web application's way of logging. This time, modifications should be applied to: apps/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties Now the web application has been installed and configured, we only need to have a look at the VLO importer's configuration. 5. Importer configuration As mentioned in the description of the web application installation, a typical setup needs an external configuration file. For consistency reasons both the web application and application that imports data into the Solr data base should use one and the same configuration file. So if, for example, the web application's configuration is in path/VloConfig.xml, add -c path/VloConfig.xml to the command in the importer script in the vlo/bin directory. Most likely, in the configuration file, the dataRoot values need to be changed. This is what a dataRoot definition could look like: MPI self harvest /var/www/vlomd/self/ http://m12404423/vlomd/ /var/www/vlomd/ false A dataRoot element describes the meta data files. The toStrip part of the description is left out of the rootFile part to create a http link to the meta data; the links starts with the prefix. Apart from the dataRoot values, the solrUrl parameter might need to be changed. Please note that the context path value defined in /var/lib/tomcat6/conf/Catalina/localhost/vlo_solr.xml or in a file equivalent to this one, should be reflected in the value of this parameter. Whenever the definition of the database changes, it is recommended to clear the database before starting an importer run. To do this, make sure that the 'deletaAllFirst' parameter equals true before the run. After that, the original value of the parameter could be restored. 6. Importing data Before starting data import, first start the Tomcat server: /etc/init.d/tomcat6 start To be sure the Solr server is working as it should, inspect the Tomcat log file directory, and in that directory, check the solr.log and vlo.log files. Next, you can run the importer by starting the ./vlo_solr_importer.sh script in the vlo/bin directory. Messages are logged to the console. Because meta data is not static, it is recommended to run the importer a couple of times a week. Please note that, given the current (04.2013) set of data, a run typically takes between four and five hours.