UPDATING THE COMPONENT REGISTRY REST SERVICE AND FLEX UI Procedure for updating ---------------------- - When upgrading to a new version of the ComponentRegistry, check if there are updates to the schema of the PostgreSQL database. These will be named upgrade-x.yy.sql, e.g. upgrade-1.10.sql for version 1.10. - If the database needs upgrading, first make a backup (dump) of the existing database. Stop the application before doing so - Execute the upgrade script. When upgrading over multiple minor versions, execute the upgrade scripts incrementally - Make sure to grant all required rights (GRANT ALL unless specified otherwise) to the component registry database user (usually compreg) on any newly added tables, views, and sequences. - Then redeploy the WAR and start the application Version specific update instructions ------------------------------------- === 1.15.0 === - Remove the context parameter eu.clarin.cmdi.componentregistry.jpaDialect from the global context.xml or application context fragment, as it is now provided within the web.xml of the application itself. === 1.14.5 === The context parameter eu.clarin.cmdi.componentregistry.isocatRestUrl has been replaced with the new parameter eu.clarin.cmdi.componentregistry.ccrRestUrl. An example configuration with the default value for the new parameter is: === 1.14.2 === No additional steps required. === 1.14.1 === No additional steps required. === 1.14.0 === - Execute DB update script upgrade-1.14.sql - Add the following context parameter (default values given): - ComponentRegistry no longer provides its own JDBC driver jar. In case the Tomcat container does NOT provide a suitable PostgreSQL JDBC driver yet: - Download a suitable version and deploy it as a provided library in the Tomcat === 1.13 === - The following context fragment have been renamed, and should be updated in the context fragment for the Component Registry: componentRegistryServiceRootUrl -> eu.clarin.cmdi.componentregistry.serviceRootUrl componentRegistryAdminUsers -> eu.clarin.cmdi.componentregistry.adminUsers The results should look something like: - The following should be added to the context fragment for the Component Registry: === 1.11 == - The following should be added to the context fragment for the Component Registry: - Added to database schema: * comments * comments_id_seq