Custom Query (21 matches)


Show under each result:

Status: closed (21 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#519 Add ajax fallback option for results per page enhancement minor fixed
#449 Broken link in Resource view Twan Goosen defect major wontfix
#557 Compatibility with old links and bookmarks task critical fixed
#480 Define proper Lucene match version Twan Goosen enhancement minor fixed
#487 Implement new front-end design Twan Goosen task major fixed
#444 Latin letters with diacritics should sort under their base letter Twan Goosen defect minor duplicate
#520 Lazy loading of transformed CMDI enhancement minor fixed
#558 Make the collections facet optional enhancement minor VLO-3.0-beta fixed
#524 Not all facet values are retrieved/shown defect critical VLO-3.0-alpha fixed
#556 Page title for records without a name defect minor VLO-3.0-beta fixed
#521 Redirect to error page if document not found enhancement major fixed
#346 Slow counter updates on the show results page sanmai defect minor fixed
#64 Sort all facet values by nr of occurrences Twan Goosen enhancement major fixed
#509 Store Solr indexes in central location task minor fixed
#289 Use facet to filter for federated search Twan Goosen enhancement major fixed
#542 Wrong value passed to aggregator for record handle defect blocker fixed
#543 [vlo 3.0 beta] Long lists take long to build Twan Goosen defect major fixed
#544 [vlo 3.0 beta] Sorting of long lists: Latin alphabet not kept together Twan Goosen defect major fixed
#536 error when filtering for facet value defect blocker fixed
#498 incorrect link respresentation in resultspage twagoo defect minor duplicate
#342 incorrect meta data view Sander Maijers defect minor fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.