Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#565 Slow AJAX response in record page with large number of resources defect critical fixed
#575 VLO search ranking unintuitive Menzo Windhouwer enhancement critical fixed
#550 Use Java Handle API to resolve handles? enhancement major fixed
#625 Invalid link parsing in technical details for handles with part identifier defect major fixed
#711 Modify descriptive texts of facets and display them in the Web interface Twan Goosen enhancement major fixed
#753 Change language link prefix into a URL template in vlo configuration enhancement major fixed
#135 improve vlo in search engines Twan Goosen enhancement minor fixed
#619 Add option to clear search query enhancement minor fixed
#347 Version identification in user interface Sander Maijers enhancement trivial fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.