Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#611 prefill the mimetype for ResourceProxy new enhancement major VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.2
#755 decide which sets from The European Library to import new task major
#938 Replace clarin_datatable custom code by standard feeds module assigned Dieter Van Uytvanck defect major
#990 Recreate organig group views assigned Dieter Van Uytvanck task major
#610 enable single logout for CLARIN IdP assigned Willem Elbers enhancement minor
#612 add creator lookup based on ORCID new enhancement minor VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.2
#907 support multi-file upload again assigned André Moreira enhancement minor
#982 False alert for resolution of new Dirk Goldhahn defect minor
#995 Integrate Perseids SP in the SPF assigned Dieter Van Uytvanck task minor
#1002 strip typographic quotes from URLs accepted André Moreira enhancement minor
#1003 Investigate possibilities to add the content of views to search index assigned Dieter Van Uytvanck enhancement minor
#1006 Investigate a web-based alternative to google earth for the VLW assigned Dieter Van Uytvanck enhancement minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.