Custom Query (25 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#19 accomodate Component datcats in SemanticMapping new matej enhancement major
#73 result sorting new vronk enhancement major
#74 result sorting new gaba enhancement major
#83 translate MDBrowser-interface new gaba task major
#94 problem getting an individual record new ljo defect major
#95 get sub-collections new ljo defect major
#108 implement SRU-Proxy new vronk enhancement major
#109 publish virtual collections on VCR new vronk enhancement major
#110 implement SRU.explain() new matej enhancement major
#111 implement SRU.scan() new vronk enhancement major
#119 paging-params inconsistent new matej task major
#123 Schema for MDService data new vronk task major
#124 testing suite new vronk task major
#128 allow querying of attributes new vronk enhancement major
#8 overview statistics accepted ljo enhancement minor
#20 MDService reading isocat with language-param new vronk task minor
#21 get html-snippets out of js-code new vronk task minor
#67 cache summary navigable new gaba enhancement minor
#88 link from collection to its md-record new gaba enhancement minor
#115 export result in CSV(?) new matej enhancement minor
#117 KWIC-view of the result new vronk enhancement minor
#118 cache HTML as well new vronk task minor
#120 fall-back resultSummary new vronk task minor
#121 allow to group resultset new vronk enhancement minor
#122 enhance Terms detail new vronk enhancement minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.