Opened 10 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#571 closed feature (duplicate)

Support public visibility of development ('private') components

Reported by: Twan Goosen Owned by:
Priority: critical Milestone:
Component: ComponentRegistry Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Note: this concerns a partial implementation of the feature described by #142

Description: There should be an option to mark private (either group or individual user) components and profiles as publicly visible. The owner(s) of a component decide on this state. Components marked as such should be visible in both the list of public components/profiles (but only if enabled by the viewing user) and in the user's/group's private list.

  1. Add a property representing 'public visibility' to components and profiles (i.e. change model + database schema).
    Note: The 'public' property should remain untouched (will be partly replaced by a 'status' property in CMDI 1.2, see #142).
  1. Support this in the REST backend


pseudo-sql (conceptual, does not have to be implemented in one query):

select * from components 
      "isPublic" != userSpace AND (!userSpace OR "owner" = uid)
        !userSpace AND showDraft AND "publiclyVisible" = TRUE

defaults: {userSpace}=false; {showDraft}=false (has no effect when userSpace=true)

  1. Add a button to toggle the 'publiclyVisible' property of a component (probably next to move to group)
  1. In the UI, add a checkbox to the view of public components or profiles that binds to the 'showDraft' option, allowing the user to filter out (default behaviour) draft components
  1. Add a clear indication (e.g. DRAFT) of this status in the components/profiles table!

Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by DefaultCC Plugin

Cc: added

comment:2 Changed 8 years ago by Twan Goosen

Milestone: ComponentRegistry-1.15ComponentRegistry-2.2

comment:3 Changed 8 years ago by Twan Goosen

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

comment:4 Changed 8 years ago by Twan Goosen

Milestone: ComponentRegistry-2.2

Ticket retargeted after milestone deleted

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