Opened 9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#879 closed defect (invalid)

Alter MySQL database name and permissions for Drupal

Reported by: Sander Maijers Owned by: Sander Maijers
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: System administration Version:
Keywords: Cc: Willem Elbers, Dieter Van Uytvanck


The MySQL database name should be www-clarin-eu across all hosts related to the website. Furthermore, Drupal should use a custom MySQL user that can only alter the Drupal database, whereas now the MySQL root user is used. This allows Drush to ruin the MySQL server.

Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed 9 years ago by DefaultCC Plugin

Cc: Willem Elbers Dieter Van Uytvanck added

comment:2 Changed 9 years ago by Sander Maijers

Blocked from or before Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 1:50 PM by UU ICT & Media.

Last edited 9 years ago by Sander Maijers (previous) (diff)

comment:3 Changed 9 years ago by Sander Maijers

Based on a Feb 25 e-mail to ICT & Media:

The Drupal settings file in e.g. im-linux-clarin-eu:/hum/web/ contains:

   array (
      'database' => 'd7_clarine1',
      'username' => 'root',
    # 'password' ...
  1. As agreed we want a uniform database name on all our website-related hosts at UU ICT & Media, such as www-clarin-eu.
  2. A Drupal-specific database user, e.g. named drupal. This would replace usage of the root account by Drupal and prevent Drush from going outside its mandate.

comment:4 Changed 8 years ago by Sander Maijers

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

We don't use these hosts anymore.

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