- 17:17 Changeset [4092] by
- Updated to angularJS 1.2.2 and ui-bootstrap 0.7.0
- 17:00 Changeset [4091] by
- Updated to angularJS 1.2.2 and ui-bootstrap 0.7.0 Fixed editing user …
- 16:55 Changeset [4090] by
- UI error message when the server is unable to send the requested file.
- 13:54 Changeset [4089] by
- Added reame info for new branch for 0.1 development.
- 13:50 Changeset [4088] by
- Created new branch for 0.1 development.
- 09:27 Changeset [4087] by
- Removed some traces
- 09:16 Ticket #464 (Editor 'components palette' table does not get populated) created by
- This concerns the behaviour of the Flex GUI in the current trunk …
- 08:57 Changeset [4086] by
- Added readme.txt with information on tags 0.0 and 0.1.
- 08:55 Changeset [4085] by
- Added a new tag with 0.1 xpi packaged source code.
- 08:54 Changeset [4084] by
- Added a new tag with 0.0 source code.
- 08:49 Ticket #450 (2.17 Beta-Beta: In the language facet for latin, still a lot of actors ...) closed by
- fixed: Fixed with the fix to #452
- 17:08 Changeset [4083] by
- slides
- 16:31 Ticket #463 (fragment descriptors in the DB) created by
- Fragment descriptors for cached representations has a separate column …
- 15:52 Changeset [4082] by
- Repaired Federated Content Search form - when the facetboxes shrink, …
- 15:05 Changeset [4081] by
- slides
- 15:00 Changeset [4080] by
- slides
- 15:35 Changeset [4079] by
- Implement user account details managment page.
- 15:34 Changeset [4078] by
- Added style to override browser style for invalid forms.
- 15:32 Changeset [4077] by
- Removed incorrect div ID's that came from a copy&pate error.
- 15:30 Changeset [4076] by
- Updated code comment.
- 15:29 Changeset [4075] by
- Fixed log message for POST user info requests.
- 15:28 Changeset [4074] by
- Fixed detection of 'isCompleteAccountRequest'. Added code to forbid …
- 15:26 Changeset [4073] by
- 'max' attribute is needed to allow multiple emails.
- 14:37 Changeset [4072] by
- Repaired CMDIDataProcessorTest - removed debug code
- 11:08 Changeset [4071] by
- Repaired CMDIDataProcessorTest
- 10:49 Ticket #462 (Broken CMDI view for a single ressource (LCC_DataSource)) created by
- The layout of the CMDI view (viewed with Firefox 25.0) is broken at …
- 18:35 Changeset [4070] by
- updating time-stamp: works on 8080, not checked on 9090
- 13:17 Changeset [4069] by
- added: plain-text export of search results; excel export of search …
- 13:14 Changeset [4068] by
- added dependencies for poi (for excel export) and opennlp (for …
- 13:12 Changeset [4067] by
- added buttons for plain text and excel export
- 13:11 Changeset [4066] by
- icons added for plain text and excel search result export
- 18:59 Changeset [4065] by
- Added mapping for IMS Stuttgart
- 18:16 Changeset [4064] by
- * Handles and $uri-base parameter in the IMDI input produce more …
- 12:43 Ticket #461 (loading large CMDI results in high server and client load) created by
- When loading a 8.8 MB CMDI file my browser (most recent firefox and …
- 17:59 Ticket #460 (Getting/Updating xml body) created by
- It does not work. The problem is in serialisation/deserialisation. In …
- 17:57 Ticket #459 (Updating DateTime for HSQL) created by
- Updating Date/Time? in annotations (PUT Annotaion) does not work for …
- 17:29 Changeset [4063] by
- removing the possibility to update time stamp
- 17:02 Changeset [4062] by
- * Fix to reflect changes in interface of check_condition.
- 16:48 Changeset [4061] by
- * Remove debugging code.
- 16:46 Changeset [4060] by
- * Fix redirects from http URLs to https URLs, taking care of the …
- 16:14 Changeset [4059] by
- * Fix function calls in these plugins to also use the extra parameter …
- 16:11 Changeset [4058] by
- * Fix syntax error.
- 16:11 Changeset [4057] by
- * Make protocol/scheme (http, https) a command-line parameter and an …
- 14:00 Changeset [4056] by
- * Remove debugging code.
- 13:53 Changeset [4055] by
- * Fix port number parameter to httplib.HTTPConnection, to convert it …
- 13:25 Changeset [4054] by
- Fixed create script Added log config for unit tests
- 13:15 Changeset [4053] by
- * Fix the previous infinite recursion fix.
- 13:14 Changeset [4052] by
- skipping tests by default in test run profile
- 13:11 Changeset [4051] by
- Updated test data, included test data for security DB
- 13:08 Changeset [4050] by
- * Fix syntax error.
- 13:04 Changeset [4049] by
- * Fix infinite loop in case of HTTP redirect to itself.
- 11:17 Changeset [4048] by
- * Small unsaved change.
- 11:13 Changeset [4047] by
- * Make port_number specified as command line parameter. For …
- 10:03 Changeset [4046] by
- - (IDS-SP) set correct entity-category - (IDS-SP) some minor updates …
- 09:55 Ticket #458 (Inconsistent truncation in facet FORMAT) closed by
- fixed: Already fixed with r4023: MIMEtypes are now extraced as they are (no …
- 08:50 Changeset [4045] by
- uncommented test data insertion
- 08:42 Changeset [4044] by
- - Added security db structure - Fixed issues with included servlet-api …
- 08:08 Changeset [4043] by
- quick hack to solve problems for the central monitoring (because of …
- 16:47 Changeset [4042] by
- Adds Contactinfo etc for CSC
- 15:58 Changeset [4041] by
- monitoring: west 1.2.11
- 15:34 Changeset [4040] by
- Updated U Helsinki's SP: aai.csc.fi is now lat.csc.fi
- 13:53 Changeset [4039] by
- M mod-ISOcat-control-access/control/shib-check_token.acc - prepared …
- 13:25 Changeset [4038] by
- updated hsql version of create script
- 12:20 Changeset [4037] by
- M mod-ISOcat-site/site* - keep track of revision info
- 12:19 Changeset [4036] by
- M mod-ISOcat-access-system/config/set.acc M …
- 11:31 Ticket #458 (Inconsistent truncation in facet FORMAT) created by
- Most instances of MIME types are reduced to the "Content Type" part …
- 11:25 Changeset [4035] by
- monitoring: updated west.jar to version 1.2.10, depending on chainer 1.2.11
- 11:07 Changeset [4034] by
- Merged changes in trunk to 0.2 branch of annotator backend
- 11:06 Changeset [4033] by
- Fixed conflicts in pom
- 11:03 Changeset [4032] by
- tagged current trunk of schema as 0.2.0
- 10:53 Changeset [4031] by
- started new annotator backend branch
- 10:07 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory edited by
- (diff)
- 09:49 Ticket #457 (Facet "Format": Lots of resources mislabeled "annotation") created by
- In the facet FORMAT, lots of resources are mislabeled "annotation". …
- 15:21 Changeset [4030] by
- Started work on the separation of configuration and code - parameter …
- 15:15 Ticket #456 (Support white and black list mechanism in testing) created by
- Since tests applying to the facet concepts file do not support the …
- 12:36 Changeset [4029] by
- Added support for a separate facet concepts file used for testing only
- 16:36 Changeset [4028] by
- updating body of the annotation. Testing Get methods and verifying …
- 12:43 Changeset [4027] by
- First attempt for ticket #36 (extract year date from year-string facets)
- 12:15 Ticket #319 (ResourceLinkPanelTest failure) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in current version
- 11:42 Changeset [4026] by
- Removed broken blacklisting entry
- 11:06 Changeset [4025] by
- BBAW changes to the facetConcepts
- 09:31 Changeset [4024] by
- M INSTALL.txt - fixed some of the SQL examples
- 09:13 Ticket #455 (Paging widget also at the bottom of the result list) created by
- Can we have the little paging widget that looks like Showing 1 to …
- 08:32 Ticket #454 (2.17 Beta: Add XPath for the format facet for the UdS data) created by
- Currently, the facet format is not populated for the data harvested …
- 07:01 Ticket #383 (Provide a description for facets) closed by
- fixed: Description was provided and tooltips are implemented (#404) now
- 21:08 Ticket #451 (VLO 2.17 beta: Strange value "true" in language facet) closed by
- fixed
- 21:01 Ticket #385 (Type inference partly fails for DTA texts) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in trunk (r4023: Fixed ticket #385 (Removing …
- 20:58 Changeset [4023] by
- Fixed ticket #385 (Removing FormatPostProcessor? because "format" facet …
- 20:45 Changeset [4022] by
- Next round of blacklisting
- 18:22 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 18:20 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 18:18 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 18:15 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 18:10 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 17:57 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 17:55 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 17:50 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 17:43 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 17:41 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory edited by
- (diff)
- 17:39 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 17:30 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 17:28 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 17:27 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 17:26 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 17:25 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 17:15 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 17:14 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 17:09 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 17:07 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 17:07 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 17:05 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 17:05 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 17:04 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 17:02 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 16:52 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 16:51 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 16:47 DASISH/SpecificationDocument edited by
- (diff)
- 16:37 Ticket #453 (Revise format/MIMEtype postprocessing) created by
- Revise format facet (MIMEtype) postprocessing (especially regarding …
- 16:14 Changeset [4021] by
- Work on the layout of the facetted search page
- 15:39 Ticket #452 (Still too many "latin" in the language facet) closed by
- fixed: Commited to trunk (r4020: Added new blacklist restrictions to several …
- 15:22 Changeset [4020] by
- Added new blacklist restrictions to several facets
- 15:18 Changeset [4019] by
- Added language filter parameter (array)
- 15:03 Ticket #30 (Make a "accesible resources" facet) closed by
- duplicate: I would consider this ticket to be a duplicate of #393 - which has …
- 14:33 Ticket #389 (Don't prune metadata sets if OAI-PMH endpoints fail) closed by
- fixed: Feature was tested on beta server and seems to work well.
- 14:32 Ticket #280 (VLO shows 0 records upon running importer) closed by
- fixed: Feature was tested on beta server and seems to work well.
- 14:30 Ticket #434 (not all CMDI files were ingested) closed by
- fixed
- 14:28 Ticket #426 (VLO tests) closed by
- fixed: Was fixed in trunk.
- 14:27 Ticket #404 (Add tooltips to facets on start page) closed by
- fixed: Closed the ticket because of (almost) no comments about necessary …
- 13:17 Ticket #452 (Still too many "latin" in the language facet) created by
- Here is another XPath to blacklist Actor_Language/text() (with …
- 13:07 Ticket #451 (VLO 2.17 beta: Strange value "true" in language facet) created by
- Skimming through the new beta, I found that now the value "true" …
- 12:08 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory edited by
- (diff)
- 12:06 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory edited by
- (diff)
- 11:04 Changeset [4018] by
- Change in white / blacklist code and definitions in the facet concepts file
- 06:57 Changeset [4017] by
- M 2013-SR/meeting/index.html - not sure Sebastian is comming
- 15:32 Ticket #450 (2.17 Beta-Beta: In the language facet for latin, still a lot of actors ...) created by
- I just tried to find some resources for the latin language. There are …
- 15:26 Ticket #449 (Broken link in Resource view) created by
- The following resource view shows a broken link in the id column: …
- 14:24 Changeset [4016] by
- Added a simple blacklisting approach based on filtering XPath …
- 12:47 Changeset [4015] by
- M 2013-SR/meeting/index.html M 2013-SR/index.html - minor
- 12:38 Changeset [4014] by
- Modified the main and clarin-d css files for correct rendering of the …
- 06:52 Ticket #448 (Remove IPROSLA) created by
- Now the IPROSLA records are provided by the imdi archive, there is no …
- 17:27 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory/ManualMapping/IDS edited by
- (diff)
- 16:49 Changeset [4013] by
- implementing authentication=provider as a database, using approach 2 …
- 14:44 Changeset [4012] by
- Added small spinner while waiting for file to arrive.
- 14:30 Changeset [4011] by
- Completing page head section
- 14:13 Changeset [4010] by
- tiding up exceptions and adding/adjusting slf4j-log4j.
- 14:11 Changeset [4009] by
- Proper error handeling for update user info AJAX response.
- 14:09 Changeset [4008] by
- Loadding spinner
- 14:08 Changeset [4007] by
- Loadding spinner
- 14:06 Changeset [4006] by
- Fixed rule to allow cookie detection when debugging in localhost
- 13:18 Changeset [4005] by
- monitoring: updated west.jar to version 1.2.7, depending on chainer …
- 13:03 Ticket #447 (VLO feedback form should generate some response) created by
- The VLO feedback form (available via the "Found an error?" link) …
- 12:21 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory/ManualMapping/BBAW edited by
- (diff)
- 11:09 Changeset [4004] by
- commit for 2.17 beta
- 09:41 Changeset [4003] by
- Minor changes to Javadoc
- 09:37 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory/2.17 edited by
- (diff)
- 17:47 Changeset [4002] by
- M 2013-SR/index.html - reworked
- 16:53 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory/ManualMapping/BAS created by
- 16:52 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory/ManualMapping/HZSK created by
- 16:49 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory/ManualMapping/IDS created by
- 16:48 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory/ManualMapping/UDS created by
- 16:47 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory/ManualMapping/ASV created by
- 16:47 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory/ManualMapping edited by
- (diff)
- 16:46 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory/ManualMapping/BBAW created by
- 16:45 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory/ManualMapping/IMS created by
- 16:44 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory/ManualMapping created by
- 16:41 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory edited by
- (diff)
- 16:35 Changeset [4001] by
- Added missing comment markup
- 15:59 Changeset [4000] by
- the earlier fix for unit tests without setters (but using auotwired) …
- 14:16 FCS-spec edited by
- (diff)
- 14:15 FCS-spec edited by
- (diff)
- 13:48 Changeset [3999] by
- Extended redirect matches for: /schemacat, /schemacat/, …
- 13:41 Changeset [3998] by
- #443: fixing CommentResponse? attribute order
- 13:13 FCS-specification edited by
- added datcat for Word (diff)
- 13:06 FCS-specification edited by
- added datcat for POS (diff)
- 12:57 Changeset [3997] by
- Added redirect match for 'site' URI without trailing slash
- 12:40 Changeset [3996] by
- Fixed broken tests due to revision r3986
- 11:24 Changeset [3995] by
- monitoring: updated west.jar to version 1.2.6, depending on chainer …
- 10:46 Changeset [3994] by
- Fixed footer
- 10:37 Changeset [3993] by
- Replace SCHEMAcat cat by cat without yellow background
- 10:37 Changeset [3992] by
- Better layout for pages
- 10:36 Changeset [3991] by
- Added jQuery min.map to please chrome developer tools
- 10:36 Changeset [3990] by
- Replace SCHEMAcat cat by cat without yellow background
- 10:36 Changeset [3989] by
- Replace SCHEMAcat cat by cat without yellow background
- 10:35 Changeset [3988] by
- Added TLA logo
- 10:30 Ticket #446 (Make sure a resulting schema will be valid before accepting to save a ...) created by
- While the general component scheme does not allow invalid combinations …
- 09:25 Ticket #248 (import records with tutorials from CLARIN-D HUB) closed by
- invalid: TeLeMaCo?'s metadata will be provided via an extra OAI-PMH endpoint in …
- 09:23 Changeset [3987] by
- M 2013-SR/index.html - added links
- 07:57 Ticket #441 (The search function should also search <MdCollectionDisplayName> from ...) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in trunk (r3986: Fixed ticket #441 (The search function should …
- 07:55 Changeset [3986] by
- Fixed ticket #441 (The search function should also search …
- 16:20 Changeset [3985] by
- Right date for this version in the change log
- 14:54 Changeset [3984] by
- Adapted to handle existing fields with empty value
- 14:50 Changeset [3983] by
- Adapted to ahndle existing fields with empty value
- 14:32 Ticket #445 (empty records for Humboldt Uni) created by
- See …
- 12:48 Changeset [3982] by
- Angular service is needed after all.
- 12:46 Changeset [3981] by
- Angular service is not needed here.
- 12:44 Changeset [3980] by
- Changed dependencies to minified versions.
- 12:43 Changeset [3979] by
- Changed dependencies to minified versions.
- 12:39 Changeset [3978] by
- Added about and contact pages.
- 12:38 Changeset [3977] by
- Added generic object store to Settings service. This can be used to …
- 12:36 Changeset [3976] by
- Commented unimplemented search box
- 12:35 Changeset [3975] by
- Contact email changed to tla@mpi.nl
- 12:34 Changeset [3974] by
- unit test for AnnotationResource? is restructured so that no setters …
- 09:02 Changeset [3973] by
- M credentials.js - extended the Shibboleth fallback chain
- 17:12 Changeset [3972] by
- authentication/authorisation of services is implemented. GETs work. …
- 14:02 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory edited by
- changed deploy date of 2.17 as beta (diff)
- 10:18 Ticket #444 (Latin letters with diacritics should sort under their base letter) created by
- Currently, latin letters with diacritics are sorted according to their …
- 10:03 Changeset [3971] by
- Removed forgotten space char
- 10:01 Changeset [3970] by
- verifyProfileCompletion is now called passing the user representation …
- 09:56 Changeset [3969] by
- Excluding dependencies when sourcing the scratch pad.
- 09:55 Changeset [3968] by
- findUser now returns the same user representation it sinks to the …
- 09:52 Changeset [3967] by
- Added @success to response of NEW and SINK.
- 09:51 Changeset [3966] by
- Error handling for AJAX POST to complete user info. Angular service to …
- 09:49 Changeset [3965] by
- Removed unused imports. Added angular service to retrieve shibboleth …
- 09:44 Changeset [3964] by
- Removed unused prettify files.
- 09:44 Changeset [3963] by
- Removed bootstrap.js. Not used anymore.
- 09:43 Changeset [3962] by
- Moved animate.css to its own folder
- 09:43 Changeset [3961] by
- superseeded by 0.6.0
- 09:26 Ticket #443 (Investigate sudden build failure) closed by
- fixed: It's a rather harmless error: the JAXB xml serializer isn't strict on …
- 09:26 Changeset [3960] by
- #443: fixing CommentResponse? attribute order
- 08:08 Ticket #443 (Investigate sudden build failure) created by
- See http://lux16.mpi.nl/jenkins/job/ComponentRegistry/989/. No …
- 19:34 Changeset [3959] by
- D 2013-SR/isocat A + 2013-SR/meeting M 2013-SR/index.html - …
- 18:32 Changeset [3958] by
- M mod-ISOcat-site/module.xml - try handle dirs without an ending …
- 17:47 Changeset [3957] by
- Commented development code segment.
- 17:46 Changeset [3956] by
- Commented development code segment.
- 17:44 Changeset [3955] by
- Better code to handle NEW and SINK requests to user.dpml Added golden …
- 17:42 Changeset [3954] by
- Schema files sub folder inside the schema folder is now a parameter.
- 17:40 Changeset [3953] by
- Added more folder confiurations to the schemata.
- 17:39 Changeset [3952] by
- Fixed problem messing up the config parameters after save.
- 17:38 Changeset [3951] by
- Implemented post request to complete user details on first login.
- 17:36 Changeset [3950] by
- Replace calls to active:sloot.toString by NK native TRANSREPT to …
- 17:30 Ticket #442 (Problem with right-to-left scripts in facet display) created by
- Now, there is one subject given in arabic script. However, the …
- 17:01 Changeset [3949] by
- login/logout and secure REST-method calls works. Further: adapt …
- 16:47 Changeset [3948] by
- Implemented page and controllers to complete user details on first login.
- 16:44 Changeset [3947] by
- Replace for id attribute by name attribute.
- 16:41 Changeset [3946] by
- This was a test file
- 16:40 Changeset [3945] by
- Moving 'original' folder to 'files'
- 16:39 Changeset [3944] by
- Moving 'original' folder to 'files'
- 15:59 Ticket #441 (The search function should also search <MdCollectionDisplayName> from ...) created by
- A search tactic to find a certain collection is to give the search …
- 14:42 Changeset [3943] by
- M mapping/index.html - updated warning
- 14:40 Changeset [3942] by
- M mapping/index.html - added a warning
- 14:34 Changeset [3941] by
- M mapping/index.html - updated revision log
- 14:16 Changeset [3940] by
- - fix build errors with newer Maven/Eclipse?/etc
- 11:08 Ticket #440 (Where does the https in front of the Reference in the information (i) ...) closed by
- invalid: The protocol was taken from the Http request, as this was https in the …
- 10:27 Ticket #440 (Where does the https in front of the Reference in the information (i) ...) created by
- When searching for something in the BAS corpora, the results are …
- 17:24 Changeset [3939] by
- adding authentication configurations
- 17:11 Changeset [3938] by
- Replace calls to active:sloot.toString by NK native TRANSREPT to …
- 17:08 Changeset [3937] by
- Removed unnecessary commented code
- 13:27 Changeset [3936] by
- adding and deleting cached works. Tested on the test DB by looking …
- 12:53 Ticket #421 (split ResourceType facet into ResourceClass and Format facets) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in trunk (r3935: Fixed ticket #421 (split ResourceType? facet …
- 12:50 Changeset [3935] by
- Fixed ticket #421 (split ResourceType? facet into ResourceClass? and …
- 10:22 Ticket #439 (Improve/Polish result set widget on start page) created by
- Keeloo: >Maybe it would be a good idea to implement two links (+ and …
- 10:17 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory/2.17 edited by
- (diff)
- 10:16 Ticket #423 (Show 30 results per page) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in trunk (r3934: Fixed ticket #423 (Show 30 results per page)) …
- 10:12 Changeset [3934] by
- Fixed ticket #423 (Show 30 results per page)
- 10:07 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory/2.17 edited by
- (diff)
- 10:05 Changeset [3933] by
- Fixed ticket #404 (Add tooltips to facets on start page)
- 09:11 Ticket #422 (Add facet modality) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in trunk (r3932: Fixed ticket #422 (Add facet "modality"))
- 09:10 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory/2.17 edited by
- (diff)
- 09:07 Changeset [3932] by
- Fixed ticket #422 (Add facet "modality")
- 18:19 Changeset [3931] by
- - band-aid to skip some invalid metadata records from MPI
- 17:34 Changeset [3930] by
- A site/2013-SR* - site for the upcoming Semantic Registries workshop
- 17:23 Changeset [3929] by
- Deleting cached for targets works. However bug in adding cached …
- 15:55 Changeset [3928] by
- Uploading cached representations via multupart works. Tested with curl
- 15:19 Changeset [3927] by
- - minor updates
- 09:50 Ticket #438 (layout in 2.16: Resource link missing left space) created by
- http://catalog.clarin.eu/vlo/?wicket:bookmarkablePage=:eu.clarin.cmdi.v …
- 09:42 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory edited by
- (diff)
- 19:18 Changeset [3926] by
- updating cached. Dao works (via byte[]). Rest service via multipart …
- 17:28 Changeset [3925] by
- M mod-ISOcat-site* - keep track of the revision info - added DCIF …
- 16:24 CMDI 1.2/Attributes/Namespace edited by
- (diff)
- 16:23 CMDI 1.2/Attributes/Namespace created by
- 16:06 CMDI 1.2/Attributes/Mandatory attributes created by
- 15:58 CMDI 1.2/Lifecycle management edited by
- linked image (diff)
- 15:45 CMDI 1.2/Migration/Tool aspects edited by
- (diff)
- 15:44 CMDI 1.2/Migration edited by
- (diff)
- 15:44 CMDI 1.2/Migration/Tool aspects created by
- 15:30 CMDI 1.2/Migration/Instance migration edited by
- (diff)
- 15:30 CMDI 1.2/Migration/Instance migration edited by
- (diff)
- 14:49 CMDI 1.2/Migration/Instance migration created by
- 14:45 Ticket #437 (Disappearing subject? (ner suppresses named entity recognizer)) closed by
- duplicate: Duplicate of #397. It is fixed in the VLO beta, but not yet in the …
- 14:45 Changeset [3924] by
- Indentation fix.
- 13:46 Ticket #437 (Disappearing subject? (ner suppresses named entity recognizer)) created by
- The tool seminer has---among others---the follwing two subjects in its …
- 12:38 Changeset [3923] by
- Merged updates relating to #431 to 1.14.0 branch
- 10:11 SystemAdministration/Monitoring/Icinga/Outdated edited by
- (diff)
- 10:11 SystemAdministration/Monitoring/Icinga/Outdated edited by
- (diff)
- 10:05 Changeset [3922] by
- Ability to move multiple components to a group space at once
- 10:04 Changeset [3921] by
- - make jobs cancellable
- 10:03 Changeset [3920] by
- - consume all of <metadata>, even if handler didn't
- 09:54 Changeset [3919] by
- M facetConcepts.xml - added isocat:DC-5424 (which corresponds to …
- 09:46 Changeset [3918] by
- Moved 'move to group' controls from InfoPage? to BrowserOverviewList? …
- 09:23 Changeset [3917] by
- fixed web.xml, spring logging from debug to info
- 18:22 Changeset [3916] by
- updating cached ... BLOB needs to be deugged
- 14:06 CMDI 1.2/Migration/Component migration edited by
- typo (diff)
- 14:05 CMDI 1.2/Migration/Component migration edited by
- upgrade/downgrade (diff)
- 14:04 CMDI 1.2/Migration/Component migration edited by
- (diff)
- 14:03 CMDI 1.2/Migration/Component migration edited by
- (diff)
- 14:01 CMDI 1.2/Migration/Component migration edited by
- Component Registry REST service URLs (diff)
- 13:29 CMDI 1.2/Migration/Component migration edited by
- (diff)
- 13:27 CMDI 1.2/Migration/Component migration edited by
- extended 1.2-1.1-1.2 roundtrip scenario (diff)
- 10:56 CMDI 1.2/Migration/Component migration edited by
- (diff)
- 10:08 CMDI 1.2/Migration/Component migration edited by
- 1.1 -> 1.2 -> 1.1 roundtrip (diff)
- 09:01 CMDI 1.2/Migration/Component migration created by
- started page
- 08:49 Ticket #436 (RSS-support for search results) created by
- Inspiration from the Data One Mercury metadata catalog: add an …
- 08:28 Changeset [3915] by
- #431 & #432 from trunk
- 08:13 Changeset [3914] by
- For some reason web.xml was missing reference to environment configuration
- 21:22 Changeset [3913] by
- Updated id-name mapping changes, matching MPI svn changeset 38782.
- 16:49 Changeset [3912] by
- updating annotation is debugged after refactoring. Works.
- 16:42 Changeset [3911] by
- updating annotation is debugged after refactoring. Works.
- 16:26 Changeset [3910] by
- updating permission for a particular user works.
- 15:30 Changeset [3909] by
- Refactoring + debugging updating permission lists for an annotation. …
- 15:19 Changeset [3908] by
- simplified respond envelope
- 10:36 Ticket #431 ("Move to group" option should be moved to browser) closed by
- fixed: fixed in trunk
- 10:36 Changeset [3907] by
- #431 Group relocation button in browser overview
- 15:59 Changeset [3906] by
- update annotation works (PUT method)
- 15:03 Changeset [3905] by
- monitoring: updated west.jar to version 1.2.5, depending on chainer …
- 14:28 Ticket #432 ("Create new" button should shown in group space) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in trunk
- 14:28 Changeset [3904] by
- deleteAnnotation works after some debugging for both cases: when the …
- 14:26 Changeset [3903] by
- #432: "Create new" button not visible on browser in group view
- 12:14 Changeset [3902] by
- 07:00 Ticket #435 (Display of multiple results across several pages does not work) created by
- When getting a larger results set from a search across different …
- 17:54 Ticket #434 (not all CMDI files were ingested) created by
- At 2013-10-27, there were only about 190.781 records in the beta VLO …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.