

13:12 Ticket #630 (Huygens record empty in VLO) created by xnrn@gmx.net
Submitted on Monday, September 8, 2014 - 17:52 via VLO feedback form …
07:55 Ticket #629 (Investigate 'GC overhead limit exceeded' error) created by Twan Goosen
In a recent VLO importer log (2014-09-04), the following error occurs …


15:52 Centre Registry edited by Sander Maijers
15:45 Ticket #628 (invalid references when creating VC from VLO search) created by Dieter Van Uytvanck
I tried to create a virtual collection based on the search term Ibsen …
14:15 Changeset [5622] by Sander Maijers
* Add separate SP entity for the staging version of the Centre …
10:12 CMD2RDF/sysarch edited by Menzo Windhouwer


15:03 Changeset [5621] by Twan Goosen
merged styling tweaks
14:56 Changeset [5620] by Twan Goosen
styling tweaks: * font size
14:32 Changeset [5619] by Twan Goosen
styling tweaks: * custom, improved clarin logo in footer * removed …
14:29 Ticket #627 (Help tooltips on activation of text input) created by Twan Goosen
The information that now appears in the tooltip when hovering over the …
14:26 Ticket #626 (Bootstrap styled pagination controls) created by Twan Goosen
Replace the textual pagination controls in the VCR with the Bootstrap …
13:55 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
beta badge (diff)
13:45 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
13:44 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
13:44 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
requirements (diff)


07:14 Ticket #625 (Invalid link parsing in technical details for handles with part identifier) created by Twan Goosen
In the 'landing page' field in the technical details of a record, the …


11:33 Changeset [5618] by olof.olsson@snd.gu.se
adding info dialog for error reports from backend


09:05 Changeset [5617] by Twan Goosen
override annotations for registry implementation class
08:36 Changeset [5616] by Twan Goosen
Extracted interface from VirtualCollectionRegistry. Created test for …
08:14 Ticket #624 (Index more fields for autocomplete suggester) created by Twan Goosen
Currently only the record titles get indexed for the suggester (which …[…]


14:22 Changeset [5615] by Menzo Windhouwer
M ISOcat-schema-views.sql - fixed view_dc_access to not include the …
13:16 Changeset [5614] by Twan Goosen
merged update of base page template
13:15 Changeset [5613] by Twan Goosen
updated base page template to use clarin-local copies of bootstrap and …
11:47 Changeset [5612] by Menzo Windhouwer
M dc-scope.acc M lock.acc - added some more debugging options
10:33 Changeset [5611] by systeembeheer@inl.nl
Update portal.clarin.inl.nl with CoC data tags, MvdL


15:49 CLARIN style edited by Sander Maijers
14:22 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
some fixes in technical REST section (diff)
13:18 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
added some info about VCR queries (diff)
12:42 Changeset [5610] by Twan Goosen
updated dependencies, removed one unused dependency and bridged …
11:55 Ticket #623 (Upgrade Wicket) created by Twan Goosen
Upgrade to Wicket 6 (or 7, if stable), which will give us * a large …
09:39 CMDI 1.2/Specification edited by Twan Goosen
notice with link to notes (diff)
09:21 Changeset [5609] by Twan Goosen
renamed 1.0-beta branch to 1.1
09:21 Changeset [5608] by Twan Goosen
merged mounting of about & help pages to 1.0 branch
09:20 Ticket #582 (New version of the virtual collection profile) closed by Twan Goosen
08:59 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
08:56 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
CMDI output (diff)
08:38 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
08:09 ComponentRegistryAndEditor edited by Twan Goosen
08:06 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
08:05 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
deployment (diff)
07:40 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
more info on PID providers (diff)
07:31 SoftwareDevelopment/EPIC created by Twan Goosen
created page


15:34 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
15:34 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
15:26 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
UI (diff)
14:06 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
REST service (diff)
13:26 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
VCR core documentation (diff)
12:52 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
dev (diff)
12:15 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
table of contents (diff)
09:52 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
description (diff)
09:36 Changeset [5607] by Twan Goosen
mounted the 'help' and 'about' pages
09:20 Changeset [5606] by olhsha@mpi.nl
group identifier is made "groupId" everywhere, referred as a constant …
08:50 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
milestones & tickets (diff)
08:35 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
08:35 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
skeleton (diff)
08:27 VirtualCollectionRegistry edited by Twan Goosen
08:26 CmdiVirtualCollection edited by Twan Goosen
08:26 CmdiVirtualCollection edited by Twan Goosen
08:26 CmdiVirtualCollection created by Twan Goosen
08:25 VirtualCollectionRegistry created by Twan Goosen
08:18 Changeset [5605] by Twan Goosen
merged addition of 'keyword' to CMDI output
08:17 Changeset [5604] by Twan Goosen
added keywords to the CMDI output


18:23 Changeset [5603] by olhsha@mpi.nl
little fixes
15:00 Changeset [5602] by Twan Goosen
merged test fix
14:59 Changeset [5601] by Twan Goosen
Fixed test after removal of trailing slash
14:50 Changeset [5600] by Twan Goosen
merged fix in EPIC PID provider
14:49 Changeset [5599] by Twan Goosen
assume no trailing slash in VCR base URI
14:20 Ticket #622 (More lightweight response at /service/virtualcollections) created by Twan Goosen
A GET request to the virtualcollections resource of the VCR REST …
14:02 Changeset [5598] by Twan Goosen
Merged 'beta badge' (and enabled it)
14:00 Changeset [5597] by Twan Goosen
Added support for a "beta" 'badge' in the layout of the base page
13:46 Changeset [5596] by Twan Goosen
created a branch for VCR 1.0-beta. Trunk now 1.1-SNAPSHOT
13:11 Ticket #614 (Add a help page) closed by Twan Goosen
fixed: Fixed in [5593:5595/VirtualCollectionRegistry/trunk]
13:08 Changeset [5595] by Twan Goosen
Added a HTML page to the root of the REST service Refs #614
12:01 Changeset [5594] by Twan Goosen
Added REST service information to the help page. Moved the …
09:32 Changeset [5593] by Twan Goosen
Created a 'help' page Fixes #614
08:16 Ticket #617 (Add an 'about' page) closed by Twan Goosen
fixed: Fixed in [5592]
08:16 Changeset [5592] by Twan Goosen
Created an 'about' page Fixes #617


15:31 Ticket #595 (Automatically add a creator from the available attributes) closed by Twan Goosen
fixed: Replying to twan.goosen@…: > If time permits, add the …
15:30 Ticket #621 (Custom user properties override SAML attributes) created by Twan Goosen
Follow-up to #595: Add the option to persistently override/extend on …
15:24 Changeset [5591] by Twan Goosen
Newly created collection are always private. Updated protocol …
15:00 Changeset [5590] by Twan Goosen
Updated profile schema, added creation of generatedby properties Refs #582
14:31 Changeset [5589] by Twan Goosen
Updated profile schema, added creation of resource elements and …
12:55 Ticket #620 (Check datacategory filtering and add to test plan) created by Twan Goosen
When editing a component or profile, and search for a data category * …
10:02 Ticket #616 (Make deployment package) closed by Twan Goosen
fixed: Fixed in [5588] with a custom descriptor to create a tarball that has …
10:01 Changeset [5588] by Twan Goosen
Added maven assembly plugin and a custom descriptor to create a …
09:17 Changeset [5587] by Twan Goosen
Leipzig PID services are now a dependency Refs #581
08:09 Ticket #594 (Apply new CLARIN style to VCR) closed by Twan Goosen
fixed: (Mostly) completed in [5558:5586/VirtualCollectionRegistry/trunk]
07:58 Changeset [5586] by Twan Goosen
Layout tweaks wrt CLARIN style Refs #594
07:31 Changeset [5585] by Twan Goosen
Suppressed jQuery javascript library import by WiQuery? Refs #594
07:06 Changeset [5584] by Twan Goosen
Application of CLARIN style Refs #594


20:10 CLARIN style edited by Sander Maijers
20:10 CLARIN style edited by Sander Maijers
20:09 CLARIN style edited by Sander Maijers
20:09 CLARIN style edited by Sander Maijers
20:07 Centre Registry edited by Sander Maijers
Reorganize, revise, indicate progress. (diff)
15:34 Changeset [5583] by Twan Goosen
Updated CLARIN style Refs #594
15:09 Changeset [5582] by Sander Maijers
- Implement a number of suggestions on …
15:07 CLARIN style edited by Sander Maijers
14:26 Changeset [5581] by Twan Goosen
Fixed broken tooltips by changing 'tooltip' class name (clashes with …
14:23 Changeset [5580] by Twan Goosen
Fixed broken tooltips by changing 'tooltip' class name (clashes with …
12:01 Changeset [5579] by Twan Goosen
Small fixes
11:59 Changeset [5578] by Twan Goosen
Also accepting PID resolver URL's for publication without warning. …
11:16 Changeset [5577] by Twan Goosen
Styling of auth state panel Refs #594
09:39 Changeset [5576] by Twan Goosen
Title link to actual app home page Refs #594
09:20 Changeset [5575] by Twan Goosen
Added the IDS logo to the footer Refs #594
09:10 Changeset [5574] by Twan Goosen
Styling of the wizard Refs #594


15:31 Changeset [5573] by Twan Goosen
Styling of the VC details page Refs #594
14:03 Ticket #619 (Add option to clear search query) created by Twan Goosen
Proposed by Susanne Haaf: > Maybe we should provide a "Clear …
13:58 Ticket #618 (Revise 'show all metadata fields' section of record page) created by Twan Goosen
The CMDI transformation output, shown under 'show all metadata fields' …
13:09 People/twagoo edited by Twan Goosen
added CmdiVirtualCollection (diff)
13:08 Nexus edited by Twan Goosen
13:07 Nexus created by Twan Goosen
10:29 Changeset [5572] by Twan Goosen
styling: SASS partials Refs #594
10:20 Changeset [5571] by Twan Goosen
styling of toggle border Refs #594
09:28 Changeset [5570] by Twan Goosen
Fixed an issue with the action popup menu in the collections table …
08:53 Changeset [5569] by Twan Goosen
Styling of collections table: icons, sorting Refs #594
08:03 Ticket #617 (Add an 'about' page) created by Twan Goosen
Add an 'about' page for the Virtual Collection Registry with: * …


19:28 Changeset [5568] by olhsha@mpi.nl
Unit test for getting xml, xsd for descriptions in groups
18:58 Changeset [5567] by olhsha@mpi.nl
Unit test for posting comments for descriptions in groups
17:33 Changeset [5566] by olhsha@mpi.nl
Unit test for deleting comments from groups.
16:57 Centre Registry edited by Sander Maijers
Update URL (diff)
16:56 Changeset [5565] by olhsha@mpi.nl
Unit test for deleting profiles and components from groups.
16:33 Changeset [5564] by olhsha@mpi.nl
Unit test for publishing profiles and components from groups.
15:36 Changeset [5563] by olhsha@mpi.nl
Unit test for updating profiles and components from groups.
15:10 Changeset [5562] by Twan Goosen
modularised VCR SCSS. Tweaked layout of collections table Refs #594
14:48 Changeset [5561] by olhsha@mpi.nl
Unit test for getting rss of profiles and components from groups, and …
14:22 Changeset [5560] by olhsha@mpi.nl
Unit test for getting comments of profiles and components from groups.
14:22 Changeset [5559] by Twan Goosen
Initial step towards integration of CLARIN style: adapted base page, …
12:59 Changeset [5558] by Twan Goosen
Added build-time compilation of SCSS, copied CLARIN SCSS and switched …
12:06 ServiceProviderFederation/Archive/SP configuration guide edited by Sander Maijers
11:46 Changeset [5557] by Twan Goosen
tag for VCR alpha 2
11:39 ServiceProviderFederation/Discovery edited by Sander Maijers
09:50 Changeset [5556] by olhsha@mpi.nl
Unit test for getting profiles and components from groups. A little …


17:23 Changeset [5555] by olhsha@mpi.nl
Adding transfer owner ship and fixing the method
17:22 Changeset [5554] by olhsha@mpi.nl
Adding transfer owner ship and fixing the method
16:02 Changeset [5553] by olhsha@mpi.nl
fixing serialisation issues for List<String>. Adding unit tests for …


16:55 Changeset [5552] by olhsha@mpi.nl
Fixed issued arising after testing on localhost tomcat (completed)
12:42 SoftwareDevelopment/LinesOfCode edited by Dieter Van Uytvanck
12:22 SoftwareDevelopment/LinesOfCode edited by Dieter Van Uytvanck
updated stats for UFAL repo (diff)
08:04 ServiceProviderFederation edited by Dieter Van Uytvanck


16:29 Changeset [5551] by olhsha@mpi.nl
Fixed issued arising after testing on localhost tomcat (not fully)
14:59 Changeset [5550] by olhsha@mpi.nl
Fixed exception that have appeared while unit-testing
08:24 SoftwareDevelopment/LinesOfCode edited by Dieter Van Uytvanck


16:07 Changeset [5549] by olhsha@mpi.nl
Added group service. Tested via the tomcat on loclahots (test URI and …
13:44 Changeset [5548] by Mitchell Seaton
Updated CLARIN-DK-UCPH public certificate.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.