

16:11 Ticket #966 (HTTP request status: fails) created by Dieter Van Uytvanck
See https://www.clarin.eu/admin/reports/status HTTP request status: …
16:07 Ticket #965 (Clean up Drupal redirects) created
There is a whole list of Drupal redirects at …
15:57 Ticket #932 ('Featured Resource' View on portal home page not changing) closed by Sander Maijers
invalid: We don't show this block anymore, and alternatives are available as …
15:57 Ticket #951 (broken image link for showcase block at frontpage) closed by Sander Maijers
15:56 Ticket #941 (Twitter feed on CLARIN ERIC website not displaying tweets) closed by Sander Maijers
invalid: We no longer show Tweets on the front page. Alternative, better …
15:55 Ticket #964 (Font files ‘cannot be found’ by web server) closed by Sander Maijers
fixed: See …
15:54 Ticket #950 (Find menu module that works with Bootstrap and 3-level depth) closed by Sander Maijers
15:54 Ticket #873 (WYSIWYG ‘rich text’ editing does not work anymore) closed by Sander Maijers
fixed: Fixed, CKeditor works again.
15:53 Ticket #810 (Change main font on website) closed by Sander Maijers
fixed: New Drupal theme CLARIN Horizon is enabled now.
15:52 Ticket #962 (https://www.clarin.eu/ is down) closed by Sander Maijers
11:27 Ticket #964 (Font files ‘cannot be found’ by web server) created by Sander Maijers
In the Chrome web browser console: […] The media types for the …


17:14 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
fix flexslider notes (diff)
17:13 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
improve flexslider notes (diff)
17:08 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
content: add upc; fix wysiwyg (diff)
13:44 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
content: re-enable some modules (diff)
12:43 Changeset [7042] by Leif-Jöran
Some cleanup of queryType and queryTypeId and clearer distinction in …
08:23 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
content: Add /user/register redirect (diff)


15:27 Webdev edited by Dieter Van Uytvanck
added flexslider install steps (diff)
14:31 Ticket #963 (Centralized logging) created by Sander Maijers
We want to explore a centralized logging system.
14:28 Ticket #890 (Migration of newlists.clarin.eu/lists.clarin.eu) closed by Sander Maijers
duplicate: Duplicate of #881
14:27 Ticket #882 (Logging in to Sonatype Nexus server fails intermittently) closed by Sander Maijers
wontfix: From time to time we experience this, the failure has an unknown cause …
14:25 Ticket #880 (Add alpha-vlo-clarin VM) closed by Sander Maijers
14:24 Ticket #901 (Robots.txt for beta-vlo.clarin.eu) closed by Sander Maijers
14:23 Ticket #876 (Add acceptance host; harmonize dev, acceptance and production) closed by Sander Maijers
invalid: We don't use these hosts anymore.
14:22 Ticket #888 (Stop old vz07 VM; remove on 1 April) closed by Sander Maijers
14:21 Ticket #879 (Alter MySQL database name and permissions for Drupal) closed by Sander Maijers
invalid: We don't use these hosts anymore.
14:21 Ticket #877 (Add Apache httpd redirect from http(s)://clarin.eu to https://www.clarin.eu) closed by Sander Maijers
wontfix: We don't use these hosts anymore.
14:20 Ticket #896 (Add python 3 package to all hosts) closed by Sander Maijers
wontfix: We do not use these hosts anymore.
14:19 Ticket #874 ([CVE-2015-7547] Patch glibc vulnerability) closed by Sander Maijers
fixed: I assume this can be closed now.


08:05 Ticket #56 (Do not add empty attributes for enumerations) closed by Twan Goosen
08:04 Ticket #729 (One click expansion of component hierarchy in the component browser) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-front-end/issues/57
07:55 Ticket #495 (Do not allow subsequent components with same root element name) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: Duplicate of #496, transferred to GitHub as …
07:54 Ticket #157 (Allow eduPersonTargetedId as username (SHHAA)) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-rest/issues/19
07:49 Ticket #166 (Component editor validation does not highlight missing ValueSchemes) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-front-end/issues/56
07:48 Ticket #496 (Expand components before validation) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-rest/issues/18


14:00 Ticket #853 (Make Saxon log to component registry log) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-rest/issues/17
13:59 Ticket #277 (Jersey warning upon DELETE request from UI) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-rest/issues/16
13:57 Ticket #820 (Compress REST service responses) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-rest/issues/15
13:56 Ticket #713 (Add items to Component Registry test plan) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-rest/issues/14
13:52 Ticket #370 (Add support for OpenSKOS vocabularies) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-front-end/issues/55
13:49 Ticket #300 (Show usage information from harvested metadata) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-front-end/issues/54
13:47 Ticket #209 (Rearranging of vocabulary items) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: Merged with …
13:44 Ticket #571 (Support public visibility of development ('private') components) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-rest/issues/13
13:38 Ticket #142 (Component and profile versioning/deprecation) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-rest/issues/12 (back …
13:02 GitHub created by Twan Goosen
12:55 Ticket #720 (Feedback on trying to publish a group component with group dependencies) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-front-end/issues/52
12:52 Ticket #585 (Change component visibility status via admin interface) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-rest/issues/11
12:52 Ticket #507 (Return to same state in UI after login) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-front-end/issues/51
12:52 Ticket #179 (Redirect users without proper display name to settings page) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-rest/issues/10
12:51 Ticket #850 (Display name should come from database) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-rest/issues/9
12:42 Ticket #673 (the server: no delete group and remove user from a group service) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-rest/issues/8
12:41 Ticket #526 (Assign handles for profiles and components) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-rest/issues/7
12:39 Ticket #313 (add RSS feed for all comments) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://trac.clarin.eu/ticket/313
12:37 Ticket #298 (Component usage information) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-front-end/issues/50
12:36 Ticket #267 (Warn user when trying to save or publish component that has name that ...) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-front-end/issues/49
12:35 Ticket #150 (Notification when publishing compont or profile with private components) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-front-end/issues/48
12:34 Ticket #138 (Description (header) of published profiles should be editable) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-front-end/issues/47
12:34 Ticket #206 (Independent editing of component 'name' and name of root CMD_Component) closed by Twan Goosen
duplicate: https://github.com/clarin-eric/component-registry-front-end/issues/47
12:23 Milestone ComponentRegistry-1.16 completed
12:23 Milestone ComponentRegistry-1.15 completed
Features to be picked up after ComponentRegistry-1.14.5
10:24 Ticket #671 (the server: jersey-way to handle convertion POST to smth else) closed by Twan Goosen
10:23 Ticket #446 (Make sure a resulting schema will be valid before accepting to save a ...) closed by Twan Goosen
10:21 Ticket #470 (Create MBean operation to list users in group) closed by Twan Goosen
wontfix: admin interface does this, which is sufficient
10:20 Ticket #265 (Standardize package names and context parameters) closed by Twan Goosen
10:19 Ticket #250 (Instructions for entering pattern for value scheme) closed by Twan Goosen
10:17 Ticket #690 (Migrate end user documentation to CLARIN website) closed by Twan Goosen


22:00 Changeset [7041] by Leif-Jöran
Adding Open document spreadsheet (ODS) export.
21:58 Changeset [7040] by Leif-Jöran
Adding Piwik track site search.
21:55 Changeset [7039] by Leif-Jöran
Don't transpile the jsx files unless they are changed.


16:56 MIME format variants edited by Dieter Van Uytvanck
16:55 MIME format variants edited by Dieter Van Uytvanck
10:05 Ticket #962 (https://www.clarin.eu/ is down) created by martin.wynne@it.ox.ac.uk
The CLARIN ERIC website (https://www.clarin.eu/) currently appears to …


16:02 MIME format variants edited by banski@ids-mannheim.de
13:18 Ticket #957 (CLARIN SPF interop test app shows Perl code) closed by Willem Elbers
11:28 Ticket #959 (Redundant XPath extraction) closed by teckart@informatik.uni-leipzig.de
fixed: Duplicate concept CCR_C-4160 in facet definition file. Fixed in …
06:52 Ticket #961 (configure beta-vlo behind https) created by Willem Elbers
Currently the beta-vlo.clarin.eu application is running on http, to …


17:16 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Menzo Windhouwer
17:13 MIME format variants edited by banski@ids-mannheim.de
+ references (partial list) (diff)
17:12 MIME format variants edited by banski@ids-mannheim.de
text --> application, per RFC6129 and the W3C webarch spec (diff)
09:31 Ticket #960 (Show secondary facets unconditionally if few facets remain) created by Twan Goosen
After a search or facet(s) selection, usually only a few facets with …
09:21 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Menzo Windhouwer


11:11 Ticket #959 (Redundant XPath extraction) created by teckart@informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Look for "Duplicate XPaths" entries in the importer log.


16:23 MIME format variants edited by banski@ids-mannheim.de
15:46 MIME format variants edited by banski@ids-mannheim.de
15:43 MIME format variants edited by banski@ids-mannheim.de
15:34 MIME format variants edited by banski@ids-mannheim.de
summary of the main discussion points (diff)
15:21 MIME format variants created by banski@ids-mannheim.de
15:18 StandardsCommittee edited by banski@ids-mannheim.de
adding an anchor for the summary of Standards / Dev / Teiweblicht … (diff)
13:00 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
11:35 Changeset [7038] by Menzo Windhouwer
M …
08:58 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Willem Elbers
08:52 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Willem Elbers
08:41 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Willem Elbers
07:44 Ticket #949 (Update to the component registry database) closed by Twan Goosen
fixed: This task has been carried out, in fact in the meantime Component …
07:03 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
06:56 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
06:40 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Willem Elbers


22:49 Changeset [7037] by Leif-Jöran
Fixing React warnings.
22:00 Changeset [7036] by Leif-Jöran
Moving to React 15.2.0 and adding js dependency management for updated …
16:13 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
style: fix italics. (diff)
16:11 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
move sentence (diff)
16:07 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
style: improve. (diff)
16:06 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
contents: list content issues (diff)
14:01 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Willem Elbers
13:20 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Menzo Windhouwer
12:35 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Willem Elbers
12:19 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Willem Elbers
12:02 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Willem Elbers
11:59 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Menzo Windhouwer
11:58 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Menzo Windhouwer
11:58 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Menzo Windhouwer
11:32 Changeset [7035] by Leif-Jöran
Do not display 'Display as ADV' if queryType=cql.
11:29 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
11:00 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Menzo Windhouwer
10:58 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Menzo Windhouwer
10:32 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
10:07 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Menzo Windhouwer
10:02 Ticket #958 (Files missing) created by martin.wynne@it.ox.ac.uk
Files linked as attachments to the user involvement group pages …
09:50 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Willem Elbers
09:07 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
09:03 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Willem Elbers
08:14 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Menzo Windhouwer
08:14 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Menzo Windhouwer
07:57 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Willem Elbers
07:50 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Willem Elbers
07:50 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
07:35 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
07:35 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
07:30 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
rough schedule (diff)
07:09 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
some changes in the plan (diff)
06:37 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Menzo Windhouwer
06:32 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Menzo Windhouwer
06:29 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Menzo Windhouwer
06:28 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Menzo Windhouwer


17:28 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
contents: various refinements (diff)
15:47 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
15:00 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
15:00 Changeset [7034] by Leif-Jöran
Added fully visible but unstyled ADV view. Very similar to the …
14:58 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
status (diff)
14:57 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
14:51 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Menzo Windhouwer
14:46 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Menzo Windhouwer
14:33 CMDI 1.2/Specification edited by Menzo Windhouwer
14:29 CMDI 1.2/Specification edited by Menzo Windhouwer
Fixed bibliography (diff)
14:26 CMDI 1.2/Specification edited by Menzo Windhouwer
Somehow my previous changes messed up the wiki ... fixed. (diff)
14:18 CMDI 1.2/Specification edited by Menzo Windhouwer
12:21 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
11:44 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
current state (diff)
09:32 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
contents: add subtheme steps (diff)
09:06 CMDI 1.2/Specification edited by Menzo Windhouwer
Added some description to examples. (diff)
08:47 Webdev edited by Dieter Van Uytvanck
08:17 Changeset [7033] by Twan Goosen
trunk version to 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
08:08 Webdev edited by Dieter Van Uytvanck
added first acceptance test (diff)
08:08 Changeset [7032] by Twan Goosen
Tagged 1.0.0


20:55 Changeset [7031] by Menzo Windhouwer
M cmdi-validator-core/pom.xml - alligned versions with the CLI M …
15:35 ServiceProviderFederation/LoginTest edited by Oliver Schonefeld
- fix link to personal pages (diff)
11:40 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory edited by Twan Goosen
catalog-clarin.esc.rzg.mpg.de -> alpha-vlo-clarin.esc.rzg.mpg.de (diff)
11:38 CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory edited by Twan Goosen
versions table (diff)
09:37 Ticket #757 (CLARIN web application styling for VLO) closed by Twan Goosen
09:37 Ticket #897 (Support of CMDI 1.2) closed by Twan Goosen
fixed: CMDI 1.2 import support sufficiently tested. Switched default …
09:27 ServiceProviderFederation/LoginTest edited by Sander Maijers
content: elaborate AAggregator text (diff)
09:00 ServiceProviderFederation/LoginTest edited by Sander Maijers
contents: add AAggregator (diff)
08:21 Ticket #957 (CLARIN SPF interop test app shows Perl code) created by Sander Maijers
This page should run attribute release tests, …
07:34 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen


09:14 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
09:11 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
updated plan (diff)
07:52 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
05:19 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen


16:53 Changeset [7030] by Leif-Jöran
Adding ADV segments to export formats csv and xls.
13:23 Ticket #956 (Cannot cancel accounts) created by Sander Maijers
At the bottom of https://www.clarin.eu/user/X/edit (where X is the …
09:52 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
Add working documents (diff)
08:32 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
08:31 CMDI 1.2/Rollout edited by Twan Goosen
07:55 Changeset [7029] by Leif-Jöran
Adding additional endpoint for Språkbankens reference implementation.
01:03 Changeset [7028] by Leif-Jöran
Do not show the endpoints in result list failing to understand the …
00:58 Changeset [7027] by Leif-Jöran
Small additions for Advanced Data View.
00:57 Changeset [7026] by Leif-Jöran
Correctly switch between cql and fcs queryType on toggle of selection.
00:14 Changeset [7025] by Leif-Jöran
Segement.getRefernce() -> Segment.getReference()


21:58 Changeset [7024] by Leif-Jöran
Removed double SRUVersion check.
20:24 Changeset [7023] by Leif-Jöran
Remove double test for SRUVersion.
19:52 Changeset [7022] by Leif-Jöran
Initial commit without much UI stuff for FCS 2.0 features. Some …
15:35 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
contents: instruction to remove residual blocks (diff)
15:33 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
Add relative links instructions. (diff)
15:26 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
clarify (diff)
15:23 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
fix typo (diff)
15:20 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
small fixes (diff)
15:18 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
style fixes, slight expansion (diff)
15:16 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
style: fix italics (diff)
15:15 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
Clarify and expand steps toward basic Drupal setup (diff)
15:12 Webdev edited by Sander Maijers
Revise, remove old content and list steps toward basic Drupal setup (diff)
14:56 Ticket #836 (Support extraction of CMD attributes based on conceptlinks) closed by teckart@informatik.uni-leipzig.de
fixed: Evaluation showed that 14 XPaths are currently extracted based on …
14:40 Ticket #909 (JQuery update module - check interaction with media module) closed by Sander Maijers
fixed: The jquery_update Drupal module has been enabled again. It is …
13:35 CMDI 1.2/Specification edited by Twan Goosen
updated toolkit handle (diff)


15:47 Ticket #927 (Use relative URL for flag in left of footer) closed by Sander Maijers
fixed: See …
15:41 Ticket #929 (Use relative URL for login link in header) closed by Sander Maijers
fixed: Changed from ‘https://www.clarin.eu/user’ -> ‘user’ on …
10:09 Ticket #955 (Add Reverse DNS records for TransIP VMs) created by Sander Maijers
We haven't filled in this on e.g. …
09:09 Ticket #954 (Increase database pool size for Component Registry) created by Twan Goosen
On 22 June there were some issues with the Component Registry that …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.