This page is a subpage of [[CMDI 1.2]] = Tool aspects of CMDI version migration = [[PageOutline(1-4)]] On this page, tool aspects of the migration from CMDI 1.1 to CMDI 1.2 can be collected. '''Please extend this page with affected tools that you are responsible for or aware of! ''' == Component Registry == A mass migration will be carried out to all components and profile in the Component Registry. From that point on, it will perform on the fly conversion; see [[CMDI 1.2/Migration/Component migration#ComponentRegistryRESTserviceURLs|Component Registry REST service URL's]]. == VLO == The VLO will have to support both CMDI 1.1 and 1.2. Since VLO is read-only, the importer could internally rely on 1.2, convert all 1.1 instances in a pre-processing stage. Namespace should not be an issue,as ''"VTD-XML (since v 2.9) fully conforms to XML Namespace 1.0 spec"'' (according to the [ FAQ]) == Arbil == Arbil will probably have to support both CMDI 1.1 and 1.2, both read and write. Handling of namespaces will have to be looked at carefully. Since Arbil was designed to handle arbitrary schema based XML documents, a large part of the functionality for 1.1 and 1.2 could be shared, but different 'hooks' will have to be implemented for both versions. Arbil could be used as a tool to migrate with the planned transformation feature (basically executing arbitrary/predefined XSLT's on local metadata documents). {{{#!comment no common keyword... == Tickets == Tickets in the CMDI 1.2 milestone with the keyword ''keyword'': [[TicketQuery(keywords=~keyword,milestone=CMDI 1.2,format=table,col=summary|owner|component|priority|status)]] }}} == Discussion == Discuss the topic in general below this point