{{{#!div class="system-message" '''NOTE''': This page is currently under development and should be considered a draft. If you wish to contribute, please contact the authors. }}} {{{#!div class="notice system-message" Notes from a recent meeting concerning the CMDI specification can be found [[Taskforces/CMDI/Meeting20140730|here]] }}} = Component Metadata Infrastructure (CMDI) 1.2 [DRAFT] = [[PageOutline(1-5)]] == Introduction == The goal of the ''Component Metadata Infrastructure (CMDI)'' specification... '''TODO''' === History === '''TODO''' {{{#!comment Not sure if this is the right place for this section }}} === Terminology === The key words `MUST`, `MUST NOT`, `REQUIRED`, `SHALL`, `SHALL NOT`, `SHOULD`, `SHOULD NOT`, `RECOMMENDED`, `MAY`, and `OPTIONAL` in this document are to be interpreted as described in [#REF_RFC_2119 RFC2119]. === Glossary === {{{#!div class="notice system-message" Work in progress. Responsible for this section: Thorsten & Twan }}} {{{#!div class="system-message" Please do not edit here, but use the [https://docs.google.com/document/d/14yrkJwg2lxf5GGkkA-wMjgByHSlQYWiSt--Lvn0biyo/edit?usp=sharing Google Docs version]! }}} * CMD model, Component Metadata model * The component based metadata model described in the present specification * CMDI, Component Metadata Infrastructure * Metadata description framework consisting of the __CMD model__ and infrastructure * CCSL, CMDI Component Specification Language * __XML__ based language for describing components according to the __CMD__ model * CLARIN * The infrastructure governed by the CLARIN ERIC * [http://www.clarin.eu] * resource, language resource * A (digitally) accessible entity that can be described in terms of its content and technical properties, referenced by a __Uniform Resource Identifier__ * digital object * __Resource__ in a repository stored in one repository container that can be addressed by an identifier; a digital object can be seen as a generalization of a directory in a file system containing one or more files which are the data stream(s). Digital objects can exist in databases, hence the comparison to directory and file structures falls short. * metadata * A description of a __resource__, usually given as a set of properties in the form of attribute-value pairs. This description may contain information about the resource, aspects or parts of the resource and/or artefacts and actors connected to the resource. * persistent identifier, PID * Unique __Uniform Resource Identifier__ that assures permanent access for a digital object by providing access to it independently of its physical location or current ownership * concept * An abstract or generic idea generalized from particular instances (source: [http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/concept Merriam-Webster]) * semantic registry * A list/directory/system maintaining (authoritative) definitions of terms, __concepts__ or data categories. These registries should also provide __persistent identifiers__ for their entries. * concept link * A reference from a __CMD profile__, __CMD component__, __CMD element__, __CMD attribute__ or a value in a __controlled vocabulary__ to an entry in a __semantic registry__ via its __persistent identifier__. * CLARIN Concept Registry * The __semantic registry__ maintaining __concepts__ used/central to the CLARIN infrastructure * [http://clarin.eu/ccr] * XML * Markup language standard as described by W3C recommendation http://www.w3.org/TR/xml/ * XML document * ... * XML element * A constituent of an __XML document__ as defined in W3C recommendation [http://www.w3.org/TR/xml/] (distinct from a __CMD element__) * XML schema datatype * A predefined set of permissible content within a section of an XML document as described in [http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/] * XML container element * An __XML element__ that has one or more XML elements as its descendants * XML attribute * A property of an __XML element __as defined in W3C recommendation http://www.w3.org/TR/xml/ (distinct from a __CMD attribute__) * Uniform Resource Identifier, URI * An identifier for __resources__ as described in [http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986 RFC3986] * namespace * An __XML__ namespace as described in [http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names/] * CMD instance, metadata instance, CMDI file, metadata record, CMD record * A file that conforms to the general CMDI instance structure as described in this specification, and at the __instance payload__ level follows the specific structure defined by the __CMD specification__ it relates to * Instance header * The section of a __metadata instance__ marked as ‘header’, providing information on that metadata instance as such, not the __resource__ that is described by the metadata file * Resource proxy, CMD resource reference * A representation of a __resource__ within a __metadata instance__ containing a __Uniform Resource Identifier__ as a reference to the resource itself and a specification of its type (one of: Resource, Metadata, !SearchPage, !SearchService, !LandingPage) * Resource proxy reference * A reference from any point within the __instance payload__ to any of the __resource proxies__ * Instance payload(?) * The section of a __metadata instance__ that follows the structure defined by the profile it references and contains the description of the __resources__ to which that metadata instance relates * CMD specification, component specification/definition, profile specification/definition * The implementation of a __CMD component__ or __CMD profile__ by means of the __CCSL__ * Specification header, component header, profile header * The section of a __CMD specification__ marked as ‘header’, providing information on that specification as such that is not part of the defined structure * CMD component, component * A reusable, structured template for the description of (an aspect of)a __resource__, defined by means of a __CMD specification__ document with the potential of embedding other components by reference * CMD profile, profile definition, profile * A __CMD component__ that is used to describe a class of resources and is not embedded into other components, and therefore provides the complete structure for an __instance payload__ * CMD element, element definition * A unit of a CMD component that describes the level of the __metadata instance__ that can carry atomic values constrained by a __value scheme__, and does not contain further levels except for that of the __CMD attribute__ * CMD attribute * A unit of a CMD element that describes the level at which properties of a __CMD element__ can be provided by means of __value scheme __constrained atomic values. * value scheme * A set of constraints governing the range of  values allowed for a specific __CMD element__ or __CMD attribute__ in a __metadata instance__, expressed in terms of an __XML schema datatype__, __controlled vocabulary__, or __regular expression__ * controlled vocabulary, closed/open vocabulary * A set of values that can be used either to constrain the set of permissible values or to provide suggestions for applicable values in a given context * regular expression * An expression that constrains the set of permissible values,as described in  XML Schema Regular Expressions [http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#regexs] === Normative References === RFC2119[=#REF_RFC_2119]:: Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, IETF RFC 2119, March 1997, \\ [http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt] XML-Namespaces[=#REF_XML_Namespaces]:: Namespaces in XML 1.0 (Third Edition), W3C, 8 December 2009, \\ [http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/REC-xml-names-20091208/] {{{#!comment TODO: add references }}} === Non-Normative References === RFC3023[=#REF_RFC_3023]:: XML Media Types, IETF RFC 3023, January 2001, \\ [http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3023.txt] {{{#!comment TODO: add references }}} === Typographic and XML Namespace conventions === The following typographic conventions for XML fragments will be used throughout this specification: * `` \\ An XML element with the Generic Identifier ''Element'' that is bound to an XML namespace denoted by the prefix ''prefix''. * `@attr` \\ An XML attribute with the name ''attr'' {{{#!comment * `@prefix:attr` \\ An XML attribute with the name ''attr'' that is bound to an XML namespaces denoted by the prefix ''prefix''. }}} * `string` \\ The literal ''string'' must be used either as element content or attribute value. The following XML namespace names and prefixes are used throughout this specification. The column "Recommended Syntax" indicates which syntax variant `SHOULD` be used by the Endpoint to serialize the XML response. ||=Prefix =||=Namespace Name =||=Comment =||=Recommended Syntax =|| || `cmd` || `http://clarin.eu/cmd` || CMDI instance || prefixed || '''TODO''': update namespaces {{{#!comment TODO: Add payload, envelope namespace and namespace for specification }}} {{{#!comment TODO: Decide whether we want to have the following intro subsections == CMDI Component Metadata Model == == CMDI Component and Profile Specification Level == }}} = Structure of CMDI-files = {{{#!div class="notice system-message" Responsible for this section: Oddrun }}} {{{#!comment TODO: UML diagram of CMDI record components }}} A CMDI file contains the actual metadata of one specific resource (hereafter referred to as the described resource), and might also be referred to as a CMDI record. All CMDI files have the same structure at the top level. At a lower level, parts of its structure are defined by the CMDI profile upon which it is based. == The main structure == A CMDI file has the root element CMD with 4 subelements: * The Header element, containing certain administrative information about the CMDI file, i.e. metadata about the file itself * The Resources element, listing resource proxies and their interrelations, by the following subelements * ResourceProxyList, containing a list of ResourceProxy elements, each referencing a file contained in or closely related to the described resource * JournalFileProxyList, containing a list of JournalFileProxy elements, each referencing a file (“journal file”) containing provenance information about the described resource * ResourceRelationList, containing a list of ResourceRelation elements, each representing a relationship between 2 resource files (as listed in the ResourceProxyList) * IsPartOf list, containing a list of IsPartOf elements, each referencing a larger external resource of which the described resource (as a whole) forms a part * Components, containing one subelement corresponding to – and in turn structured according to - the CMDI profile applied. The profile substructure exist in the profile-specific namespace, all the rest within the cmd namespace. In the following the main parts are described in detail == The header == {{{#!comment [TODO CMDI 1.2]: Include support for attributes as local extensions Accepted proposal by Twan & Menzo (2014-11-20 by e-mail to the members of the CMDI taskforce): * Allow attributes of a foreign namespace (i.e. not the general CMDI namespace) anywhere in the Header, Resources sections and on the 'Component' element (but not on any of its children) of a CMDI record, i.e. a profile instance * This is achieved by modifying the component specification to XSD stylesheet * There will be no consequence for existing components, profiles or records * The change will be part of both CMDI 1.1 and CMDI 1.2 * The first application of this extension will be at TLA with the 'lat:localURI' attribute on ResourceRef elements Additional formal constraints proposed by Oliver: These local attributes a) MUST be ignored by tools that don't understand them (or don't want to deal with them) and therefore MAY be removed during processing b) the Namespace-Name MUST NOT contain fragments of official CLARIN namespaces, i.e. don't start with the "http://www.clarin.eu", "http://clarin.eu", etc. }}} ||Name||MdCreator|| ||Description||Denotes the creator of this metadata file|| ||Value type||A string|| ||Occurrences||0 to unbounded|| ||Attributes|| || State purpose of header List elements in a table, giving name, "definition", type, cardinality for each == The resources section == === The Resource proxy list === State purpose of Resource Proxy list (and which files should be listed here) Specify in detail how resource proxies are represented: * all possible elements and attributes with definition, type, cardinality/obligation === The Journal File Proxy List === State purpose of Journal File Proxy list (and which files should be listed here) Specify in detail how resource proxies are represented: * all possible elements and attributes with definition, type, cardinality/obligation === The Resource Relation List === State purpose of Resource Relation List (representing binary relations between resource (proxies) and/or other resources Specify in detail how resource relation are represented: * all possible elements and attributes with definition, type, cardinality/obligation == The Is-Part-of List == State purpose of Is-Part-of List (representing external resources that the described resource is a part of) ('''NOTE:''' IsPartOfList no longer in Resources section) Specify in detail how an Is-part-of relation is represented: * all possible elements and attributes with definition, type, cardinality/obligation == The components == Sate purpose of components section, and its dependency upon profile (as given in header: MdProfile) = The CMDI Component Specification Language = {{{#!div class="notice system-message" Responsible for this section: Thomas }}} The CMDI Component Specification Language (CCSL) is used to describe a CMD component or CMD profile. Hence, a CCSL document provides the structure of an aspect of a resource or (in the case of a profile specification) the complete structure of the instance's payload. It is also basis for the generation of the XML schema file that is used to validate a CMD instance (see section ''Transformation of CCSL into a schema'' for details). A CCSL document consists of two sections, the CCSL header and the actual CMD component description. Its root element must contain an XML attribute ''isProfile'' to indicate if the document specifies a CMD profile or a CMD component. Figure XY show the relation of the individual elements of the CCSL. {{{#!comment TODO: UML diagram of CCSL }}} == CCSL header == The CCSL header provides information relevant to identify and describe the component. This part includes a persistent identifier, the name, and a description of the component. The header also supports information about the status of the specification. These include a mandatory element indicating the component's status in its lifecycle (using the three lifecycles ''development'', ''production'', or ''deprecated'') and an optional element ''statusComment'' to contain information about the reason for the current status. In the case of a deprecated specification that was succeeded by a new specification, the identifier of the direct successor should be stored in the element ''Successor''. The following table contains a summary of allowed specifications for the component header. || Name || Valuetype || Description || || ID || xs:anyURI || ID of the component specification || || Name || xs:string || Name of the component || || Description || xs:string || Description of the component || || Status || xs:string ("development", "production", "deprecated") || Status in lifecycle || || StatusComment || xs:string || Comment about the status || || Successor || xs:anyURI || ID of successor component, if available || == CMD Component definition == Components are defined as a sequence of elements which may be followed by other components. The later is allowed because components may be embedded in other components. The specification of a CMD components contains the name of the component, the component's identifier, an optional concept link, and information about the allowed cardinality of the component. Furthermore documentation texts and further CMD attributes may be specified. The following table contains a summary of allowed specifications for a CMD component. || Name || Element/Attribute || Valuetype || Description || || name || Attribute || xs:Name || Name of the component || || ComponentId || Attribute || xs:anyURI || Identifier of the component || || ConceptLink || Attribute || xs:anyURI || Concept link || || CardinalityMin || Attribute || xs:nonNegativeInteger || Minimum number of times this component has to occur|| || CardinalityMax || Attribute || xs:nonNegativeInteger or “unbounded” || Maximum number of times this component may occur || || Documentation || Element || xs:string || Documentation about the purpose of the component || || AttributeList || Element || xs:complexType || Additional attributes specified by the component creator || == CMD element definition == CMD elements are a template for storing atomic values constrained by a value scheme in a CMD instance. All relevant information and restrictions for such an element is contained in the CMD element definition. Most of this information is stored in XML attributes. This includes the mandatory name of the element, an optional concept link, the value schema, and information about the allowed cardinality of the element. Furthermore it can be indicated if the element may have different instance values in multiple languages, and hence an unlimited upper cardinality bound. Besides standard XML schema datatypes the value of a CMD element can be constrained by using regular expressions or vocabularies. The latter can be specified by giving the complete list of allowed values or by stating the URI of an external vocabulary (for details see ''Value restrictions for elements and attributes''). If the instance's content of the element can be derived from other values, the element ''AutoValue'' may be used to give indication about the derivation function. The CCSL does not prescribe or suggest a specific set of derivation functions. The following table contains a summary of allowed specifications for a CMD element. || Name || Element/Attribute || Valuetype || Description || || name || Attribute || xs:Name || Name of the element || || ConceptLink || Attribute || xs:anyURI || Concept link || || ValueScheme || Attribute || Subset of XSD datatypes || Allowed data type if simple XML type is used || || CardinalityMin || Attribute || xs:nonNegativeInteger or "unbounded" || Minimum number of times this element has to occur || || CardinalityMax || Attribute || xs:nonNegativeInteger or "unbounded" || Maximum number of times this element may occur || Multilingual || Attribute || xs:boolean || Indication that the element can have values in multiple languages || || Documentation || Element || xs:string || Documentation about the purpose of the element || || AttributeList || Element || xs:complexType || Additional attributes specified by the component creator || || ValueScheme || Element || xs:complexType || Value restrictions based on a regular expression or a specified vocabulary || || AutoValue || Element || xs:string || Derivation rules for the element's content || == CMD attribute definition == Both the CMD element and component description allow the specification of additional CMD attributes. Every CMD attribute is specified using similar attributes and elements as for CMD elements. The following table contains a summary of allowed specifications for a CMD attribute. || Name || Element/Attribute || Valuetype || Description || || name || Attribute || xs:Name || Name of the attribute || || ConceptLink || Attribute || xs:anyURI || Concept link || || ValueScheme || Attribute || Subset of XSD datatypes || Allowed data type if simple XML type is used || || Required || Attribute || xs:boolean || Indication if attribute is required || ||Documentation || Element || xs:string || Documentation about the purpose of the attribute || ||ValueScheme || Element || xs:complexType || Value restrictions based on a regular expression or a specified vocabulary || ||AutoValue || Element || xs:string || Derivation rules for the attribute's content || == Value restrictions for elements and attributes == Apart from standard XML schema datatypes the content of a CMD element or attribute instance can be restricted by two means. The ''ValueScheme'' element may contain either an XML element ''pattern'' with the specification of a regular expression the element should comply with, or the definition of a vocabulary of allowed values. CMDI 1.2 supports two approaches to describe such a vocabulary: * specifying all allowed values with optional attributes for every value to include a concept link and a description of the specific value, or * referring to an external vocabulary via a URI specified in the attribute URI. Optional XML attributes ''ValueProperty'' and ''ValueLanguage'' may be used to give more information about preferred label and language in the chosen vocabulary. == Cues attributes == All CMD attribute, element, and component specifications may contain additional attributes with the namespace “http://www.clarin.eu/cmdi/cues/display/1.0”. These may be used to give information about how the payload contained in CMD instances should be presented. Different styles for the same CMD component may be developed. The CCSL does not prescribe or suggest a specific set of these cue attributes. = Transformation of CCSL into a CMD profile schema definition = A CMD instance document that is serialised as XML according this specification `SHOULD` contain a reference the location of a CMD profile schema. The infrastructure `MUST` provide a mechanism to derive such a schema for any specific CMD profile on basis of its definition and that of the CMD components that it references. This section specifies how different aspects of a CMD specification should be transformed into elements of a schema definition. The primary schema language targeted is XML Schema, although the infrastructure `MAY` provide support for other schema languages, such as DDML or Relax NG. CMD profile schemas `SHOULD NOT` (`MUST NOT`?) be derived from CMD specifications that are not CMD profiles. The transformation as described here is assumed to take place on the fully expanded CMD profile, i.e. a version of the specification that has all referenced (non-inline) CMD Component definitions are resolved and substituted, recursively, by their full definitions. == General properties of the CMD profile schema definition == A CMD profile schema `MUST` be a single document {or set of linked documents with a single entry point}(?) that allows for the evaluation of a CMD instance on all levels of description defined in one specific CMD profile. The schema `MUST` require the presence of a CMD instance envelope as described in section "Structure of CMDI-files". The value of the `` header item in the CMD instance envelope `MUST` only be valid if it is equal to the profile id as specified in the associated CMD profile. The CMD profile schema `SHOULD` include, as a matter of annotation, a copy of (a subset of) the information contained in the `Header` section of the CMD profile from which it is derived. The transformation `MAY` make use of embedded component identifiers in the CMD component definition to derive (complex) types that can be reused throughout the schema definition. == Interpretation of CMD component definitions in the CCSL == CMD Components which are represented as `` XML elements in the CCSL, `MUST` be realised as XML element declarations with the following property mapping: ||= Property =||= XML schema attribute =||= Derived from =||= Use =|| || Name of the XML element || `@name` || `@name` || `REQUIRED` || || Minimal number of occurrences || `@minOccurs` || `@CardinalityMin`, or '1' if XML attribute not present || `REQUIRED` ^[#ioccditc-note1 1]^ || || Maximal number of occurrences || `@maxOccurs` || `@CardinalityMax`, or '1' if XML attribute not present || `REQUIRED` ^[#ioccditc-note1 1]^ || || Concept link || `@dcr:datcat` || `@ConceptLink` || `OPTIONAL` || || Component id || `@cmd:ComponentId` || `@ComponentId` || `OPTIONAL` || ^[=#ioccditc-note1 1]^The implementation may make use of default evaluation of the schema language if it matches these requirements, as is the case with XML Schema, and therefore omit explicit declaration of these properties An optional XML Attribute `@cmd:ref` of type ''xs:IDREFS'' `MUST` be allowed on the XML container element derived from any CMD component. `` XML elements contained in CMD Components `SHOULD` be transformed into documentation elements embedded in the XML element declaration. In these, the content language information contained in the `@xml:lang` XML attribute `SHOULD` be preserved. XML attributes of CMD Components in the 'cue' namespace `SHOULD` be copied into the XML element declaration, in which case the XML attribute name, namespace and value `SHOULD` be preserved. === Document structure prescribed by the schema === The first CMD component defined in the CMD profile (the "root component") `MUST` be mapped as the mandatory, only direct descendant of the `` XML element of the CMD instance envelope. CMD components that are defined as direct descendants of another CMD component `MUST` be mapped as direct descendants of the XML element declaration to which it is transformed. XML components at the CMD component level in the metadata instance `MUST` be required to be included in the same order as defined in the CMD specification, the first of the resulting XML elements appearing after the last XML element derived from a CMD element at the same level, if present. These descendant CMD Components `MUST` also be mapped to XML element declarations recursively as described in this specification. CMD elements `MUST` be mapped as direct descendants of the XML element declaration derived from the CMD component of which they are direct descendants, and `MUST` be required to be included in the same order as defined in the CMD specification. CMD attributes that are defined in the CCSL within "Attribute" XML elements within an "AttributeList" XML element that is a direct descendant of a CMD Component MUST be mapped to XML attribute definitions on the XML container element to which it is transformed. == Interpretation of CMD element definitions in the CCSL == CMD elements, represented as `` XML elements in the CCSL, `MUST` be realised as XML element declarations with the following property mapping: ||= Property =||= XML schema attribute =||= Derived from =||= Use =|| || Name of the XML element || `@name` || `@name` || `REQUIRED` || || Minimal number of occurrences || `@minOccurs` || `@CardinalityMin` '''unless''' `@Multilingual` is true,\\in which case MUST be 'unbounded',\\or '1' if neither XML attribute is present || `REQUIRED` ^[#ioceditc-note1 1]^ || || Maximal number of occurrences || `@maxOccurs` || `@CardinalityMax`, or '1' if XML attribute not present || `REQUIRED` ^[#ioceditc-note1 1]^ || || Type of the XML element || `@type` || See section 'Content model' || || || Concept link || `@dcr:datcat` || `@ConceptLink` || `OPTIONAL` || || Auto value instruction || `@cmd:AutoValue` || `@AutoValue` || `OPTIONAL` || ^[=#ioceditc-note1 1]^The implementation may make use of default evaluation of the schema language if it matches these requirements, as is the case with XML Schema, and therefore omit explicit declaration of these properties `` XML elements contained in CMD elements `SHOULD` be transformed into documentation elements embedded in the XML element declaration In these, the content language information contained in the `@xml:lang` XML attribute `SHOULD` be preserved. XML attributes of CMD Elements in the 'cue' namespace `SHOULD` be copied into the XML element declaration, in which case the XML attribute name, namespace and value `SHOULD` be preserved. An optional XML Attribute `@cmd:ValueConceptLink` of type ''xs:anyURI'' `MUST` be allowed on the XML element derived from a CMD element that has a vocabulary with XML attribute `@URI` defined (see section "Content model for CMD elements and CMD attributes in the schema definition"). The derivation of a content model for the XML element declaration on basis of a CMD element is described below. == Interpretation of CMD attribute definitions in the CCSL == CMD attributes, represented as `` XML elements in the CCSL, `MUST` be realised as XML attribute declarations with the following property mapping: ||= Property =||= XML schema attribute =||= Derived from =||= Use =|| || Name of the XML element || `@name` || `@name` || `REQUIRED` || || Use of the XML attribute || `@use` || 'required' if and only if `@Required` is present and equals true, otherwise 'optional' || `REQUIRED` ^[#iocaditc-note1 1]^ || || Type of the XML attribute || `@type` |||| See section 'Content model' || || Concept link || `@dcr:datcat` || `@ConceptLink` || `OPTIONAL` || || Auto value instruction || `@cmd:AutoValue` || `@AutoValue` || `OPTIONAL` || ^[=#iocaditc-note1 1]^The implementation may make use of default evaluation of the schema language if it matches these requirements, as is the case with XML Schema, and therefore omit explicit declaration of these properties `` XML elements contained in CMD attributes `SHOULD` be transformed into documentation elements embedded in the XML attribute declaration In these, the content language information contained in the `@xml:lang` XML attribute `SHOULD` be preserved. XML attributes of CMD Attributes in the 'cue' namespace `SHOULD` be copied into the XML attribute declaration, in which case the XML attribute name, namespace and value `SHOULD` be preserved. The derivation of a content model for the XML attribute declaration on basis of a CMD attribute is described below. == Content model for CMD elements and CMD attributes in the schema definition == If a CMD element or CMD attribute in the CCSL has a `@ValueScheme` XML attribute, its value `MUST` be interpreted as the name of the XML Schema Datatype (declared in the `@type` attribute of the XML element or attribute declaration in XML Schema) that defines the allowed value range of the XML element/attribute derived from the CMD element/attribute. '''Otherwise''', if a CMD element or CMD attribute in the CCSL has a descendant XML element `` that contains an XML element ``, then its text value `MUST` be interpreted as the XML Schema Regular Expressions that defines the allowed value range of the XML element/attribute derived from this CMD element/attribute. '''Otherwise''', if a CMD element or CMD attribute in the CCSL has a descendant XML element `` that contains an XML element ``: * The XML attribute `@URI` of the XML element ``, if present, `SHOULD` be transformed into an attribute `cmd:Vocabulary`^[#cm-note1 1]^ of the same value on the XML element or attribute declaration in the schema. * The XML attributes `@ValueProperty` and `@ValueLanguage` of the XML element `` `SHOULD` be transformed into XML attributes^[#cm-note1 1]^ in the 'cmd:' namespace on the XML element declaration in the case of a CMD element or XML attribute declaration in the case of a CMD attribute. * The XML elements `` that are descendants of `` contained in `` `MUST` be transformed into an enumeration based restriction with values taken from the text content of the `` XML elements. Each enumeration item in the schema `SHOULD` be annotated the value from the XML attribute `@ConceptLink` by means of an XML attribute `@dcr:datcat`^[#cm-note1 1]^ and the value of the XML attribute `@AppInfo` by means of an attribute in the 'ann' namespace. ^[=#cm-note1 1]^The attributes `@cmd:Vocabulary`, `@cmd:ValueProperty`, `@cmd:ValueLanguage` and `@dcr:datcat` should be present in the schema, not be declared as attributes allowed in the CMD instance = Appendices = {{{#!comment ISO spec has copy of general component schema and instance XML example, removed here }}} = Bibliography = IETF RFC 2045, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies IETF RFC 2046, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types IETF RFC 5646, Tags for Identifying Languages ISO 639‐1, Codes for the representation of names of languages — Part 1: Alpha-2 code ISO 639‐3, Codes for the representation of names of languages -- Part 3: Alpha-3 code for comprehensive coverage of languages ISO 3166‐1, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 1: Country codes ISO 8601, Data elements and interchange formats — Information interchange — Representation of dates and times ISO/IEC 10646‐1, Information technology — Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) — Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes, Biron, P.V. and Malhotra, A. (eds.), W3C Recommendation 02 May 2001, available at