Short summary of the proposal: add a flag "nillable" to each CMDI element (including String, !ValueScheme and Pattern) and add a "nillable list" with explicitly declared values in ISOcat (e.g. [ Unknown] and [ Unspecified]), this will lead to instances with nil-valued elements like: {{{ }}} Advantages: * using the XML-standard xsi:nil mechanism * allows for nil-valued validating fields of an XML type that do not allow the empty string (eg boolean or date) * makes the choice for "nil" fully semantically defined * leaves the type of the elements at a certain XPath predictable (no involved for the element itself, only for the attributes) As this will use the cmdi: namespace prefix it is suggested to add this to CMDI 1.2 Needed steps: * changing the [source:metadata/trunk/toolkit/general-component-schema.xsdgeneral component XSD] and [source:metadata/trunk/toolkit/xslt/comp2schema-v2/comp2schema.xsl comp2schema.xsl] (Menzo) * [Twan] Depending on the way we will implement this, we may run into this: [], I'm not sure if there is a way around it but perhaps an XSD expert can look at it. * adding support to the component registry (Twan) * adding support to Arbil (Peter/Twan) Timeplan: * create a milestone for the CMDI 1.2 tickets and establish a timing (short/mid-term, Twan will make a milestone definition)