[[PageOutline(2-4)]] = Virtual Collection Registry: functional requirements = The purpose of this page is to gather functional and high level technical requirements of the Virtual Collection Registry. These requirements stem from the following sources: * The functional description, written mostly in 2010: [[CmdiVirtualCollection]] * The existing implementation in its current state: [source:/VirtualCollectionRegistry@4478], in production at [http://clarin.ids-mannheim.de/vcr/] * Input from CLARIN community members == Description == Description adapted from [[CmdiVirtualCollection]]: A virtual collection (VC) is a collection that is the result of browsing or searching repositories rather than being the result of construction and first-time publication by an organization. Another characterisation is that the resources in a VC are already available in other collections, and the VC can be considered a derived collection. Nevertheless these VCs need to be citable for future use and should therefore be able to be registered in a registry, the virtual collection registry (VCR). == Use cases == === Creation use case 1: manual creation === * User browses to VCR and logs in * User creates new VC * User adds items * Provide URI or PID * Provide metadata * Type (intensional/extensional) * Name, description, purpose, Keywords * Creators * Reproducability * Stored in addition * Creation date * User id * User publishes this VC * VCR assigns a PID to this VC * VCR provides this VC via REST and over OAI-PMH === Creation use case 2: VC from VLO selection === * User makes a selection in the VLO * (has to be below a set maximum size?) * User selects ‘add to virtual collection’ option in the VLO * The VLO posts the URL’s of the selection and some metadata (selection/query, VLO version information?) to the VCR (by means of a HTML form) * The user authenticates (if not already authenticated) * The VCR presents the user with the following options: * Add the items to an existing unpublished collection * Add the items to a new collection * In the case of a new collection, the manual collection creation steps have to be followed by the user (some values are already filled in based on the metadata provided by the VLO) === (Creation use case 3: dynamic VC by search query) === Not considered at this stage === Exploitation use case 1: Citation === * A user has created a VC for a set of resources (e.g. a number of metadata records each describing a recording session and the resulting media files), and published it so that it has a PID * The user includes the PID as a reference to this VC in a publication * Other users can use a handle resolver to resolve this PID, which will lead them to the VCR displaying a presentation of the identified VC * Links in the this presentation will guide these users to the items contained in the VC at their original location === Exploitation use case 2: Processing tool === * A user needs to process a set of documents with a tool, e.g. an automated annotator or workflow tool that has VC supports; the documents to be processed are gathered in a VC * The user accesses the tool and enters the PID of the VC to be processed * The tool will connect to the VCR using its REST service and request the VC metadata * The VCR provides an XML representation of the VC metadata * The tool follows the links present in the VC and accesses the items directly at their original location, and retrieves them for processing == Requirements == === Core requirements === ==== Virtual collection model ==== * Type * Extensional * Intensional * State * Unpublished * Published * Metadata * Name * Description * Purpose * Keywords * Creators * name * email * address * telephone * website * organisation * role * ''ORCID?'' * Reproducability * intended * fluctuated * untended * Links * Type * Metadata * Resource * URI * (Query profile) * (Query value) * ''Optionally:'' A (multilingual) description in case of a metadata item ==== Storage of VC’s ==== Relation database backend ==== Rights & lifecycle management ==== * Each VCR has an owner * An owner can be a single user or a group * Ownership can be transferred from one user to another * Groups are not maintained within the VCR * A VCR is in one of the following states: * Development (public or private/unlisted) * Published * Deprecated * A deprecated VCR can be superseded by a published (or deprecated) VCR ==== PID assignment ==== * Each (published) VCR should be assigned a VCR * One or more PID providers * Implementation currently supports the GWDG PID Handle Service * CLARIN handle has been requested. Server will run at …? * !DataCite?? https://mds.datacite.org/ ==== REST service ==== * /VCR * '''GET''' gets all VC’s (can be filtered using VCRQL (see Protocol.txt)) * '''POST''' VC creates a new VC (can be incomplete, e.g. only metadata) * /VCR/{ID} * '''GET''' gets representation of a single VC * '''PUT''' modifies existing unpublished VC * '''DELETE''' deletes existing unpublished VC * /VCR/{ID}/cmdi * '''GET''' a CMDI representation of a single VC * /VRC/{ID}/URI * '''PUT''' adds an URI to a VC * '''POST''' updates URI This is largely in line with [source:/VirtualCollectionRegistry/trunk/VirtualCollectionRegistry/Protocol.txt@522 Protocol.txt] ==== OAI Provider ==== * Provides published VC’s as CMDI ==== Web based front-end ==== * Browse public VC’s * Browse private VC’s * VC viewer * VC creation/editing * Shibbolised ==== Integration into secondary tools ==== * Resource providers (POST/PUT clients) * VLO * Centre catalogues * e.g. MPI-PL * ... * Exploitation (GET clients) * Weblicht * … === Proposed additional features === * Export to !DataCite schema http://schema.datacite.org/ * Use ORCID API (and/or http://viaf.org/?) as a data source for creators (e.g. providing autocomplete)