problem: 2 occurences of the same component, at the same level within one profile: leads to XSD with error solution: * disable this in general-component.xsd? (seems impossible) * [TG 5/7/12] impossible using XSD, possible using schematron rules, see [source:/ComponentRegistry/trunk/CMDValidate/src/test/resources/schema/general-component-schema.xsd augmented general-component-schema.xsd] * disable this behavior in component registry? (much work, no guarantee) * [TG 5/7/12] this been implemented in the meanwhile * optimize the postprocessing XSLT so that it recognizes the similarity between the inline complexType parts and creates a common complexType at the begin of the XSD (much work? investigate) * [TG 5/7/12] I don't like this approach very much