= Managing Groups in the Component Registry through JMX = This document describes the process of managing groups in the Component Registry through JMX. For a conceptual overview of groups please see [wiki:ComponentVersioning] and [ticket:143]. Notice that groups can also be managed through the [http://catalog.clarin.eu/ds/ComponentRegistry/admin graphical administration interface]. == Technical Prerequisites == Currently group management functions are accessible only over the java management extension ([http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/tech/javamanagement-140525.html JMX]) which must be enabled on the servlet container at a certain TCP port. The group manager can connect to JMX with the [http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/management/jconsole.html jconsole] tool which is part of any JDK. == Connecting to JMX == 1. On a command prompt type: {{{ jconsole host:port }}} For lux16 that would be: {{{ jconsole lux16:8990 }}} 2. If asked, allow the insecure connection 3. Switch to the MBeans tab == Managing Groups with JMX == 1. Connect to JMX as described in the "Connecting to JMX" chapter 2. On the left tree, locate the componentregistry entry and expand it 3. Expand the "GroupService" entry under componentregistry 4. Expand Operations under "GroupService" 5. Locate the function you want to execute == Creating a new Group == 1. Execute the steps described in the "Managing Groups with JMX" chapter 2. Select the "createNewGroup" operation under Operations 3. Enter the group name under "name" and the group owner's principal name under "ownerPrincipalName" 4. Click the "createNewGroup" button Note that this will NOT make the owning user a member of the group yet. For that, invocation of the "makeMember" function is required. == Viewing Existing Groups == 1. Execute the steps described in the "Managing Groups with JMX" chapter 2. Click on the "listGroupNames" function under "Operations" 3. Click on the "listGroupNames" button == Adding a User to a Group == 1. Execute the steps described in the "Managing Groups with JMX" chapter 2. Click on the "makeMember" operation 3. Enter the user principal name who is to become a group member into the "principalName" field 4. Enter the group name which will accept the new member in the "groupName" field 5. Click on the "makeMember" button