[=#topofpage] ''Responsible for this page: [mailto:davor.ostojic@oeaw.ac.at Davor Ostojić].''\\ ''Last content check: 03-11-2015'' \\ ''Status: design'' {{{ #!html


}}} The purpose of this page is to collect relevant information about Curation Module project. = Project: Curation Module = The goal of this project is to implement software component for curation and quality assessment which can be integrated in the CLARIN workflow. Project is initialized by [[wiki:Taskforces/Curation|Metadata Curation Task Force]]. Specification for the Curation Module is based on the [[wiki:MDQAS|Metadata Quality Assessement Service]] proposal. [[BR]] For implementation this project will use some of the existing CLARIN components: {{{ #!comment ---- == Subpages == If there are subpages to this page, uncomment this section and add links these pages. }}} ---- {{{ #!comment This section can be skipped for short pages. }}} {{{ #!html


}}} [[PageOutline(1-2, , inline)]] ---- == People == * [mailto:matej.durco@oeaw.ac.at Matej Ďurčo] - coordinator (CLARIN-AT, CLARIN Center Vienna) * [mailto:davor.ostojic@oeaw.ac.at Davor Ostojić] - developer (CLARIN-AT, CLARIN Center Vienna) ---- == Getting code == The project is in design phase, when code becomes available, links to code will be posted here. {{{ #!comment * You can browse the code [source:yourproject here] * Check out from: {{{https://trac.clarin.eu/yourproject}}} }}} ---- == Usage == ---- == System Requirements == Requirements for the project are based on [[wiki:MDQAS#Requirements|Metadata Quality Assessement Service requirements]] === Identified Use Cases === ==== Use Case 1 – Metadata Editor checks the validity of newly created record ==== * Title: Check validity of metadata record * Actor: MD Author / Editor * Level: User Goal * Main Success Scenario:[[BR]] 1. User copies MD record into the web form and starts validation by clicking "Validate" button[[BR]] 2. Module does schema validation, link checks, vocabulary check, facet coverage assessment[[BR]] 3. User gets the report with status, eventual errors and assessment[[BR]] 4. User gets instructions how to improve MD record (recommended profile, recommended values)[[BR]] ==== Use Case 2 – CMDI Admin checks the quality of newly created profile ==== * Title: Check quality of profile/schema * Actor: CMDI Editor * Level: User Goal * Main Success Scenario:[[BR]] 1. CMDI Editor runs the curation module and passes as argument profile or schema[[BR]] 2. Module does link checks and facet coverage assessment[[BR]] 3. User gets the report on links availability and facet coverage[[BR]] ==== Use Case 3 – Repository Admin checks quality of metadata in his repository ==== * Title: Check overall quality of metadata in repository * Actor: Repository Admin * Level: User Goal * Main Success Scenario:[[BR]] 1. Admin runs module from command line and passes as argument location containing MD records[[BR]] 2. Module does quality assessment of the records[[BR]] 3. Admin gets summarized report on overall quality of MD records in his repository[[BR]] ==== Use Case 4 – Curation Module in VLO workflow ==== * Title: Use Case 4 – Curation Module in VLO workflow * Actor: VLO workflow * Level: Summary * Main Success Scenario:[[BR]] 1. Curation Module is called before vlo-importer component with location where MD records are stored as argument[[BR]] 2. Module does validation and normalization and generates different kinds of reports and normalized MD record[[BR]] 3. VLO importer uses normalized records in post-processing phase and imports them into SOLR[[BR]] 4. After importing script emails reports to VLO admin, MD Curators and data providers[[BR]] ---- == Dependencies == For implementation following projects will be used: * [[browser:CMDIValidator|CMDI Validator]] * [[wiki:CmdiVirtualLanguageObservatory|VLO]] backend * [[wiki:OAIHarvester|OAI Harvester]] ---- == Building and Deploying == ---- == Interfaces == ---- == Design == Component Diagram: [[Image(Curatoin Module Component Diagram.jpg)]] ---- == Tickets == Usually it's good enough to copy and paste this: {{{ List of all '''open''' tickets for this component: [[TicketQuery(status=accepted|assigned|new|reopened,component=YourProject,order=priority,format=table,col=summary|priority|owner|reporter)]] }}} ---- == Status, Planning and Roadmap == Status: is the project active, on hold, mature but supported, due to be deprecated, etc. Planning and roadmap: if there are other places with planning documents, don't forget to link to them. ---- == Resources == Link to (external) documents, e.g. documentation, papers, requirement analyses, relevant to this project in this section. ---- == History == Who has worked on this project, and roughly what did they do? Mention significant developments even if the relevant code/functionality has later been removed. Include yourself, of course.