[=#topofpage] ''Responsible for this page: [wiki:mwindhouwer Menzo Windhouwer].'' ''Last content check: 27-08-2012'' {{{ #!html


}}} The purpose of this page is to collect relevant information about ISOcat. = Project: ISOcat = ISOcat is an implementation of ISO 12620:2009, which describes the data model and procedures around a Data Category Registry (DCR). ---- == Contents == [[PageOutline(1-2, , inline)]] ---- == People == * [[mwindhouwer|Menzo Windhouwer]] * [[andmor|André Moreira]] ---- == Getting code == * You can browse the code [source:cats here] * Check out from: {{{http://svn.clarin.eu/cats/ISOcat}}} ---- == System Requirements == * [[http://java.oracle.com/|Java 6]] * [[http://ant.apache.org/|Apache Ant]] * [[http://download.netkernel.org/nkse/|1060 NetKernel 3.3.1 Standard Edition Development Kit]] (with some additional patches included in our codebase) * [[http://www.postgresql.org/|PostgreSQL 8.x]] (an external instance uses 9.x) * [[http://www.generalinterface.org/|General Interface 3.9.1]] * [[http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Library|Tango icon library]] (to be phased out, but still some leftovers) * [[http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/|famfamfam silk icon library]] and [[http://damieng.com/creative/icons/silk-companion-1-icons|silk companion]] * [[http://code.google.com/p/mimeparse/|mimeparse JavaScript library]] * the ISOcat forum is based on [[http://www.phpbb.com/|phpBB]] (with some additional patches included in our codebase) ---- == Dependencies == There are several other CLARIN projects that make use of data categories and use the ISOcat REST API: * [[ComponentRegistryAndEditor|CMDI component registry and editor]] * [[MetadataEditor|Arbil]] (for CMDI) There are also companion registries under development: * RELcat, a [[RelationRegistry|Relation Registry]] * SCHEMAcat, a [[SchemaCat|Schema Registry]] ---- == Building and Deploying == * download and install [[http://download.netkernel.org/nkse/|1060 NetKernel 3.3.1 Standard Edition Development Kit]] * start !NetKernel using the appropiate startup script in {{{path-to-1060-NKSEDK-3.3.1/bin}}} * goto [[http://localhost:1060]] * goto the ''Module Management Wizard'' in the ''control panel'' and update all existing modules * at time of writing this will update the HTTP Client Services, the HTTP Transport and XQuery * shutdown !NetKernel (''Kernel Shutdown'' in the ''control panel'') * checkout our precompiled !NetKernel patches from [[source:cats/patches/NetKernel/trunk/dist]] * and copy these files in the equivalent places in your NetKernel installation directory * remove all jars from {{{path-to-1060-NKSEDK-3.3.1/lib/expanded}}}, so the libraries our patched modules use will be unpacked with a next restart * checkout some 3rd party !NetKernel modules from [[source:cats/patches/NetKernel/trunk/contrib]] * copy these jars into {{{path-to-1060-NKSEDK-3.3.1/modules}}} * add the following to the end (before {{{}}}) of {{{path-to-1060-NKSEDK-3.3.1/etc/deployedModules.xml}}} to enable these modules {{{ modules/mod-e4x-1.0.0.jar modules/db-metadata.jar modules/mod-stink-0.1.0.jar modules/test-stink-0.1.0.jar }}} * checkout the SLOOT !NetKernel modules, which is an in-house developed module with generic !NetKernel tools, from [[source:cats/shared]] into an own folder * download the [[http://code.google.com/p/mimeparse/|mimeparse JavaScript library]] * create a {{{local-props.xml}}} file in the SLOOT folder specifying the location of !NetKernel and mimeparse {{{ }}} * rename the old {{{ext-xquery-2.4.3.jar}}} module in {{{path-to-1060-NKSEDK-3.3.1/modules}}} to {{{ext-xquery-2.4.3.jar.BAK}}} to prevent some clashes * run {{{ant}}} in the top SLOOT folder * checkout the ISOcat !NetKernel modules from [[source:cats/ISOcat/trunk]] in your ISOcat source code folder * the modules in the {{{develop}}} are !NetKernel modules to serve static files that in a production environment will be served by the HTTP server, e.g., Apache * some of these static files need to be downloaded and placed in the right directory * download the [[http://www.generalinterface.org/|General Interface 3.9.1]] Debug edition (in a production environment use the Standard edition) and place the content of the archive into the {{{develop/mod-gi/gi/3.9.1/}}} directory * download the [[http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Library|Tango icon library]] {{{tango-icon-theme}}} and place the content of the archive into the {{{develop/mod-Tango/Tango/}}} directory (in a production environment ISOcat only needs the {{{16x16}}} subdirectory) * download the [[http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/|famfamfam silk icon library]] and place the content of the archive into the {{{develop/mod-famfamfam/famfamfam/silk}}} directory * download the [[http://damieng.com/creative/icons/silk-companion-1-icons|silk companion]] and place the content of the archive into the {{{develop/mod-famfamfam/famfamfam/silk-companion}}} directory (there are several other ''silk companion'' icon sets, which might be interesting for new developments) * add the following (adapt the path to point to your ISOcat source directory) to the end (before {{{}}}) of {{{1060-NKSEDK-3.3.1/etc/deployedModules.xml}}} to enable these modules {{{ /path-to-ISOcat/src/develop/mod-gi /path-to-ISOcat/src/develop/mod-Tango /path-to-ISOcat/src/develop/mod-famfamfam }}} * tell the !NetKernel HTTP frontend fulcrum to resolve request for the files in these modules by adding the following below the ''Add your modules below here...'' comment in {{{1060-NKSEDK-3.3.1/modules/mod-fulcrum-frontend/module.xml}}} {{{ urn:gi urn:tango urn:famfamfam }}} ---- == Interfaces == There is a [http://www.isocat.org/rest/help.html public readonly REST API] and the [http://www.isocat.org/interface/ General Interface web UI]. ---- == Manual == See [http://www.isocat.org/manual/ the manual page at isocat.org] ---- == Design == ---- == Tickets == There is a public [https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=244572 bug and issue tracker] at !SourceForge. ---- == Servers == The ISOcat production server is [[http://www.isocat.org/|www.isocat.org]]. The ISOcat test server is [[http://lux13.mpi.nl/|lux13]], which also hosts alpha versions of RELcat and SCHEMAcat. ---- == Status, Planning and Roadmap == Status: active Planning and roadmap: ---- == History ==