= Default CentOS 7 configuration = {{{ #Install default packages $ yum update #install the Fedora Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository #http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/article/install-epel-and-additional-repositories-on-centos-and-red-hat $ yum install epel-release $ yum install docker $ yum install collectd $ yum install mailx #Create sysop users $ useradd sanmai $ usermod -aG wheel sanmai $ useradd dietuyt $ usermod -aG wheel dietuyt $ useradd wilelb $ usermod -aG wheel wilelb #Set passwords for the users: passwd #Configure sshd #no root login PermitRootLogin no #no username/password login PasswordAuthentication no #forward mail from root to sysops@clarin.eu $ echo "root: sysops@clarin.eu" >> /etc/aliases $ newaliases $ service postfix restart #test the configuration $ echo test | mail -s "test message" root #Enable services systemctl enable docker.service }}} Auto start service on boot {{{ systemctl enable httpd.service }}} Docker storage configuration http://www.projectatomic.io/blog/2015/06/notes-on-fedora-centos-and-docker-storage-drivers/ https://access.redhat.com/articles/1492923 https://forums.docker.com/t/docker-storage-config-on-centos-7-1/3164 == CollectD == Installation: {{{ yum install epel-release yum install collectd cp /etc/collectd.conf /etc/collectd.conf.orig systemctl enable collectd.servic service collectd restart }}} Example collectd configuration {{{ ############################################################################## # Global # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Global settings for the daemon. # ############################################################################## #Hostname "localhost" #FQDNLookup true #BaseDir "/var/lib/collectd" #PIDFile "/var/run/collectd.pid" #PluginDir "/usr/lib64/collectd" #TypesDB "/usr/share/collectd/types.db" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # When enabled, plugins are loaded automatically with the default options # # when an appropriate block is encountered. # # Disabled by default. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# #AutoLoadPlugin false #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Interval at which to query values. This may be overwritten on a per-plugin # # base by using the 'Interval' option of the LoadPlugin block: # # # # Interval 60 # # # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Interval 10 #Timeout 2 #ReadThreads 5 #WriteThreads 5 # Limit the size of the write queue. Default is no limit. Setting up a limit is # recommended for servers handling a high volume of traffic. #WriteQueueLimitHigh 1000000 #WriteQueueLimitLow 800000 ############################################################################## # Logging # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Plugins which provide logging functions should be loaded first, so log # # messages generated when loading or configuring other plugins can be # # accessed. # ############################################################################## LoadPlugin logfile LogLevel info File "/var/log/collectd/collectd.log" Timestamp true PrintSeverity false ############################################################################## # LoadPlugin section # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Lines beginning with a single `#' belong to plugins which have been built # # but are disabled by default. # # # # Lines begnning with `##' belong to plugins which have not been built due # # to missing dependencies or because they have been deactivated explicitly. # ############################################################################## LoadPlugin cpu LoadPlugin df MountPoint "/" IgnoreSelected false ReportByDevice false ReportReserved false ReportInodes true ValuesAbsolute true ValuesPercentage true LoadPlugin disk LoadPlugin interface Interface "eth0" IgnoreSelected false LoadPlugin load LoadPlugin memory LoadPlugin network Server "metrics.clarin.eu" "25826" LoadPlugin processes LoadPlugin users Include "/etc/collectd.d" }}}