= CMDI Best Practice Guide publication procedure = Also see [[../BestPracticesEditing|CMDI Best Practices Guide editing procedure]]. == Synchronise uncomitted changes in the DRAFT document with !GitHub repository == On Overleaf, in the DRAFT version: 1. Synchronise the Overleaf document with !GitHub: Menu -> !GitHub -> Push overleaf changes to !GitHub == Make sure that the DRAFT version is fully ahead of the PUBLIC version == On GitHub, PUBLIC repository: 1. Start a new pull request https://github.com/clarin-eric/cmdi-best-practices/compare 2. Select 'Compare across forks' and see if there are any differences. 3. If there are changes that could be marged, make the pull request and merge into DRAFT == On Overleaf, in the DRAFT version == 1. Synchronise with !GitHub (Menu -> !GitHub) and PULL incoming changes if there are any 2. Disable draft mode in the master tex file: {{{ \setboolean{bpdraft}{false} }}} 3. Make sure that the correct version number is set: {{{ \setbpversion{x.y.z} }}} 4. Save the document and synchronise with !GitHub (Menu -> !GitHub -> Push overleaf changes to !GitHub). Include a commit message that makes clear that this version is for release. 5. Label the version of the document (History -> Label this version) and include the version number in the label == On !GitHub, DRAFT repository: == 1. Open a new pull request with * base repository: clarin-eric/cmdi-best-practices; base: master * <- head repository: cmdi-taskforce/cmdi-best-practices; base: master 2. Inlcude 'Relase vX.Y.Z' in the pull request title == On !GitHub, PUBLIC repository: == 1. Go to pull requests and find the newly created release pull request 2. Merge the pull request 3. Make sure that the DRAFT version is fully ahead of the PUBLIC version (see above) == On Overleaf, in the PUBLIC version: == 1. Synchronise with !GitHub (Menu -> !GitHub) and PULL incoming changes (there should be some!) 2. Compile and verify that the contents are correct and up-to-date 3. Label the version of the document (History -> Label this version) and include the version number in the label 4. Download a PDF version of the document. Rename it to `cmdi_best_practices.pdf` == On Overleaf, in the DRAFT version: == 1. Synchronise with !GitHub (Menu -> !GitHub) and PULL incoming changes if there are any 2. Put the document in draft mode: {{{ \setboolean{bpdraft}{true} }}} 3. Bump the version number 4. Save the document and synchronise with !GitHub (Menu -> !GitHub -> Push overleaf changes to !GitHub). Include a commit message that makes clear that the document is again in draft mode towards a new version 5. Verify that the DRAFT version is ahead of PUBLIC (the network graph is a useful tool for this) == On !GitHub, PUBLIC repository: == 1. Go to releases 2. Choose 'Draft a new release' 3. Use the version number as the tag name 4. Give the release a descriptive title ("CMDI Best Practices Guide version x.y.z") 5. Attach the PDF file `cmdi_best_practices.pdf` to the release and publish == Update the references on the CLARIN website == 1. Update the links at https://www.clarin.eu/content/component-metadata and https://www.clarin.eu/content/cmdi-best-practice-guide (you need editing rights for this) 1. These must point to `https://github.com/clarin-eric/cmdi-best-practices/releases/download/x.y.z/cmdi_best_practices.pdf` where x.y.z is the version/tag of the new release. 2. Verify that these links work