= [wiki:VLO-Taskforce VLO Taskforce] Virtual meeting November 27, 2014 = Participants: Thorsten, Hanna, Thomas, Peter, Susanne * (1) VLO-Taskforce becomes a working group ("Arbeitsgruppe") * the original purpose of the VLO-Taskforce is fullfilled * Taskforce should now become a working group coordinated by AP-5 (contact person: Susanne) * (2) Discussion about facet descriptions (Hanna) * descriptions which were approved of without any modifications: Project, Genre, Subject, Keyword, Format, Continent, Country, Modality, Organisation, National Project, Data Provider, Temporal Coverage, Lifecycle status, Name, Description * decisions on modifications: * Collection: further specification, that each resource should only be assigned exactly one collection it belongs to * Language: proposed vocabulary is ISO 639-3, including "und" (= undefined) for resources which can't be assigned one exact language (e.g. in case of a language independent tool) * Resource Type: definition will be complemented by examples * Documentation about facet definitions: will include explanation of terms "source material" vs. "resource" * Further steps: * Hanna's final list of facet definitions will be forwarded to the developers for its implementation as tooltips * Susanne prepares an extended facet documentation including the facet definitions, the corresponding agreed-upon DCs and a proposal for controlled vocabularies * (3) Facet selection * Introduce "License" or "Accessibility" facet? * "License" facet based on license information in metadata records could be implemented on the short term * "Accessibility" (including accessibility checks) needs more time and planning * Should the contents of the "National Project" and "Data Provider" facets should be merged to a new facet with a new name? * consult Dieter about (further) necessitiy of the "Data Provider" facet * decision about this issue will be made at the next regular VLO-AG meeting * Should we change the order in which the facets appear on the VLO page? * Peter prepares a proposal for a new sorting of the facets --> Update: [https://trac.clarin.eu/attachment/wiki/VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-11-27/Facettensortierung_Peter.txt Proposal] * (4) Miscellaneous * Since the user support for the VLO has been integrated into the CLARIN-D Helpdesk, the persons responsible for CMDI metadata at their centre will take care of incoming tickets with user questions on metdata or data as helpdesk agents. Technical issues and bugs will (then) be handled within the Trac system. * Trac: Introduce a new Trac VLO ticket category for tickets which concern the work of the AG but neither the VLO webapp nor the VLO-importer (e.g. #702, #703, #704)? * (5) Next Meeting * Topic: Relations * date: last week before Christmas, Doodle: http://doodle.com/x76e4aztqrsbzf52 * Material: * [https://trac.clarin.eu/attachment/wiki/VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-11-27/Vorschlag_Stuttgart_Teil-1.pdf ProposalStuttgartPart1] * [https://trac.clarin.eu/attachment/wiki/VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-11-27/Vorschlag_Stuttgart_Teil-2.txt ProposalStuttgartPart2] * [https://trac.clarin.eu/attachment/wiki/VLO-Taskforce/Meeting-2014-11-27/Vorschlag_Saarbruecken.txt ProposalSaarbrücken] * [https://trac.clarin.eu/wiki/VLO-Taskforce/Relations ProposalOtherCenters]