Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#98 closed defect (invalid)

Record with duplicate id does not show

Reported by: patdui Owned by: patdui
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: VLO web app Version:
Keywords: Cc:


The error:
2011-02-22 04:34:42,245 ERROR [org.apache.wicket.RequestCycle#logRuntimeException:1521?] - Can't instantiate page using constructor public eu.clarin.cmdi.vlo.pages.ShowResultPage?(org.apache.wicket.PageParameters?) and argument q = "[Hun-Saare]" docId = "[]"
org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException?: Can't instantiate page using constructor public eu.clarin.cmdi.vlo.pages.ShowResultPage?(org.apache.wicket.PageParameters?) and argument q = "[Hun-Saare]" docId = "[]"

at org.apache.wicket.session.DefaultPageFactory?.createPage(DefaultPageFactory?.java:212)

Shows up in the logs, the xml file is: SIL_Language_and_Culture_Archives/oai_sil_org_10253.xml

The file is strange and incorrect, because the record is duplicated in the metadata file. Thus the id is extracted once. The vlo importer should be a bit more robust and extract the id only once. Also the presentation should be more robust and use not both ids.

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by patdui

UPDATE: the problem is not in the vlo importer but in the cmdi file being created from the original olac xml.
it creates the following id (MDSelfLink):

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by patdui

this actually revealed an bug in the encoding/decoding of the docId parameter so fixed that in the vlo at least the record is viewable now. Should still be fixed properly in the generation of the olac record though, but not much of an issue.

comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by patdui

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Encoding is ok for this, the olac record can be fixed but that should not be a ticket in the vlo anymore. Closing ticket.

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