
Version 4 (modified by olhsha, 11 years ago) (diff)


Strategic issues

  • A test-backend should be deployed on a test server (e.g. lux16) where the database should be located as well. Goteborg should have access to the test server to be able to send REST requests via their URI's. Must be fixed by early January.
  • A framework prototype, with a wired-marker based front-end, must be delivered by the end of January -- begin February.
  • Shibboleth authentication must be set up (by when??).
  • Production server and the DB should be set up in 2015.
  • Time stamp: a client cannot write any creation or update time on the server's DB. This time is assigned by the server, is saved as an UTC time (Olha is to check if it is possible for PostgreSQL), and is sent as a UTC time stamp when requested by a client. In the future we may want to keep the information about the time zone of the client.
  • The backend does not do anything with "version" attribute for targets. It just keeps it in the DB for the convenience of a client. Interpretation of the version may vary from a client to a client, and (as we see it now) it does not make a sense to fix it for the server. E.g. a version can be a hash of a page text, or just a string "version 1.0", or a "last update" time stamp.
  • Update examples on the wiki.

Technical issues

  • Authentication issue: Stephanie has to input credential for each request when testing on FirefoxRESTclient, whereas with Olha's it suffices to log-in one time (using the JSP page) and then the created session credentials are transferred to the RESTclient opened in the next tab.
  • Stephanie's toy credentials do not work on the profile backend 0.2. Chek this.
  • Fragment of a targets is a part of the link to the source. No special attribute "fragment" is used in target-info type. However, in the database a special column for fragments must be created in target table. I will allow e.g. easily to get the annotations for a given page (just link) without taking into account a fragment part.
  • Update/get xml body does not work, there is a ticket for it.
  • According to the spec, annotation body can be updated using a separate URl PUT <serviceURI>/annotations/annotID/body, or it can be updated with "bigger" PUT <serviceURI>/annotations/annotID request updating the whole annotation. Retest.
  • Test and debug uploading cached representations in the wired-marker style. See stephanie's e-mail from 27/11/2013.