SoftwareTesting: vlo.txt

File vlo.txt, 6.3 KB (added by Twan Goosen, 7 years ago)
2  Starting "Go to the following web page:"
5  FilterByALanguage "Try the following link: 'Filter by a Language' (select a language that is not in the list using the ‘Type to search more’ box) and verify that they produce the right selection (use the result count number and the value(s) shown in the ‘breadcrumbs’ in the result page to check)."
6  FilterByAResourceType "Try the following link: 'Filter by a Resource Type' (select a language by pressing ‘more
’ and choose one there) and verify that they produce the right selection (use the result count number and the value(s) shown in the ‘breadcrumbs’ in the result page to check)."
7  FilterByAGenre "Try the following links: 'Filter by a genre' and verify that they produce the right selection (select one from the initial list) and verify that they produce the right selection (use the result count number and the value(s) shown in the ‘breadcrumbs’ in the result page to check)."
8  FilterByANationalProject "Select a collection first, then filter by a National Project (there should be only one)."
9  TextSearch "Perform a text search, i.e. for example search for ‘dutch’ by typing it into the search box on the search page. Open one of the results and verify that the word ‘dutch’ has been highlighted in on the page wherever it occurs in the record (below the page title). "
10  SearchForSimilar "Click on the arrow next to the info which are provided when you select a result (e.g., 'Resource type > text'). The search results finds all similar resources of the same type.   "
11  MetadataFields "Click ‘Show all metadata fields’ (below the resources) and verify that the highlighting also occurs in the full metadata view."
12  TechnicalDetails "Click 'Technical Details' (below the resources) and verify that additional info are shown (e.g, Self link, ID, data provider etc.)"
15  BrowseAll "Click on the link for 'Browse all'. Expand the facet Language and the facet Country. Reload the page - the facets should still be expanded"
16  FacetValue1 "Select a Language from the initial list. This should reduce the result set (number of results and items shown) and change the available options for Country. Use the browser back and forward buttons to compare."
17  FacetValue2 "Remove your selection, expand ‘Language' and type “awe” in the search box that says ‘Type to search for more’. The options should change while you type and should leave ‘Aweti’ (and possibly other values) in the end. Click Aweti, confirm that the results have changed and remove your selection."
18  FacetValue3 "Expand ’Subject’ and click ‘more
' below its list of values. A pop-up should appear showing you all values in the facet. Test filtering by name and by number of occurrences. Try both sorting options. All filters should be applied dynamically. Select a value and check that it is applied to the search results."
19  FacetValue4 "Select values for a number of facets without unselecting any. Write down the total result count after each selection. "
20  FacetValue5 "Test the ‘expand all’ and ‘collapse all’ links. They should expand and collapse all facets in the box to the right."
23  SearchMultipleResources "Make a selection that includes a record with multiple resources of various types (e.g audio files and text documents). Use the ‘expand’ link to get more details in the search results. The  number of resources shown for the record should match the count when collapsed. Click the resource link and make sure that it works (you may not have access, that is ok)."
24  SearchMultipleResources2 "Find a record that has more than ten resources (hint: search for ‘discan’), and expand the search result for this record. Assert that only ten resource are shown and that there is a link to show more. Click this link; it should bring you to the record page where all resources are shown."
25  ResultsPerPage "Make a selection that has between 51 and 99 results. Modify the selection in ‘results per page’ drop down below the search results and make sure that the actual count is correct (count the items per page for a low number; set to 100 and verify that there is only one page)."
26  TopLinks "Select values for some facets. Click ‘Permalink’, copy the link that appears and test it in another browser - it should bring you to the same page."
27  Report "Click ‘Report’. This should open a feedback form in a new tab. Check if the value of ‘URL’ is identical to the permalink on the same page. Fill in the form stating you are testing a new version of the VLO, send it and ask the developer for a confirmation of retrieval."
28  Help "Click ‘Help’. This should open a page with information about the VLO in a new tab."
31  NextCheck "Make a selection that leaves about ten results. Click the title of the first result. The ‘previous’ link should not be enabled for the first record. Use ‘next’ to go the last record in the set. The ‘next’ link should be enabled for the last record."
32  Selections "Click ‘Selections’ in the breadcrumbs and assert that you are returned to the search page with the same result set."
33  PermalinkCheck "Go one of the records. Click ‘Permalink’, copy the link that appears and test it in another browser - it should bring you to the same record."
34  ResourceLinkCheck "Open a record from the collection 'TLA: DoBeS archive’ with at least one resource. Check that the real file name of the resource(s) are shown and not a handle (starting with hdl:1839/
). Click the resource link and make sure that it works (you may not have access, that is ok)."
35  FacetedSearch "On the search page, go to ‘search options’ and check ' Only include resources that support content search’. Then select the  'Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals (BAS)’ and open the record ALC."
36  FacetedSearch2 "Click the link 'Plain text search via Federated Content Search’. The CLARIN-D federated content search page should open. Click ‘search options’, expand ‘Corpora' and assert that the ‘ALC’ corpus is checked."
39  ApplicationVersionNumber "Check if ‘application version number’ is correct (it should match the intended version number and the version number in the page footer)"
40  LinksCheck "Check if all links work."