Available Reports

New Custom Query

Compose a new ticket query by selecting filters and columns to display.

SQL reports and saved custom queries Sort by: Identifier Title

{1} Active Tickets

  • List all active tickets by priority.
  • Color each row based on priority.

{2} Active Tickets by Version

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

{3} Active Tickets by Milestone

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by milestone.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

{4} Accepted, Active Tickets by Owner

List accepted tickets, group by ticket owner, sorted by priority.

{5} Accepted, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description)

List tickets accepted, group by ticket owner. This report demonstrates the use of full-row display.

{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

{7} My Tickets

This report demonstrates the use of the automatically set USER dynamic variable, replaced with the username of the logged in user when executed.

{8} Active Tickets, Mine first

  • List all active tickets by priority.
  • Show all tickets owned by the logged in user in a group first.

{9} Component Registry tickets

{10} VLO tickets

{11} Component Schema tickets

{12} MDBrowser tickets

{13} MDRepository tickets

{14} MDService tickets

{16} SRUAggregator tickets

{18} Metadata Curation tickets

{19} Trac tickets

{23} AAI (Shibboleth, SPF) tickets

Notes for SP operators

The CLARIN SPF SPs metadata file has been moved to github. All modifications should now be submitted via git pull requests as detailed here.
Please ascertain that you comply with the SAML metadata guidelines. Mind to check and resolve issues in the SAML metadata quality for your SP before and after your pull request is merged into the master branch, as listed in this table. Finally, always update the SAML metadata template of your SP to make it correspond exactly with the SAML metadata you submit on the github repository (see e.g. https://goo.gl/uysudA). If you wish that the registration/modification of the SAML metadata about your SP with identity federations is coordinated extra carefully (say, you perform a key rollover), then please head over to https://github.com/clarin-eric/SPF-SPs-metadata/issues/new and create a new issue describing the task. Alternatively you can also head to https://trac.clarin.eu/newticket and create a ticket for the AAI Trac component. Thanks!

{25} Virtual Collection Registry tickets

{26} CLARIN-D tickets

{27} Website tickets

{28} System administration

Please file system administration issues here. These are requests/task relating to specific hosts. For more information, see the system administration page.

{29} Monitoring

{30} AAI IdP Blacklist

Notes for SP operators

Before creating an IdP blacklist request please make sure to read our IdP blacklist information page for guidelines and a general description of the process.

Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.