1 | {% extends "center/base.html" %} |
2 | {% load center_extra %} |
3 | |
4 | {% block "extrahead" %} |
5 | <style type="text/css"> |
6 | .col0 { width: 4em; } |
7 | .col1 { width: 8em; } |
8 | .col2 { width: 20em; } |
9 | .col3 { width: 8em; } |
10 | .col4 { width: 14em; } |
11 | </style> |
12 | {% endblock %} |
13 | {% block "maincontent" %} |
14 | |
15 | <h2>List of Centers sorted by {{group_by}}</h2> |
16 | Group by: <a href="?group_by=NacCon"> National Consortium</a> - <a href="?group_by=country">Country</a> - |
17 | <a href="?group_by=typeCenter"> Center Type</a> |
18 | <br> |
19 | |
20 | {% for type in group_list %} |
21 | <a href="#{{ type }}"> {{ type }} </a> , |
22 | {% endfor %} |
23 | |
24 | |
25 | {% for type in group_list %} |
26 | <br> <a name="{{type}}"></a> <br> |
27 | <h2> {{type}}</h2> |
28 | <table border=1 class="bgcolor1" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=6 width="90%" > |
29 | <tr> |
30 | <td class="col2"><b>Center</b></td> |
31 | <td class="col1"><b>Repository</b></td> |
32 | <td class="col1"><b>Status</b></td> |
33 | <td class="col1"><b>National Consortium</b></td> |
34 | <td class="col1"><b>Metadata</b></td> |
35 | <td class="col1"><b><a href="http://www.clarin.eu/category/glossary/aai"><acronym title="Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure">AAI</acronym></a></b></td> |
36 | <td class="col1"><b><a href="http://www.clarin.eu/category/glossary/pid"> PID</a></b></td> |
37 | <td class="col0"><b>Assessment</b></td> |
38 | <br> </tr> |
39 | {% for center in centers|get_item:type %} |
40 | <tr> |
41 | <td class="col2"> <a href="/centers/{{ center.id }}" >{{center.name}}</a></td> |
42 | <td class="col1"> {{center.repositorySystem}} </td> |
43 | <td class="col1"> {{center.typeStatus}} </td> |
44 | <td class="col1"> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=6 width="100%" > |
45 | {% for choice in center.clarinfed.all %} |
46 | <tr> <td class="col0"> <a href="{{choice.MemberFed.webseite}}"> {{choice.MemberFed}} </tr> |
47 | {% endfor %} </td> |
48 | </table></td> |
49 | <td class="col1"> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=6 width="100%" > |
50 | {% for choice in center.metadata.all %} |
51 | <tr><td class="col0"> <a href="{{choice.OAI_accespoint}}"> {{choice.CMschema}} |
52 | {% for choice2 in choice.schema.all %} |
53 | , {{choice2.name}} |
54 | {% endfor %} </a> |
55 | {% endfor %} </table></td> |
56 | <td class="col1">{{center.aaiStatus}}</td> |
57 | <td class="col1">{{center.pidStatus}}</td> |
58 | <td class="col0">{{center.assesmentstatus}}</td> |
59 | </tr> |
60 | {% endfor %} |
61 | </table> |
62 | {% endfor %} |
63 | |
64 | |
65 | {% endblock %} |