Changeset 6847

11/25/15 13:05:38 (9 years ago)

Few words about installation added

1 edited


  • SMC/trunk/SMC/README

    r2237 r6847  
    26 TODO!
     26- SMC Browser is a client side JS application, so it doesn't have any
     27  server-side requirements. You can simply open it in a browser and it should
     28  work.
     29- You can find SMC Browser in src/web directory. The directory structure is as
     30  follows:
     31  - index.html - HTML template
     32  - get.php - very simple HTTP proxy script (it returns content of a given URL
     33    making it possible to bypass AJAX cross-domain restrictions).
     34    Currently used only for gathering details about philosopers (see "handling
     35    details" below).
     36  - scripts - all js libraries and css stylesheets SMC Browser depends on
     37  - docs - static HTML content
     38  - data - sample data consistent with the SMC Browser configuration commited to
     39    the repo
     40- Available data sources
     41  To adjust a list of available data sources edit opts.graph variable in
     42  scripts/js/config.js:
     43  - value property should be one of the values[].value and denotes data set
     44    selected after the page is loaded
     45  - values array describes all available datasets
     46- Static pages
     47  Static page templates are in the /docs directory.
     48  You can use rst2html (part of docutils package) to convert them into HTML.
     49  HTML files should be then moved to docs/
     50- Handling details
     51  - The right column of the SMC Browser displays node details.
     52    Details can come from different sources:
     53    - If the node is of type "philosopher" they are simply read from Wikipedia.
     54      To bypass AJAX cross-domain restrictions and assure proper encoding a
     55      very simple PHP proxy script is used (get.php). You can adjust get.php
     56      location in the getDetailInfo() function in the scripts/js/smc-graph.js
     57    - In other case there are two possibilities:
     58      - Data can be loaded from a prepared static HTML file.
     59        Such file has to be generated before (probably using scripts in the /src
     60        drectory other then /src/web).
     61        Path to the file is set up in config.url.detail variable in
     62        scripts/js/config.js. By default it points to an empty HTML file (so no
     63        details will be provided but there will be also no error).
     64      - Data can be loaded dinamically by reading data from a given URL
     65        providing details in the HTML format. URL is constructed as:
     66          config.url.detail + "?type=" + type + "&key=" + id
     67        where type and id comes from the node and config.url.detail is defined
     68        in scripts/js/config.js
     69        SMC Browser running at
     70        is using xql query run in eXist to generate details.
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