10 years |
menzo.windhouwer |
M xsl/CMDRecord2RDF.xsl
M xsl/CMDRecord2RDFcache.xsl
- <if> …
10 years |
menzo.windhouwer |
M xsl/CMDRecord2RDF.xsl
M xsl/CMD2RDF.xsl
M …
10 years |
xnrn |
added links to the samples
10 years |
menzo.windhouwer |
M 2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.pptx
- some minor fixes
10 years |
xnrn |
last update for the presentation
10 years |
xnrn |
added some comments (to discuss), clarifications and a sample md record
10 years |
xnrn |
minor changes to layout and wording
10 years |
xnrn |
10 years |
menzo.windhouwer |
M 2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.pptx
- replaced some text by graphics
10 years |
xnrn |
adding also a raster image (PNG) of the poster
10 years |
xnrn |
v3 - quite finished and clean
10 years |
xnrn |
added first very rough version of the CMDcloud poster
10 years |
xnrn |
based on Menzos version adapted the outPath creation
and integrated …
10 years |
menzo.windhouwer |
M xsl/Component2RDF.xsl
- fixed the URI: the relative URIs were …
10 years |
menzo.windhouwer |
M xsl/Component2RDF.xsl
- now creates an output RDF file per …
10 years |
menzo.windhouwer |
M CMD2RDF.pptx
- more *2RDF slides
10 years |
xnrn |
added target for converting components/profiles to RDF
10 years |
xnrn |
reloading stylesheet every time is needed to get the …
10 years |
xnrn |
added template: cmd:cache-profile to prefetch the profile into the …
10 years |
menzo.windhouwer |
M CMDRecord2RDF.xsl
- put LandingPage? and friends properties as …
10 years |
xnrn |
handling the error, when one record references two profiles(!)
10 years |
xnrn |
added a trivial mechanism to change the prefix in the base/about URI
10 years |
xnrn |
removed all the duplicated code,
rather import codebase and just …
10 years |
xnrn |
removed comment
10 years |
xnrn |
added new util targets: rdf2rdf, rdf2graph, download-aux-jars
and a …
10 years |
xnrn |
updated numbers about CMD-data, added graph of general.RDF; started …
10 years |
xnrn |
adding variants of CMD2RDF scripts
that use SMC caching mechanism
10 years |
xnrn |
adding a simple ant-build to run cmd2rdf conversion
10 years |
menzo.windhouwer |
AM 2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.pptx
- first version of the LDL@LREC presentation
10 years |
xnrn |
rerun the transformation due to a invalid string (filepath) in front …
11 years |
menzo.windhouwer |
M 2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.tex
- removed dc:identifier as object and …
11 years |
menzo.windhouwer |
M 2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.tex
- small fixes
11 years |
xnrn |
minor corrections
11 years |
xnrn |
added link to cmd2rdf test interface on CCV
11 years |
menzo.windhouwer |
M 2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.bib
- added Thorsten's paper
M …
11 years |
menzo.windhouwer |
M data/cmd-rdf/oai_SinicaCorpus_sinica_edu_tw_SinicaCorpus.rdf
M …
11 years |
menzo.windhouwer |
M xsl/CMDRecord2RDF.xsl
M xsl/Component2RDF.xsl
- added some …
11 years |
menzo.windhouwer |
M 2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.tex
- small fixes as suggested by reviewers
11 years |
xnrn |
minor changes on instance data numbers.
squeezed to 4 pages.
11 years |
menzo.windhouwer |
M CMDcloud.pdf
M CMDcloud.tex
- minor fix
11 years |
menzo.windhouwer |
M CMDcloud.pdf
M CMDcloud.tex
- added keywords
- added VLO URL …
11 years |
xnrn |
update for final version
added abstract and some paragraphs
11 years |
xnrn |
updated layout (to lrec2014 template)
reactivated some comments for …
11 years |
xnrn |
adding auxiliary files (bib and image)
11 years |
xnrn |
adding the second LREC-2014 paper (CMDcloud) as submitted for review …
11 years |
mwindhouwer |
M 2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.tex
M 2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.bib
- added a CMDI …
11 years |
vronk |
updated numbers on CMD data and corrected a few typos
11 years |
mwindhouwer |
M 2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.tex
- preparing for a LDL short paper
M …
11 years |
vronk |
11 years |
vronk |
reworked the examples to fit into the two column layout
11 years |
mwindhouwer |
M 2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.tex
A 2014-LREC/lrec2006.bst
A …
11 years |
alekoe |
added new XSL for transforming MODS to CMDI
11 years |
vronk |
11 years |
mwindhouwer |
M 2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.tex
- made another pass leading to small fixes …
11 years |
mwindhouwer |
M 2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.tex
- "From ... to ..."
11 years |
vronk |
11 years |
vronk |
comment describesResource
11 years |
vronk |
comment relcat, minor reformulations
11 years |
mwindhouwer |
M 2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.bib
- trimmed LREC reference
11 years |
vronk |
small stripping
11 years |
mwindhouwer |
M 2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.tex
- added CMDM UML figure
- removed comment …
11 years |
vronk |
stripped data section
11 years |
mwindhouwer |
M 2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.tex
- some more work, but still too long …
11 years |
mwindhouwer |
M 2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.tex
- changes here and there
11 years |
mwindhouwer |
M 2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.tex
- filled the CMDI section
- some other …
11 years |
vronk |
further reduced paper (stripped: relcat and mapping values to entities)
11 years |
mwindhouwer |
M xsl/CMDRecord2RDF.xsl
M data/general.ttl
- reorganizing of the …
11 years |
vronk |
cleaned up paper, reflecting latest additions to general.ttl (:Resource)
11 years |
mwindhouwer |
M xsl/CMDRecord2RDF.xsl
- handles now
-- header field
-- resource …
11 years |
mwindhouwer |
M docs/papers/2014-LREC/CMD2RDF.tex
- some fixes
- maybe skip …
11 years |
vronk |
bigger rewrite: updated according to latest rdf-code; lot of stuff …
11 years |
vronk |
adding (very) initial version of LREC paper
11 years |
vronk |
removed/added comments, corrected punctuation
11 years |
vronk |
refreshed rdf, with latest xsl
11 years |
mwindhouwer |
M data/general.ttl
- added cmdm:containsAttribute
- resurrected …
11 years |
vronk |
sample cmd-instances and their (current) rdf-expressions
11 years |
vronk |
minor comments, changes
11 years |
mwindhouwer |
M data/general.ttl
- added the Attribute class and made changes to …
11 years |
mwindhouwer |
M xsl/CMDRecord2RDF.xsl
M xsl/Component2RDF.xsl
- added …
11 years |
mwindhouwer |
M xsl/CMDRecord2RDF.xsl
M xsl/Component2RDF.xsl
- …
11 years |
mwindhouwer |
M xsl/CMDRecord2RDF.xsl
M xsl/Component2RDF.xsl
- now refers to …
11 years |
vronk |
added initial version of the general rdf + a sample of encoding …
11 years |
mwindhouwer |
Initial import
11 years |
mwindhouwer |
Initial import