9 years |
mateusz.zoltak |
Few words about installation added
9 years |
mateusz.zoltak |
Bunch of fixes making it easy to deploy a working instance:
- JS …
9 years |
matej.durco |
adding URI.js library
9 years |
matej.durco |
updated docs graphs
9 years |
matej.durco |
updated link to sources
9 years |
matej.durco |
smaller corrections/updates to xsl-code
9 years |
matej.durco |
clean up of files and code
10 years |
xnrn |
moved all configuration into config.js, cleaned up ui_settings.js
10 years |
xnrn |
removed old css
10 years |
xnrn |
added dynamic weight threshold; handle loading overview in dynamic …
10 years |
xnrn |
simple xquery script to retrieve detail dynamically (not as one file …
10 years |
xnrn |
proxy to load detail (experimental for "philosophers" from wikipedia")
10 years |
xnrn |
10 years |
xnrn |
added cql-widget (replicated from foreign repo)
10 years |
xnrn |
first functionality then init graph
10 years |
xnrn |
multiple minor changes: added mode dynamic for load-detail; …
10 years |
xnrn |
changed references to main css and links to related html files in menu
10 years |
xnrn |
changed the default value of "filter" param
to generate a list of all …
10 years |
xnrn |
moved dataset-variable into separate file, because they were …
10 years |
xnrn |
added entry for "used-profiles" fetched from mdrepo
10 years |
xnrn |
docs targets moved from build_init.xml to separate file
and referenced …
10 years |
xnrn |
added/changed some (default) property values; build-context dir set …
10 years |
xnrn |
added a threshold param when generating similarity links
10 years |
xnrn |
adding build file with definitions (saxon-xslt)
11 years |
vronk |
added gravity-param and charge considers node size
11 years |
vronk |
added slight opacity also for normal view - for better view of structure
11 years |
vronk |
adding css for the svg-graph
11 years |
vronk |
force-layout parameters dynamic; (supports edges with weight AND …
11 years |
vronk |
small changes to label generation, + node-size scaling relative …
11 years |
vronk |
documenting dependencies (auxiliary files)
11 years |
vronk |
added processing of dataset=used-profiles; message-template with …
11 years |
vronk |
hack to normalize isocat-uris
11 years |
vronk |
removed a few inconsistent numbers about datcats from overall statistics
11 years |
vronk |
simplified Term to node, corrected type (parts=relations)
11 years |
vronk |
added graph-parameter, allows switching between (predefined) graphs
11 years |
vronk |
renamed main js
11 years |
vronk |
adding examples doc
11 years |
vronk |
stylesheet to transform profile/component specs into html
11 years |
vronk |
adding stylesheet transforming isocat-output [dcif] into smc-terms format
11 years |
vronk |
adding stylesheet transforming from fcs-scan (cmd.profile) to a …
11 years |
vronk |
added profile-info-fields
11 years |
vronk |
added conditional exporting of parts of the graph;
added nodes for …
11 years |
vronk |
weaving in (private) profiles (but already used in mdrepo)
and …
11 years |
vronk |
added documentation + added profile metadata in Termset/info
11 years |
vronk |
added documentation, reworked terms-lookup, typing of nodes
11 years |
vronk |
reworked the build, removed absolute paths, introduced a props-file; …
11 years |
vronk |
updated build-graph - smaller changes to build_init file
status before …
11 years |
vronk |
graph now also reflects generation of instance data stats from mdrepo
11 years |
vronk |
added some links, moved examples to separate file
11 years |
vronk |
moved to ./jquery sub directory
11 years |
vronk |
adapted paths in params to auxiliary resources. however local paths!
11 years |
vronk |
removed xsl:output-element
11 years |
vronk |
making use of getData() function to retrieve individual profiles
(gets …
11 years |
vronk |
introduce switch to load-profiles template
11 years |
vronk |
added getData template, able to write to cache (+ getData function for …
11 years |
vronk |
added minimal doc and my:cachePath function
11 years |
vronk |
added generation of direct edges profiles-datcats and edges for …
11 years |
vronk |
prefixed dataset-elements to ds-namespace, renamed some keys
11 years |
vronk |
reindent, handle missing values for init_x, _y attributes
11 years |
vronk |
added link to examples
11 years |
vronk |
genLink function, returns the a-element with bound functionality
11 years |
vronk |
loading userdocs on startup, added custom handling for links
11 years |
vronk |
added external links to profiles, enhance init steps, add function: …
11 years |
vronk |
minor css changes (collection nodes, node detail)
11 years |
vronk |
adding a script for converting instance-data to graph
12 years |
vronk |
label handling + highlighting on mouseover, loading userdocs on …
12 years |
vronk |
added some functionality on init (handler for navigation links) …
12 years |
vronk |
adding a snapshot of the query_input js-lib (from corpus_shell), …
12 years |
vronk |
adapted layout of the node-types
12 years |
vronk |
smaller changes (section titles in userdocs, menu-links, paddings)
12 years |
vronk |
using qi.js for generating the navigation;
reworked menu-links
12 years |
vronk |
changed labels for summary, added summary-components; + helper fn: …
12 years |
vronk |
adding the main build, + describing visualization of the build; also …
12 years |
vronk |
adding user documentation
12 years |
vronk |
rendering node (circle+text) as one-group,
detail-overall as cmds-ui-block
12 years |
vronk |
reorganized code,
ui-related in separate files
12 years |
vronk |
added classes for highlighting
12 years |
vronk |
added highlighting on mouseover
reorganized and cleaned up code
12 years |
vronk |
changes in layout and detail rendering;
dirty version with try-out …
12 years |
vronk |
new stylesheet: generates statistics about the smc-data, output into a …
12 years |
vronk |
adding stylesheets for producing cmd-dep-graph
in 2 steps (dot and …
12 years |
vronk |
second version of processing graph;
updated cmd-dep-graph generation, …
12 years |
vronk |
first version of manual graph of data pieces and processing steps …
12 years |
vronk |
adding a data-holder-div, + minor changes to css
12 years |
vronk |
added combo-box widget, detail-info from separate source, changeable …
12 years |
vronk |
old base html-page cmd-dep-graph.html obsoleted by index.html
12 years |
vronk |
reorganized web-resources for SMC browser (starting: …
12 years |
vronk |
renamed folder scripts to xsl
(to distinguish better from web …
12 years |
vronk |
initial check in of the code for graph-based browsing of cmd components
12 years |
vronk |
updating the data cache
12 years |
vronk |
adding basic build + README
12 years |
vronk |
added a sequence of all initialization steps
12 years |
vronk |
intermediate commit of older minor(?) changes
12 years |
vronk |
added new numbers and tables (mainly in summary-cmd)
12 years |
vronk |
added lang params
12 years |
vronk |
added minimal documentation
12 years |
vronk |
added util functions
12 years |
vronk |
adding first version of a script converting internal format …
13 years |
vronk |
debug listing cmd-profiles in termsets.xml
13 years |
vronk |
updated termsets.xml - debug listing cmd-profiles