6 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Some further proofing in main.jsx.
6 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Give some more space for the rightist footer element
6 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Fixed the embedded mode search button
6 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Proofing some strings
6 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Updating helppage with switching bwtween CQL and FCS-QL for quering.
6 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Bump version to 3.0.0 build 64.
6 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Breakout of layeroptions from queryinput component.
6 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Updates to aggreagtor page.
6 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Updates to about page, license etc.
6 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Applying updates to corpus view component.
6 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Update adv.css to make GQB look more modern
6 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Adding codemirror CSS to be available for later commits
6 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Fixing x-aggregation-context dispatching/handover once and for all.
6 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Adding support for also sideloading additional FCS endpoints
6 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
package.json - adding missing packages, e.g. …
7 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Small refactoring for React v16.0.0
7 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Upgrading to use React v16.0.0
7 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Adding new configuration option 'additionalFCSEndpoints' for …
7 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Upgrading commons.lang 2.4->3.6 now commons.lang3
7 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Refatoring UI code heavily and updating React to v15.6.1 (preparing …
7 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Updated java dependencies to something modern: jetty 9.0.7->9.2.22, …
7 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Spliting out the styling for ADV from base.
7 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Increase max memory to 4 GB for the aggreagator
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Removed further path length assumptions …
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Removed ROOTURL limitation of two char substring …
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Updating heap space from 2GB to 4GB.
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Updating default heap space from 2GB to 4GB.
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Some cleanup of queryType and queryTypeId and clearer distinction in …
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Adding Open document spreadsheet (ODS) export.
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Adding Piwik track site search.
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Don't transpile the jsx files unless they are changed.
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Fixing React warnings.
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Moving to React 15.2.0 and adding js dependency management for updated …
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Do not display 'Display as ADV' if queryType=cql.
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Added fully visible but unstyled ADV view. Very similar to the …
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Adding ADV segments to export formats csv and xls.
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Adding additional endpoint for Språkbankens reference implementation.
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Do not show the endpoints in result list failing to understand the …
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Small additions for Advanced Data View.
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Correctly switch between cql and fcs queryType on toggle of selection.
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Removed double SRUVersion check.
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Remove double test for SRUVersion.
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Initial commit without much UI stuff for FCS 2.0 features. Some …
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Aligning configuration files for rpm deployment and production. Avoid …
8 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Intermediate step adding initial support for SRU2.0 and FCS2.0 …
9 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
Adding more silent corrections of non-quoted query strings. Adding …
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-53: accept any SSL connection to centres registry
9 years |
leif-joran.olsson |
2.0.0-beta-52: Adding quoteIfMultiWordExpression to query in Search class.
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-51: improved embedded view and responsive design
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-50: moved to https for the centres registry URL
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-49: version bump
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-48 (same): bug fix (deleting window.$)
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-48: fixed double click on clarin services button, added people …
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-47 (same): removing now useless png file
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-47: using data URI for image
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-46: no more tables in clarinservices module, icon included
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
using more clarin services image
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
css bug fix
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
putting back the About and Contact links, css improvements
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
adding an overview doc fragment
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-45: independent clarinservices module, made with zepto and …
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
very small html fixes
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-44: more UI/css fixes (footer facelift), misc
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-43: UI/css general fixes
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-42: 'more services' new icon and white select bg
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-41: round, clariny icons in the 'more services' + build rpm option
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-40: fixed bug in build script; improved 'more results' behavior
9 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-39: updated java comments, better build script
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-36: debugging js object, misc
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-35: help text fix; trimmed trailing whitespaces; first version …
10 years |
ccoltekin |
Fixes to rpm package creation on Mac OS X.
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
small help text typo
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-34: production settings and developments settings; misc
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-33: support for slow endpoints; POST external searches; UI …
10 years |
ccoltekin |
Redhat/Debian? packagin setup.
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
fix for dynamic server context
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
production friendly aggregator configs
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-32: better help text
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-31: support for query&mode params, and for …
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-30: embedded page, wip
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-29: better language detection for weblicht
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-28: disabling sampa for now
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. beta-27: more results, bug fixes
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. alpha 26: zoom in result, other UI changes
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. alpha 25: removed unused iso-639-2 support and unused german …
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. alpha 24: exporting to weblicht works, UI is not final
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. alpha 23: UI fix (unique react key for results)
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
alpha 22 still: fix of whitespaces
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. alpha 22: backup for corpora cache file + fix popup trigger
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. alpha 21: downloading as text, csv, excel and tcf works
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. alpha 20: routing and direct links, improved UI for statistics, bugfixes
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. alpha 19: better UI for statistics, misc bugfixes
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
working on downloads and exports
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. alpha16: added version page and better statistics
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. alpha15: added support for new spec explains/search; misc UI corrections
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. alpha14: collections view stable sorting, better filtering; upfront …
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. alpha12: better language filtering using detection, collections …
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. alpha11: UI refactor
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. alpha10: throttled client bug fix, more todos
10 years |
emanuel.dima |
v. alpha 9: corpus view UI improvements, bug fixes