Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#654 Improve dealing with failed PID minting accepted Willem Elbers defect critical VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.1
#601 Versioning of virtual collections new feature major
#621 Custom user properties override SAML attributes new feature major
#622 More lightweight response at /service/virtualcollections new enhancement major
#748 Inject OAIProvider instance new enhancement major VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.1
#996 SP: aa-statistics error message on login accepted André Moreira defect major
#603 Auto-recognize links in description field new enhancement minor VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.1
#605 Make it possible to re-use authors that have been entered before new enhancement minor VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.1
#626 Bootstrap styled pagination controls new enhancement minor VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.1
#721 Produce bookmarkable links with Ajax updates assigned Twan Goosen enhancement minor VLO-4.2 or later
#791 Support Sitelinks search box assigned Twan Goosen enhancement minor VLO-4.2 or later
#871 Record page could be stateless assigned Willem Elbers enhancement minor
#527 Proposes similar facet values in case of no matches assigned Twan Goosen enhancement trivial VLO-4.2 or later
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.