Custom Query (9 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#837 Automatically detect mimetype of references assigned Twan Goosen enhancement major VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.2
#842 DataCite metadata store assigned Twan Goosen enhancement major VirtualCollectionRegistry-1.2
#887 Configure local firewall for idp1-clarin and idp2-clarin new Sander Maijers task major
#902 Grant read access to httpd logs new Sander Maijers defect major
#993 Investigate and fix error for assigned defect major
#1000 Review server timezone new André Moreira defect major
#1014 Make button group with two choices more clear new Willem Elbers defect major
#1017 Logout button new Willem Elbers defect major
#1036 Exclude image listing at the bottom of a page new Dieter Van Uytvanck defect major
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.