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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#335 wontfix User managment for SCHEMAcat andmor

SCHEMAcat has to rely in our single login environment (shibboleth) for user authentication. Upon successful login, SCHEMAcat should create a new user workspace if the shibboleth 'principal' is still unknown to SCHEMAcat (new user), and load that workspace. When the 'principal' is already known, SCHEMAcat should load the matching workspace. There should also be a facility to update users' info like the users' email and role. Thus implementing CRU functionality.

A possible data structure for the users' information in SCHEMAcat is:

<users xmlns="">
	  <user xml:id="u0">
	  <user xml:id="u1">
	    <displayName>Menzo Windhouwer</displayName>
	    <email type="main"></email>

A Java UUID generator class, as the one used in LEXUS, might be possible to be used to generate the user id's.

#181 fixed Improve general HTML view center registry BSanchezRZG dietuyt

The current HTML view could use some improvements:

  • have a real HTML title tag: CLARIN center registry
  • The title in the page should also be: CLARIN center registry
  • the CLARIN Logo on top of the page
  • The footer of the page should state: The Center Registry has been developed by CLARIN-D (with a link to
#182 fixed Improvements to HTML table with centers BSanchezRZG dietuyt
  • The column headers should be aligned left
  • The Column Center should contain the full center name (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen) instead of the short code
  • The PID column should contain the value of PidStatus?
  • The metadata column should contain all values of MetadataScheme?, separated by a comma and with a link to OaiAccessPoint?, eg for
    <a href="">CMDI, OLAC</a>
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