Custom Query (31 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#30 Make a "accesible resources" facet enhancement major VLO web app
#44 show more link that displays the whole CMDI record defect major VLO web app
#47 Add description next to name in the list of results enhancement major VLO web app
#76 Deprecated language codes mapping defect major VLO web app
#86 Create make feedback button for a record enhancement major VLO web app
#127 Cleanup of facets enhancement minor VLO web app
#137 connect VLO to federated search enhancement major VLO web app 2.0
#151 show all fields from the CMDI file enhancement critical VLO web app
#153 Support urn:nbn ResourceProxies enhancement critical VLO web app
#167 New facet: national anchoring enhancement major VLO web app
#171 Facet values with diacritics not in the first character should not be under Other defect minor VLO web app
#172 not all mimetypes are correctly converted to text/audio ResourceType enhancement major VLO web app
#178 add a line break between result count and the < > controls defect minor VLO web app
#193 Without a selected facet, the resources take a long time to load enhancement major VLO web app
#199 hapax filter enhancement major VLO web app
#200 facet for CMDI profile defect major VLO web app
#203 2.8 deploy errors and issues to be resolved before official release defect major VLO web app
#204 2.9 install error defect major VLO web app
#214 add a tag facet enhancement critical VLO web app
#219 encoding issue (VLO 2.10) defect major VLO web app
#220 Smaller design issues with VLO 2.10 defect major VLO web app
#224 option for full-text search in all fields enhancement major VLO web app
#226 on import of language/countre code mapping, remove (.*) defect major VLO web app
#229 map WebServiceName datcat to name facet enhancement major VLO web app
#230 map DC purl ConceptLink to facets defect major VLO web app
#231 support for multilingual fields enhancement major VLO web app
#242 language links with capitalized letters do not work defect major VLO web app 2.0
#244 configuration script error defect major VLO web app
#245 install documentation defect major VLO web app
#247 add text to report error icon defect minor VLO web app
#248 import records with tutorials from CLARIN-D HUB enhancement minor VLO web app
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.