Custom Query (9 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#194 convert LRT tools inventory to CMDI and insert records in VLO defect minor MetadataCuration
#287 CLARIN Logo in Trac has non-HTTPS URL defect trivial Trac
#312 (test ticket for solving CC problem) defect major Centre Registry
#323 TLA records: missing Landing Page defect major MetadataCuration
#343 cleanup user interface defect minor VLO web app
#346 Slow counter updates on the show results page defect minor VLO-3.0 VLO web app
#398 Some attachments not accessible defect major Trac
#400 Ticket "disappeared" after moving defect major Trac
#482 VLO tickets view empty defect major Trac
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.