Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#1057 reopened enhancement

Force responsive images by default

Reported by: Dieter Van Uytvanck Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Website Version:
Keywords: Cc: Dieter Van Uytvanck, André Moreira, Twan Goosen


Right now editors have to add class="img-responsive" to img tags to enable responsive scaling. This should be the default.

Attachments (3)

Screenshot 2019-02-06 at 18.23.51.png (198.2 KB) - added by André Moreira 5 years ago.
Screenshot 2019-02-06 at 18.25.10.png (145.4 KB) - added by André Moreira 5 years ago.
The option previously selected that I had to unselect
Screenshot 2019-02-06 at 18.26.49.png (234.9 KB) - added by André Moreira 5 years ago.
The new image window where we deployed the fix. (uses old image plugin)

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (26)

comment:1 Changed 6 years ago by DefaultCC Plugin

Cc: Dieter Van Uytvanck added

comment:2 Changed 6 years ago by Dieter Van Uytvanck

I would see 3 options:

  • configure it as default for img tags in CKeditor (details - probably most flexible and transparent)
  • arrange this via CSS
  • configure it as default with a filter (tried this but does not seem to work also not ideal because opaque to end user what is happening)

To be discussed what is the best solution here.

Last edited 6 years ago by Dieter Van Uytvanck (previous) (diff)

comment:3 Changed 6 years ago by Dieter Van Uytvanck

Owner: changed from André Moreira to
Status: newassigned

comment:4 Changed 6 years ago by Dieter Van Uytvanck

Cc: André Moreira Twan Goosen added

I discussed it with André and Twan and we agree that the CKeditor approach would be the preferred one.

comment:5 Changed 6 years ago by Dieter Van Uytvanck

The same should go for tables (class="table-responsive")

comment:6 Changed 6 years ago by

that many of the tutorials available seem to be valid for specific versions only. I tried various approaches: most of the instructions didn't work at all, some resulted in funny errors, maybe also related to bugs of the editor library itself, as indicated in some articles.
Thus, I'd prepare myself with the following questions and ideas for my next upcoming session:

# Is an upgrade to the most recent editor version viable?

# I am going to try setting up the editor and customizations in a simple and less complex environment, before applying the approach to the Drupal app.

# I'll try setting up the editor without using a CDN. This is currently the case and requires re-instantiation of the editor (the first source of problems in those tutorials), to read in additional config files.
Would loading the editor locally be considerable?

comment:7 Changed 6 years ago by

Tested approaches that did not work:

# Upgrading to Ckeditor 5 is depreciated for incompatibility reasons.
The docs warn for data loss situations and recommend, to use Ckeditor 4 for content generated before the migration.
Furthermore, the Ckeditor Drupal module, wich acts as a wrapper, only supports Ckeditor 4. A module for Ckeditor 5 is currently not available.

# Attempt to directly configure the editor loaded via CDN.
Loading customized local plugins manually in the config file (where we can indeed manipulate some general css styles) does not seem to have any effect.

# Updating the editor (latest stable 4 - 4.11.1), loaded via CDN and attempt to directly configure it.
The path/URL to the resource is stored in the database in the module's settings.
This fails for the same reason as above.

# Downloading the editor source for local storage:
The editor sourcefiles live in ./sites/all/libraries/ckeditor.
The drupal module settings to be loaded by the editor live here:
Confusingly, there are also some plugins and skins, which seem to be loaded from there. Used package 4.11.1 full

# Replacing the existant minified image plugin and it's dependencies by a downloaded development version (4.11.1) results in a plugin loading error after clearing the browser cache.

# Adding a custom style set in the ckeditor.config.js file also seems to have no effect:
config.stylesSet = [

{ name: 'Custom Image', element: 'img', attributes: { 'class': 'myClass' }}

Not clear, where those would appear, guess we would have to (re)define a field of the image dialogue anyway.

So finally, it is not quite clear yet, why loading a customizable module fails.
Next tests:

# re-try using the online builder to get a development version
# investigate more on the available plugins: there seem to be bootstrap-layout style classes conforming plugins available

comment:8 Changed 5 years ago by

Finally discovered my mistake (not checking permissions), but still some specific versions of freshly downloaded ckeditor packages refuse to load - this specially affects the expanded development version.
The error is "TypeError?.editor.ui.addButton is not a function".
Patching a minified version with an expanded & customized image plugin worked out.
So far, the custom class "img-responsive" is now added to every new image by default (editable).
Yet, I have not been able to figure out, where the same thing for tables should go (same, but different ;)

How is this change reliably gonna find its way into the CLARIN website? So far, its neither part of the theme, nor Drupal module, nor configurable in the database, but resides in /sites/all/libraries.
The module configuration in Drupal doesn't seem to accept a path to the local ckeditor library, that resides in the module directory. Instead, it automatically snaps back to the libraries path.

Version 0, edited 5 years ago by (next)

comment:9 Changed 5 years ago by

Yet no idea about the table. The structure of the table dialogue is completely different from the image dialogue - here a generic template is being used. As of the loading error in the expanded version, the origin of that template is hard to investigate. The concatenated package furthermore has a completely different plugin structure.
I tend to give up on this one (at least unless the loading error is resolved).

comment:10 Changed 5 years ago by Dieter Van Uytvanck

So I made some tests on dev-www

  • As to the table, just adding a class="table" to the <table> element is enough. However, the default other attributes (500 px broad etc should not be there.
  • For the images, the class is set correctly but now the dimensions of the image are added to the style attribute, eg:
<p><img alt="" class="img-responsive" src="" style="width:1669px; height:612px" /></p>

This results in these properties not being shown in the CKeditor dialog. Would be better not to have these in. Alternatively the width and height attribute should be used, so that the CKeditor dialog can be used to change the values.

comment:11 Changed 5 years ago by Dieter Van Uytvanck

Correction: the width and height are being shown in the CKeditor, if you click in the dialogue after entering the URL. If you paste the URL and just hit enter, the dimensions are not added.

In any case I believe it would be better not to include the dimensions by default. For my example picture the dimensions displayed are incorrect.

comment:12 Changed 5 years ago by

A fix that removes the inline styles has now also been included.

All changes have been included in a fork of ckeditor-dev.

comment:13 Changed 5 years ago by Dieter Van Uytvanck

Tested at dev-www, can be moved into production.

comment:14 Changed 5 years ago by André Moreira

Deployed an tested in production.
It is unclear if that was actually the image box that was being used there before. After deploying the new ckeditor library, I noticed that the enabled image plugin was "enhanced image" and not "image" where we deployed the fix.

See ticket attachments for details on the difference between the two boxes. The first screenshot (without description) is the original state after only deploying the new ckeditor library

Last edited 5 years ago by André Moreira (previous) (diff)

Changed 5 years ago by André Moreira

Changed 5 years ago by André Moreira

The option previously selected that I had to unselect

Changed 5 years ago by André Moreira

The new image window where we deployed the fix. (uses old image plugin)

comment:15 Changed 5 years ago by Dieter Van Uytvanck

I believe both versions stem from the same code (CKeditor). In any case the beaviour as on is perfect - so I believe we can close this ticket. Yay!

comment:16 Changed 5 years ago by André Moreira

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

comment:17 Changed 5 years ago by André Moreira

For the record both versions come from different plugins of the ckeditor (which has a plugin architecture).
Anyway, since everyone is happy. Closed.

comment:18 Changed 5 years ago by Dieter Van Uytvanck

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

The height and width attribute are currently removed by our patched CKeditor. This should not happen since these attributes can indicated a maximum value in combination with img-responsible.

Another issue introduced by the new editor is that the dialog to paste from word and paste as plain text is no longer working.

comment:19 Changed 5 years ago by

I think we should address this on Monday during our call.
There seems to be a default behavior, that removes the width|height attributes as soon a custom class or style attribute comes into the mix. (also valid for 4.x)

Thus, using the styles attribute should be the correct way.

Paste from Word is a plugin, that should be available. I'm going to have a look into why it disappeared.

comment:20 Changed 5 years ago by André Moreira

An idea of a solution using CKEditor custom styles is deployed on


  1. Insert the image
  1. Select the image by clicking on it
  1. Select "Image Responsive" from the "Styles" drop down list.

Apart from the extra 3 clicks this looks like a safe solution to me.

comment:21 Changed 5 years ago by André Moreira

This is done by editing


and adding:

{ name: 'Image Responsive', type: 'widget', widget: 'image', attributes: { 'class': 'img-responsive' } },

comment:22 Changed 5 years ago by Dieter Van Uytvanck

Works for me as described. Even if it is not applied automatically and if it is forgotten by the author it makes life easier to add the correct class afterwards.

comment:23 Changed 5 years ago by André Moreira

Deployed in production =>

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