

19:57 Changeset [1476] by gaba
14:01 Ticket #134 (Save private components should work even when component is used) closed by twagoo
fixed: Fixed in [1462:1475/ComponentRegistry/trunk] (1.9-SNAPSHOT) When …
13:55 Changeset [1475] by twagoo
ComponentUsageService? actually checks results of service call and …
09:48 Changeset [1474] by twagoo
Undid update of Editor.mxml, please ignore that change
09:45 Changeset [1473] by twagoo
GUI: implemented ComponentUsageService?, which calls the …


12:36 Changeset [1472] by gaba
pazpar search - first version


20:48 Changeset [1471] by gaba
20:33 Changeset [1470] by vronk
added sru2view
20:26 Changeset [1469] by vronk
intial version of stylesheet for sru. very basic, just to try. not stable
19:45 Changeset [1468] by gaba


21:31 Changeset [1467] by gaba
SRU queries added


11:39 Ticket #58 (OLAC mdselflink should be the origin) closed by dietuyt
fixed: Done in the new olac2cmdi.xsl which is currently used.
10:28 Changeset [1466] by dietuyt
Added a script that generates an xml mapping file based on …


14:40 Changeset [1465] by twagoo
Registry impl: update component no longer checks whether user space …
14:39 Changeset [1464] by twagoo
Made abstract descriptions serializable (defined root element)
14:37 Changeset [1463] by twagoo
Fixed component usage REST call implementation
14:01 Changeset [1462] by twagoo
Added /components/usage/{componentId} to rest interface that allows …
12:43 Ticket #133 (unicode chars are garbled up for migrated components) closed by twagoo
fixed: Fixed in [1451], deployed as 1.8.1 on 30/6/2011
12:42 Ticket #126 (Update documentation after functional modifications) closed by twagoo
fixed: Updated in trunk [1460], merged to 1.8.x tags [1461]
12:39 Changeset [1461] by twagoo
Merged documentation updates in trunk that also apply to tagged 1.8 …
12:36 Changeset [1460] by twagoo
Updated documentation for new features in 1.8 (#126)
10:08 Changeset [1459] by twagoo
Fixed RegisterResponseTest? to include required attribute …


13:33 Changeset [1458] by dietuyt
Removed the outdated CSC entity (hotpage) and replaced it with the new …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.