

14:42 Changeset [308] by dietuyt
Fix xsi attribute
14:32 Changeset [307] by dietuyt
Changes by INL
14:05 Changeset [306] by dietuyt
Fix the SchemaLocation?
14:00 Changeset [305] by dietuyt
Changes by INL
13:41 Changeset [304] by dietuyt
Changes by INL
13:34 Changeset [303] by dietuyt
Addition by INL
13:33 Changeset [302] by dietuyt
Changes by INL
13:32 Changeset [301] by ljo
Moving MDRegistry stuff from MDService to MDRegistry.


22:45 Changeset [300] by ljo
A somewhat stable version for Wien.


16:57 Changeset [299] by ljo
Second round of searchRetrieve results, hit enter too early last time.
16:43 Changeset [298] by ljo
First round of searchRetrieve results.
16:29 Changeset [297] by dietuyt
Addition of Documentation attribute to CMD_Element (transformed into …
15:52 Changeset [296] by dietuyt
Update the lexical resource component by INL
15:50 Changeset [295] by dietuyt
del lexicalresource (for cleanup)
15:48 Changeset [294] by dietuyt
rename lexicon to lexicalresource
15:45 Changeset [293] by dietuyt
New component changes by INL
14:23 Changeset [292] by ljo
First round of searchRetrieve results.
14:08 Changeset [291] by patdui
09:39 Changeset [290] by patdui
09:06 Changeset [289] by patdui
* fixed file name(put quotes around it) in download


16:50 Changeset [288] by patdui
* using Label as the default ItemRenderer? fixes all tooltip problems * …
15:35 Changeset [287] by ljo
Preparing for searchRetrieve
15:33 Changeset [286] by ljo
Preparing for searchRetrieve
13:31 Changeset [285] by patdui
some more info
10:49 Changeset [284] by oschonef
- add missing query parameters - fix bad cut & paste ;)
10:39 Changeset [283] by oschonef
- just return empty list, if user has not registered any virtual …
08:55 Changeset [282] by patdui
Trying out shibboleth
08:50 Changeset [281] by patdui
* more little bug fixes and layout changes, trying to use shibboleth …


14:51 Changeset [280] by oschonef
- add web service protocol description
14:50 Changeset [279] by oschonef
- correct @Produces settings for @DELETE


15:57 Changeset [278] by oschonef
- fix wording of some error messages - explicitly log error, if VCR …
15:55 Changeset [277] by oschonef
- fix constructor access modifier
13:27 Changeset [276] by oschonef
- further work an GWDG handle integration
12:55 Changeset [275] by dietuyt
Small fixes to gernal components.
09:16 Changeset [274] by dietuyt
Changes to the clarin-nl/common components


17:27 Changeset [273] by oschonef
- further work on GWDG handle service integration
14:47 Changeset [272] by patdui
* added contextmenu to info panel, removed rollover functionality …
14:04 Changeset [271] by patdui
14:04 Changeset [270] by patdui
13:50 Changeset [269] by patdui
* moved interface to common package
13:37 Changeset [268] by patdui
* fixed some little bugs
11:12 Changeset [267] by dietuyt
Second round of INL changes
11:02 Changeset [266] by dietuyt
Changes from INL to CLARIN-NL components
10:36 Changeset [265] by patdui
* fixed combobox presentation
09:40 Changeset [264] by patdui
* fixed initialisation of data in ValueScheme? popup


15:38 Changeset [263] by oschonef
- remove superfluous whitespace from error messages


14:54 Changeset [262] by patdui
* Using a proper response when sending back xsd or xml raw data, …
14:50 Changeset [261] by patdui
* Using Browser native save as functionality
14:49 Changeset [260] by patdui
* using timestamp in url so IE doesn't cache the list all the time
14:49 Changeset [259] by patdui
* set mutliselect back
14:32 Changeset [258] by ljo
cmd-model - Rudimentary version of API function getCollections
13:44 Changeset [257] by oschonef
- fix some javac warnings while generating JPA meta model


18:12 Changeset [256] by ljo
Refactoring queryModel
17:58 Changeset [255] by ljo
cmd-model.xql - message about unimplemented methods.
17:20 Changeset [254] by ljo
Preparing for other operations than queryModel: getCollections and …
16:20 Changeset [253] by patdui
* return descriptions sorted by default
16:20 Changeset [252] by patdui
* cleanup and added scrolling to just added item
15:58 Changeset [251] by ljo
cmd-model.xqm - ModelTrees? -> Terms and elem -> Term.
14:49 Changeset [250] by oschonef
- add dependency on commons-http-client - in progress work for GWDG …
09:16 Changeset [249] by patdui
* created rightclick context menu "Edit..." works on profiles and …


23:50 Changeset [248] by ljo
cmd-model.xqm - fixed small syntax error.
21:22 Changeset [247] by ljo
cmd-model-xql - Some tidying up before changing.
21:19 Changeset [246] by ljo
cmd-model-xqm - Some tidying up before changing.
17:05 Changeset [245] by oschonef
- set svn properties
16:21 Changeset [244] by patdui
* Made isocatregistry link configurable
16:20 Changeset [243] by patdui
16:19 Changeset [242] by patdui
* added editing of components. * fixed bug in sharing of contextmenus …
16:16 Changeset [241] by oschonef
- change logging to slf4j - update slf4j to 1.5.11
14:24 Changeset [240] by oschonef
- partially revert r226 and rename Resource element back to ResourceProxy?
13:45 Changeset [239] by oschonef
- return user error, if submitted internal collection format is invalid
13:03 Changeset [238] by patdui
* added popup for creation of ValueScheme?
12:55 Changeset [237] by oschonef
- fix not found condition with nummeric ids
10:17 Changeset [236] by oschonef
- remove unused exception
10:15 Changeset [235] by oschonef
- enable fetching virtual collections im CMDI format also by uuid - …


17:41 Changeset [234] by oschonef
- prepare for integration with GWDG handle service - add internal PID …
16:00 Changeset [233] by dietuyt
Small fixes, references to new mimetype component added
14:16 Changeset [232] by dietuyt
New version of the AVATECH components
13:56 Changeset [231] by dietuyt
Addition of annotationformat CMDI component
13:10 Changeset [230] by dietuyt
Addition of mimetype component; reference to it from text-technical


18:41 Changeset [229] by oschonef
- rename VirtualCollecion? property pid to uuid HEADS UP: database …
18:31 Changeset [228] by oschonef
- fix @Consumes and @Produces annotations
18:18 Changeset [227] by oschonef
- javax.xml.bind annotations style fixes
18:10 Changeset [226] by oschonef
- remove preliminary support for copied metadata HEADS UP: internal …
13:03 Changeset [225] by patdui


16:43 VirtualCollectionRegistry/Requirements edited by patdui


17:37 Changeset [224] by patdui
* reimplemented my drag and drop editor * created search functionality …
15:09 Changeset [223] by oschonef
- minor changes


17:19 Changeset [222] by oschonef
- add sanity check
17:15 Changeset [221] by oschonef
- also validate merged virtual collection
17:14 Changeset [220] by oschonef
- fix potential NullPointerException?
17:13 Changeset [219] by oschonef
- a validator instance may be used more than once
16:25 Changeset [218] by oschonef
- (try to) handle requests to methods which require authentication …


14:55 Changeset [217] by oschonef
- make DataStore? property of virtualCollectionRegistry (again)


12:12 Changeset [216] by oschonef
- set svn properties
12:11 Changeset [215] by oschonef
- improve error handling - improve error messages and reporting
09:57 Changeset [214] by oschonef
- no need to export Hibernate jpa-modelgen to WAR


20:21 Changeset [213] by oschonef
- implement basic search feature
20:14 Changeset [212] by oschonef
- fix Hibernate properties
17:54 Changeset [211] by oschonef
- ... and silence Java unused import warning
17:52 Changeset [210] by oschonef
- silence Hibernate warning
13:20 Changeset [209] by patdui
13:19 Changeset [208] by patdui
* some better error handling
13:08 Changeset [207] by patdui
* addd Basic security in webapp * Added Delete functionality in …
12:01 Changeset [206] by patdui
* added as3httpclient for doing http DELETE commands etc... * …
11:47 Changeset [205] by patdui
11:42 Changeset [204] by patdui
09:43 Changeset [203] by oschonef
- update Schema to conform to JPA 2.0


09:16 Changeset [202] by patdui
Some info about flashpolicy files
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.