

14:01 Changeset [577] by dietuyt
AppInfo? for enumerations is now stored as an ann:label attribute …
12:15 Changeset [576] by vronk
12:10 Changeset [575] by vronk
activated input on elements
10:51 Changeset [574] by vronk
xsl bug


21:06 Changeset [573] by gaba
update multiple collections (comma separated format)
20:33 Changeset [572] by gaba
collection selection update
15:35 Changeset [571] by ljo
cmd-model.xql - handle several collections consistently for …
15:35 Changeset [570] by ljo
cmd-model.xqm - handle several collections consistently for …


17:58 MetadataBrowser edited by vronk
added repo-matrix (diff)
17:54 mdbrowser_components.png attached to MetadataBrowser by vronk
relations between types of content (as components in the browser)
17:53 mdbrowser_repomatrix.png attached to MetadataBrowser by vronk
MDBrowser Repository Matrix
17:51 MetadataBrowser edited by vronk
17:31 Changeset [569] by vronk
this is actually message for rev.568: reworked (unified) rewriting of …
17:26 Changeset [568] by vronk


21:58 Changeset [567] by oschonef
- save some bytes
12:38 Changeset [566] by oschonef
- fix GetRecord? verb
12:31 Changeset [565] by oschonef
- whitespace cleanup
12:02 Changeset [564] by dietuyt
Updated example files
12:01 Changeset [563] by dietuyt
Removed test dummy component
11:54 Changeset [562] by dietuyt
Added Multilingual attribute for CMD_Element, various clean-ups to …


15:22 Changeset [561] by vronk
new profiles_stats.html + passing collections to MDRepo


23:29 Changeset [560] by gaba
21:58 Changeset [559] by oschonef
- revert r558
21:19 Changeset [558] by oschonef
- fix @SuppressWarnings?


12:33 Changeset [557] by oschonef
- set svn:eol-style property
12:21 Changeset [556] by oschonef
- re-work virtual collection properties - remove visibility and …


20:39 Changeset [555] by vronk
html + js changes (restructured divs, still raw)
07:43 Changeset [554] by patdui
* bumped version 1.4-SNAPSHOT
07:43 Changeset [553] by patdui
* bumped to version 1.4-SNAPSHOT
07:42 Changeset [552] by patdui
*tagged 1.3 version
07:41 Changeset [551] by patdui
* preparing for 1.3 release
07:40 Changeset [550] by patdui
* Preparing for 1.3 release
07:13 Changeset [549] by patdui
07:10 Changeset [548] by patdui
* added new xslt version2 to config
06:48 Changeset [547] by patdui
* fixed transparancy of borer


09:22 Changeset [546] by patdui
* enabled iscocat search for correct column
09:12 Changeset [545] by vronk
backup mdservice2_ui.js


22:55 Changeset [544] by gaba
20:31 Changeset [543] by oschonef
- fix @Consumes annotations (add application/xml)
19:51 Changeset [542] by oschonef
- return 404 error code, if a non-public virtual collection (= one w/o …
19:43 Changeset [541] by oschonef
- remove uuid stuff
19:28 Changeset [540] by oschonef
- add missing POST method
14:31 Changeset [539] by patdui
* added version to swf file so we won't have caching issues anymore.
13:38 Changeset [538] by patdui
13:21 Changeset [537] by patdui
* added Wicket based admin page. Allows for editing/deleting and …
13:10 Changeset [536] by oschonef
- change to POST method because the operation performed is not idempotent
10:48 Changeset [535] by vronk
09:41 Changeset [534] by dietuyt
Fix svn revision header
09:36 Changeset [533] by dietuyt
Fix SVN revision header
09:30 Changeset [532] by dietuyt
Made isProfile attribute compulsory
08:56 Changeset [531] by oschonef
- add comments about delayed pid allocation / pruging of virtual …
08:48 Changeset [530] by oschonef
- remove dead code
08:45 Changeset [529] by oschonef
- fix exception messages - source code layout
08:32 Changeset [528] by oschonef
- update to Jersey 1.3 - add organization to pom


21:27 Changeset [527] by vronk
collections - dynamic treeview
20:47 Changeset [526] by gaba
19:51 Changeset [525] by vronk
added profiles_stats.html
19:34 Changeset [524] by gaba
16:28 Changeset [523] by oschonef
- fix typo
15:59 Changeset [522] by oschonef
- re-implement virtual collection query language with javacc - add …
10:10 Changeset [521] by gaba
collections + cache changes


20:37 MetadataBrowser edited by vronk
18:02 Changeset [520] by vronk
added testdata for collections and a stylesheet for transforming …
17:12 Changeset [519] by vronk
activated DCRProxy
15:26 Changeset [518] by oschonef
- whitespace cleanup
15:24 Changeset [517] by oschonef
- more preliminary javacc work (use jjtree as AST come in handy) - …


11:53 Changeset [516] by oschonef
- remove antlr stuff and replace with javacc - commit preliminary …


12:23 Changeset [515] by oschonef
- VCR does not need sets, so remove testing stuff
12:20 Changeset [514] by oschonef
- fetch earliest timestamp from database
11:37 Changeset [513] by oschonef
- don't cache earliest timestamp


16:28 Changeset [512] by oschonef
- generate queries using criteria api
16:28 Changeset [511] by oschonef
- allow collection state to be changed via REST interface - some minor …
13:58 Changeset [510] by oschonef
- try to get relation mapping right (again)


18:40 Changeset [509] by oschonef
- delayed purging of deleted virtual collections - deny deleting …
09:18 Changeset [508] by oschonef
- change clarin-virtualcollection to use long id


18:24 CmdiMetadataServices edited by vronk
18:12 CmdiMetadataServices edited by vronk
18:11 CmdiMetadataServices edited by vronk
17:45 CmdiMetadataServices edited by vronk
17:40 MetadataBrowser edited by vronk
17:37 MetadataBrowser edited by vronk
17:35 MDServiceImpl edited by vronk
17:31 screen_MDBrowser_20100525_v2.png attached to MDServiceImpl by vronk
17:22 MDServiceImpl edited by vronk
17:19 MDService_model_classes.png attached to CmdiMetadataServices by vronk
Class Diagram of the planned model for MDService
16:59 Changeset [507] by oschonef
- add deferred persistent identifier allocation - add state to virtual …
16:57 Changeset [506] by oschonef
- whitespace fixes - use anonymous class for ThreadLocal?
16:00 MDService_action_classes.png attached to MDServiceImpl by vronk
Class Diagram of the current implementation of MDService
15:58 SearchInput.png attached to MetadataBrowser by vronk
Schematic view of a proposal for the query input UI-component of …
15:57 screen_MDBrowser_20100525_v2.png attached to MetadataBrowser by vronk
Screenshot of the MetadataBrowser search user-interface (preliminary …
15:56 screen_IMDI_mdsearch.png attached to MetadataBrowser by vronk
Screenshot of the IMDI-Browser search interface
09:50 Changeset [505] by oschonef
- fix debugging output
09:47 Changeset [504] by oschonef
- add eclipse formatter profile
09:45 Changeset [503] by oschonef
- mega-whitespace cleanup
07:15 Changeset [502] by patdui
* admin page work in progress


16:16 Changeset [501] by vronk
rework components resolution - now based on @ComponentID not @filename


20:07 Changeset [500] by vronk
minor debug in transformXML(string,.. updated sourcing of xsl


12:43 Changeset [499] by patdui
Added test to get the componentRegistry of any userdir for admin
08:24 Changeset [498] by patdui
* working on admin page very much work in progress


20:07 Changeset [497] by oschonef
- major re-factoring - move all stuff for the repository bridge to …
14:06 Changeset [496] by oschonef
- fix grammar
13:59 Changeset [495] by oschonef
- minor style fix
09:44 Changeset [494] by patdui
* removed my try at executing multiple xsl, not needed at the moment
09:43 Changeset [493] by patdui
* keeping componentId in expanded component so xsd can use it.
09:34 Changeset [492] by patdui
added saxon indent spaces outputkey, which indents with only one space …


18:30 Changeset [491] by oschonef
- disseminate virtual collections as CMDI
18:27 Changeset [490] by oschonef
- add schemaLocation attribute to generated XML
18:26 Changeset [489] by oschonef
- add getXMLStreamWriter() method
18:06 Changeset [488] by oschonef
- generate CMDI representation of virtual collection using …
16:11 Changeset [487] by oschonef
- change wording of error message
14:05 Changeset [486] by dietuyt
Added a saxon-specific next-in-chain attribute that pipes the output …
13:15 Changeset [485] by dietuyt
Updated header date
13:12 Changeset [484] by dietuyt
Addition of the comp2schema version 2 (for the component registry). …
12:21 CmdiXsdIssues created by dietuyt
12:16 CMDI edited by dietuyt
added link to CmdiXsdIssues (diff)
10:00 Changeset [483] by oschonef
- more conforming Accept-Encoding handling (however, lax …
07:39 Changeset [482] by patdui
07:25 Changeset [481] by patdui
07:15 Changeset [480] by patdui
* added type parameter and always search in profile metadata for …
07:15 Changeset [479] by patdui
* added type paramater for querying isocat service. conceptlinks in …


13:50 Changeset [478] by patdui
* put isocat url in configuration file
13:34 Changeset [477] by patdui
* streaming of xsd and xml data instead of generating and then sending …
11:19 Changeset [476] by alekoe
now linking to cmdi in resourceref
10:13 Changeset [475] by patdui
* indenting xsd with one space compromise between small and readable
09:49 Changeset [474] by alekoe
now also converting corpus files
08:34 Changeset [473] by patdui
* fixed test
08:15 Changeset [472] by patdui
* added pingSession webservice can be queried by client to keep …
08:11 Changeset [471] by patdui
* added ping service to keep client session alive. * Made description …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.