

21:31 Changeset [1467] by gaba
SRU queries added


11:39 Ticket #58 (OLAC mdselflink should be the origin) closed by dietuyt
fixed: Done in the new olac2cmdi.xsl which is currently used.
10:28 Changeset [1466] by dietuyt
Added a script that generates an xml mapping file based on …


14:40 Changeset [1465] by twagoo
Registry impl: update component no longer checks whether user space …
14:39 Changeset [1464] by twagoo
Made abstract descriptions serializable (defined root element)
14:37 Changeset [1463] by twagoo
Fixed component usage REST call implementation
14:01 Changeset [1462] by twagoo
Added /components/usage/{componentId} to rest interface that allows …
12:43 Ticket #133 (unicode chars are garbled up for migrated components) closed by twagoo
fixed: Fixed in [1451], deployed as 1.8.1 on 30/6/2011
12:42 Ticket #126 (Update documentation after functional modifications) closed by twagoo
fixed: Updated in trunk [1460], merged to 1.8.x tags [1461]
12:39 Changeset [1461] by twagoo
Merged documentation updates in trunk that also apply to tagged 1.8 …
12:36 Changeset [1460] by twagoo
Updated documentation for new features in 1.8 (#126)
10:08 Changeset [1459] by twagoo
Fixed RegisterResponseTest? to include required attribute …


13:33 Changeset [1458] by dietuyt
Removed the outdated CSC entity (hotpage) and replaced it with the new …


09:41 Changeset [1457] by patdui
* moved patch changes to trunk
07:47 Changeset [1456] by patdui
#Ticket 47: I added the description field next to the name in the …


21:54 Changeset [1455] by gaba
sru-reader first version
13:35 Changeset [1454] by twagoo
Merged changes from 1.8.1 (see tag) patch
13:25 Changeset [1453] by twagoo
Undid erroneous merge, 'scuse me
13:07 Changeset [1452] by twagoo
Merged changes from 1.8.1 (see tag) patch
12:02 Changeset [1451] by twagoo
Patch to fix UTF-8 issues in ComponentRegistry-1.8, see ticket #133
08:26 Changeset [1450] by patdui
cleaned up imports


12:14 Changeset [1449] by patdui
* patch of 2.3.1 to head
12:11 Changeset [1448] by herste
Some debugging (mainly of configuration files) for ticket #44
10:13 Changeset [1447] by patdui
updated changes
10:10 Changeset [1446] by patdui
10:10 Changeset [1445] by patdui
10:10 Changeset [1444] by patdui
10:10 Changeset [1443] by patdui
10:09 Changeset [1442] by patdui
10:09 Changeset [1441] by patdui
10:06 Changeset [1440] by patdui
* disabled handle resolving, doesn't work in clarin server see ticket: …
10:04 Changeset [1439] by patdui
add clarin server config
08:39 Ticket #136 (HandleResolver does not work on catalog.clarin.eu server) created by patdui
The handleResolver api is used to get the name of a resource based on …
08:38 Changeset [1438] by herste
Attempt at resolving Ticket #44, ready for a first test Now the fixed …
08:30 Changeset [1437] by herste
Attempt at resolving Ticket #44, ready for a first test


15:32 Ticket #135 (improve vlo in search engines) created by patdui
Searching for something like the language "Trumai vlo" in google gives …
12:46 Changeset [1436] by vronk
new configuration file for the user-workspace (one file for all users, …
12:35 Ticket #134 (Save private components should work even when component is used) created by patdui
Create profile and reference to a private component. If you now edit …


21:42 Changeset [1435] by gaba
publishing bookmarksets corrections of workspacehandling
14:17 Ticket #133 (unicode chars are garbled up for migrated components) created by patdui
For instance: …
12:05 Changeset [1434] by patdui
Fixed Trac Ticket #132 Escaped the dataprovider name so it is properly …
12:04 Ticket #132 (Delete by dataprovider needs to escape spaces to work properly) closed by patdui
12:04 Ticket #132 (Delete by dataprovider needs to escape spaces to work properly) created by patdui
During import you can specify <property name="deleteFirst" …


12:49 Changeset [1433] by dietuyt
Deleted useless file.
12:39 CmdiDataSources edited by dietuyt
12:32 Changeset [1432] by dietuyt
Added a MdDisplayCollectionName? element
11:19 Changeset [1431] by vronk
profile2VC.xsl generic object-select
08:45 FederatedSearch edited by vronk
adding link to ccsResource.xsd (diff)
08:44 FCS-spec edited by vronk
adding link to ccsResource.xsd (diff)
07:32 Changeset [1430] by vronk
minor comments
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.