
Version 9 (modified by, 9 years ago) (diff)


CCR Editor

This page is intended as a place for various information and input on the CCR Editor: Comments, requests for functionality/content/interface, discussions, etc.

User interface


  1. In single concept view, label clearly the information fields holding language, concept scheme and skos collection. It is not always self evident to see which is which.
  2. Search profile specification (in left pane and in search profile dialog): When it comes to selecting which concept scheme/collection/SKOS collection to search in, it appears that "none selected" and "all selected" are equivalent, they both implies that all schemes/collections should be searched. I find this very confusing, and would prefer that indiscriminate search in all items of a list (e.g. all concept schemes) is visualised in one and only one way.
  • _Example:_
    • I created a search profile Everything by painstakingly checking all concept schemes and SKOS collections. In the left pane of the search interface, this profile is visualised with all collections and schemes checked. On the other hand, the profile Default is visualised (in the left pane) which no scheme/collection checked. Both profiles give identical search result on the same query, and I take that as an indication of the profiles themselves being identical. Or is the query formed through the profile Everything different from that of Default, even though it gives the same result?
  • _Proposal:_ *Default search should be (indiscriminate) search in all items of the collection/scheme lists (like now). At all times this should be visualised by all items being checked (unlike now).

For each list, provide a button toggling between selecting and deselecting all items. This could be called, e.g. Any concept scheme (rather than All concept schemes) to emphasise the lack of interest in specific concept schemes.

Concept schemes, SKOS collections and collections


  1. Provide edit and view mode for single items. At present, the only thing one can do is to create new ones and delete existing items.
  2. Provide information about each SKOS collection and Concept scheme, in terms of short descriptions. (I suspect that the current, rather meager tables under the Manage <X> tabs are a result of there not being much more information to show). However, most users of CCR editor will not use it very frequently, so distinct and logical information is of the essence.
  3. A "List all concepts" button for each Concept scheme or SKOS Collection. (This is probably a nice-to-have, since the same may be obtained from the Search, browse and edit page