
Version 3 (modified by, 5 years ago) (diff)


CCR coordinators virtual meeting 2019-03-20



  • DONE [Menzo] new spreadsheet for availability concepts
  • DONE [Menzo] add CMDI BP latex commands to the CCR manual
  • [all] try to define the 10 concepts (in your own column)
  • [all] add your notes/todos/questions/... to sections in the manual



We won't submit an abstract to the CAC19, but we'll apply for a stand at the bazaar.

All coordinators get some additional time to add proposals and comments to the spreadsheet. Lateron, Ineke will focus on *rights*, *right statement* and *licence* and make a proposal/discussion document for those. Menzo will create some additional reports that will also show some example instances.

For the manual we focus now on the guidelines for ourselves. After the discussion of the proposals we'll review the process to see which guidelines we can distil. Lateron, we'll add some history and description of the procedure. Also we can assess then if the can make the manual more general, i.e., interesting for outside of the CLARIN community.

Action list

  • [Ineke] will contact CCR Coordinators who didn't attend to encourage more active participation
  • [all, in March] fill out the doodle for the next meeting (end of April)
  • [all, in March] add your proposal and comments to the 'availability' sheet
  • [Menzo] generate reports on the profile, component and example instances for *rights*, *right statement* and *licence*
  • [Ineke] aggregate the proposals and comments for *rights*, *right statement* and *licence* into one proposal/discussion document per concept

Attachments (1)

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