Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of CMD2RDF/sysarch

09/08/14 10:12:12 (10 years ago)
Menzo Windhouwer



  • CMD2RDF/sysarch

    v7 v8  
     133== CMD-RDF
     135Instead of exposing Virtuoso directly the CMD-RDF is the main access point to the Virtuoso triple store. This servlet should provide or support the following interfaces:
     137* a SPARQL endpoint
     138* a REST API
     139* if needed a browser UI, but a generic UI might be based on the SPARQL endpoint
     140* an admin interface to see how CMD2RDF is behaving
     142=== SPARQL endpoint
     144Should in principle follow the [ query operation part of the SPARQL 1.1 protocol]. This might be limited by what Virtuoso actually [ supports], but the servlet layer might be able to amend some shortcomings. To prevent burdening the server to heavily the SPARQL endpoint should be limited in the following ways:
     146* only queries should be allowed, i.e., no updates
     147* queries should be limited in their running time, e.g., a minute (?)
     148* only a limited number of concurrent queries are allowed
     150All or some of these limits might already be supported by Virtuoso.
     152=== REST API
     154Each CMD record corresponds to a single graph which has an unique URI, e.g., It should become possible to access these graphs by just resolving these URIs. This can be a simple wrapper around [ Virtuosos support] for [ SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol], where again only GETs should be supported.
     156Additionally it should become possible to retrieve sets of graphs, e.g., to get all the graphs of TLA CMD records. The return could be one big [ TriG] document or, probably more convenient, a ZIP file containing the RDF representations of the records.
     158=== Browser
     160Preferably expose a generic browser, e.g., [ Elda].
     162=== Admin
     164Administrators should be able to see the status of CMD2RDF, e.g., how many graphs are stored in Virtuoso, access statistics, conversion statistics, process info.
     166Access to the admin console can be restricted to a configured set of Shibboleth principals.
    133168== Questions, Issues, Discussion